How Do You Feel About Joesph Valtellini Chances at Capturing Glory Belt

I thought the de Bonte vs Valtelini fight was 46-46 and Mark shod have keep the belt as after 5 rounds there are no extra rounds and in case of a draw the Champion keeps the belt

10-9 Valtelini
10-9 Valtelini
10-8 Valtelini
10-8 de Bonte
10-8 de Bonte

No 10-8 rounds in Glory without a knockdown
I think Glory should use the same 10 point scoring standards that they have in MMA
(10-10 if the round is even, 10-9 if the round is close but one is winning, 10-8 if one fighter is winning by a big margin and 10-7 if the opponent is getting whooped and isn't able to do anything significant back, like getting your face punched off and dropped twice) and that a knockdown in tournaments results in a loss of a point.

For example:
If you were having a close round but you are winning, it should be a 10-9 for you obviously, but if you also have a knockdown in that round your opponent loses a point and it becomes a 10-8. If you were to lose a round by 10-9 but get a knockdown, the round becomes a 9-9 round.
This is how i think knockdowns should be scored in tournaments.
In normal fights i don't think they should be a loss of a point or an automatic 10-8, it should just mean that a fighter who is losing the the round is losing the round by a bigger margin, or that a fighter who is dominating a round is actually having a close round/losing.

I personally think this is a better scoring system because i don't think it would be fair if you get a 10-8 round for getting a knockdown while you were losing the rest of the round.

The 10-8 rule if you get knocked down is used in boxing(although you can also get a 10-8 by dominating a round, unlike in the Glory kickboxing scoring), but it works better in boxing because you have more rounds.