Bro, 500lbs squat for reps is impressive anywhere lol. What you describe are more hardcore, purely powerlifting/bodybuilding gyms. There’s one in Brooklyn called Elite Barbell. You can check their IG. I’ve seen some impressive lifters there. The guys that I see at my commercial gym I think may go to small meets recreationally, as a way to motivate training, but that’s all. They are a step above weekend warriors, but not professional athletes either.
Very unlikely I’ll ever see a 600lbs squat or 700 dead at my gym. I saw a Russian guy squat 700lbs at a gym I used to go to for a short while, but he was an ex-Olympian and was there to teach some Olympic Lifting classes. I remember looking him up and he had popped for juice in some Olympic games years ago. That was crazy to see and everyone stopped to watch and cheer. There was a guy who used to come to my current gym, who I saw squat 545 and deadlift 600 or so. He wasn’t a big. Very short guy, probably weighed 180lbs or something at most, so pretty strong. I think he lifts in a purely powerlifting focused gym now. I’ve seen 500lbs squats maybe 3 or 4 times in 10 years, 600 lb deads maybe 2 or 3 times in that period. 405 bench, maybe once or twice. This older lady I think deadlifts 365 at like 50 something, which I think is impressive for her age bracket and size.