How many miles do you run a week?


White Belt
Apr 3, 2008
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I just started working out at the beginning of this year, I never wrestled or did any martial arts before. I am 31 years old 6'4" and I started out at a weight of 262 pounds. I am 5 months into working out and I am 232 pounds, I started running and by the way I have allways hated running and have not run before now since I was a sophmore in high school. I am currently running about 3 miles when I run about 3-4 times a week, my other workout consists of boxing, kickboxing, and BJJ.

My question is how many miles do you or should you run a week. I am working out to lose weight and a little rehab other than that for fun. I could never fight other than maybe a boxing match because I have a steel plate in my left humorous and I have had a cervical fusion in my neck C6-C7 with a steel plate there.

My other question is, is ok to run slow if you are going for long distance then do a sprint for the last 1/4 mile or so. I also would like input on trail and hill running. Any help would be great. If this is a continuing thread I am sorry I am pretty new and this is the first thread I have ever started.
I can't answer your question as I'm not an experienced runner. But you need to go over to the S&P forum and read the FAQ and start lifting weights as well. Strength training is a huge part of an overall fitness program. Much more important than running.
Unless you are training to run faster in a running race that is more than a 5K, you don't really need to be running more. Keep changing it up and you will see results over time.

At my peak of running I was running about 60 miles per week, but I was not doing any exercising besides that. Now I run about 20.
I've been running between 15 and 20/wk lately.

Dropped twenty pounds.
At least 20 miles a week for me- love it.

You should run as much as you can handle. Make sure you wear sweats and keep yourself warm to sweat more- won't necessarily help you lose fat faster (sweater more) but it's good for your body.
used to run about 15-18 miles a week

ive decreased my LSD by alot because i been hittin up the HIIT a lot more
About 10-15 right now. I cut down on cardio because I'm focusing on strength.

All I recommend is listen to your body.
so far thank you all for your input it will help me out alot!!
I run between 15 and 30 miles a week depending on how my knees feel and if I feel like I'm getting heavy. When I get to 30 miles per week, I usually break it into 2 a days, meaning maybe 3 miles in the morning and 2 before I go to bed.
It's not really about how many miles you log. You'll benefit more with less distance and higher intensities. Read up on HIIT and check out the FAQs.

And to echo an earlier poster: Running is only part of the picture in a good fitness program. Strength-training should be included, too.
I only run about 6 miles a week. 2 miles at a time around 3 days a week. I need to run more. I do alot more strength training, burpees, heavy bag, Bas Rutten tapes, circuits, etc. It also doesn't help that it was winter not too long ago.
key to running is buliding a running base. that means building up your mileage. A rule i learned from reading several expert running books. never increase your weekly mileage by more than 10% or injury is more likely. start out with like 10-15 miles a week, and increase 10% or less each week, unitl u reach like 20-25 miles a week. that should be enough, but if you want to run more go ahead. try to keep runs under 15 mile runs, long distance running can be bad for yourself or less u know what your doing. im currently doing 20-25 might go to 30 but will stop at around 30 miles and focus on speed once there
I usually do between 3.1 and 5 miles each outing. I'm gonna try moving up to 8 but that will be time consuming for me. Maybe 8 once per week.
None. I HATE running. My exercise routine consists of:
1. bas rutten all around workout 1x per week
2. bas rutten thai boxing workout w/ heavy bag 1x week
3. lift 3 times per week
4. play tennis 2x per week
5. play volleyball 1x per week
6. ride/race dirt bikes 1x per week

I've lost about 25lbs in the last year and am about as ripped as I can possibly be (very little fat). My cardio is also not too bad. I can play 2 hours of singles tennis at a high pace or do a 2.5 hour dirt bike race just fine.
I go through phases when it comes to running. I have a good route which is about 5 miles distance and has a nasty steep hill after about 3 miles that is half a mile long. I used to run about 5 times a week but lately I've been running about 1-2 times a week. It just varies with me, I tend to do a lot of LSD running when my body doesn't feel like doing more intense fitness. I find that it's a good form or active rest/recovery. So at present about 5-10 miles per week.
I run about 12 - 15 miles per week, now that when im picking up sprint intervals this will decrease