How many strict chest-to-bar pull-ups can you do in a row ?


Brown Belt
Mar 21, 2016
Reaction score
Strict form, starts from a full dead hang and your chest touches the bar, not only your chin, but for the last reps it's ok if it's only your chin because you re grinding.

Also no kipping like they do in CrossFit, strict form but once again it's ok if there is some movement of the legs for the last 2-3 reps because it's a grind game so understandable.

I'm talking something like this :

I can do 11 strict pull-ups (pronated grip)
13 neutral grip
13 chin-ups (supinated grip)
12 on rings (you can turn the hands it's great if you're injured)

Can also do 8 L-Sit Pull ups (better lat stretch, great for lower lats, also burns your abs and hip flexors)

I'm also 37 with herniated discs, golfers elbow and a hip problem so there's that.
Peak was 18.

Now? 3 maybe. Gives me golfers elbow when i'm over 95kg (210) which I currently am.
Peak was 18.

Now? 3 maybe. Gives me golfers elbow when i'm over 95kg (210) which I currently am.

I suggest you try Ring Pull Ups. I've been dealing with golfer's elbow on and off since late 2021 and the ring version is a total game changer. No pain.

The fact that you can rotate the rings means they adapt to your body, not the other way around like with the bar.

Try it and tell me, you won't regret it.

Ever since I had surgery on my left shoulder in '22, I can't lift my arm high enough to perform pull ups without significant pain.

I do a lot of pulling exercises, but they are variations on Deadlifts and Rows.
My record was 23 chins and 20 pullups. I definitely do not kip, but not sure if it fits your requirements. I just made sure chin clears the bar. Nowadays, I don't think I've done over 12. With having a pullup bar in the house, I do a lot more sets than reps. I'll even do as low as 4 reps a set, but 12-15 sets.
Maybe 10-15 range? Never tried dead hang maxing out. Haven't been able to do a pull up in 2 months current shoulder mobility not allowing overhead.

Like you said much prefer rings over the bar, especially for muscle ups
Maybe 10-15 range? Never tried dead hang maxing out. Haven't been able to do a pull up in 2 months current shoulder mobility not allowing overhead.

Like you said much prefer rings over the bar, especially for muscle ups

Rings are really a game changer. For muscle ups you can push trough the rings which makes it way more easier. With bar muscle ups you have to go above and behind the bar then come back which I find harder.

Mind you I do the muscle ups with band assistance, I haven't been able to do them without it yet. Which is strange considering my max weighted pull up is a +25KG 1RM and max chin-up (supinated) +30KG.

But somehow I can't clean a muscle up without a resistance band helping me. So frustrating.
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Rings are really a game changer. For muscle ups you can push trough the rings which makes it way more easier. Witbar muscle you have to go above and behind the bar then come back which I find harder.

Mind you I do the muscle ups with band assistance, I haven't been able to do them without it yet. Which is strange considering my max weighted pull up is a +25KG 1RM and max chin-up (supinated) +30KG.

But somehow I can't clean a muscle up without a resistance band helping me. So frustrating.
Transition is a mother. If you can't get your wrist over the top, you aren't going up. Took a while to get wrist used to that new pulling sensation, but it really helps forearm power.
Everybody who posted a number actually touching their chest to the bar? I'm doubting. Not even saying it would normally be done that way but that's what TS asked for. With some momentum it can be done of course but once you lose that explosiveness and have to settle for "normal" speed that's crazy tough. If you are actually doing it on each of the reps posted that's damn impressive, kudos.
My record was 22 some years ago. I can do 10 now. Been pretty inconsistent with workouts over the last 2 years.
Not many. Plus , I don't need them. I'm already 6'3 with crazy long arms , not many things out of reach...
I suggest you try Ring Pull Ups. I've been dealing with golfer's elbow on and off since late 2021 and the ring version is a total game changer. No pain.

The fact that you can rotate the rings means they adapt to your body, not the other way around like with the bar.

Try it and tell me, you won't regret it.

Yeah I've got a bunch of niggles right now and have had for a while and the rings allow me to still do pull ups which I'm grateful for. Any other grip is a no go for one reason or another.
Around 20 at 180-190 lbs. Personally I've really never cared for pull ups. I can't ever recall dedicating more than a handful of weeks doing them. I bet I can do a lot more but they are just boring to me
not many pull-ups have always been a weakness for me
so I have been using the weight assisted pull up machine to help get my numbers up
someday I will get to the 10+ crew