Hiker missing for 10 days found alive


I think he covered his face with dirt cause he has albinism. Its better than suncream.
Unsure how anyone gets lost there for long. It's not the middle of nowhere. Itszline getting lost 10 days in a Chicago forest persefve. Just follow the fun fire dummy.
i find it impossible that he became lost in that area for five days, and he didn't come across anyone, or no one came across him. boulder creek isn't in the middle of nowhere. there are lots of small towns and hotels in the area, along with small roads with hermits living around, etc. i agree with those saying he probably went on a day's-long bender, and finally came out of it and realized he's fucking lost.
If you go hiking you should always carry a compass and know the terrain. Like look at a map and note where the roads are and how far from the center of the area you plan to hike they are. Most places in the US are not so remote that you have to travel more than 10 miles in any direction to find a road. If you know there is a road in every direction in less than 10 miles walk and you know which direction you are going because of the compass you should be able to easily find a road. Average person can travel 2-3 mph unless it's really dense terrain. If you know there's a road to the north and you hear no traffic on any other road near by, you likely have less then 8 miles to travel no matter which way you go. So you should be able to walk out in no more than 4 hours.

Most people that get lost don't bring a compass and don't know where the roads or other possible points of contact are or they get injured so they can't walk out.
It's a pseudo myth, rooted in truth. Moss will be predominantly on the north in northern hemisphere and south in southern. A dense canopy will allow moss to grow on any side of the tree.

I was lost in the Himalayas for a month until I remembered the moss. The miss saved my life. Butt sure it’s a myth whatever you say maggot
It says he went for a day hike in the mountains near Boulder Creek, CA and the landmarks he's familiar with were damaged in a fire so everything looked different and he got lost.

But I looked at Boulder Creek, CA on Google maps and it looks like whichever mountains he chose, if he walked about 4-8 miles in any direction, he would've found civilization. How the fuck was he lost for 10 days?
So this is right near where I live and for some reason none of the news stories are reporting an extremely important detail about this… the guy who was lost is legally blind! I don’t know why but that has been left out of almost all the news reports on this. I can also say it is very thick forest but the main thing is he’s blind
So this is right near where I live and for some reason none of the news stories are reporting an extremely important detail about this… the guy who was lost is legally blind! I don’t know why but that has been left out of almost all the news reports on this. I can also say it is very thick forest but the main thing is he’s blind
His vision must not be that bad if he hikes alone. But yeah this detail is pretty important. It means he's not necessary the idiot that I thought he was.

Fucking lying media!
Boulder Creek sounds exotic but it is just code for meth lab. Some strange folk in that part
10 shitty days for sure. He looks like he's been out there 10 weeks lol.

I'm about 25 minutes from Boulder Creek (which is absolutly gorgeous and great for hiking) and I'm wondering how the hell you get lost there. It's got Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley and Davenport to the south and the Pacific ocean to the west and south. North East is Los Gatos, Saratoga and west side of San Jose.

He must have either walk northwest into deep forest or started his hiking trip with a historic dose of psychedelics. I've gone hiking there like 50 times over the years, it's awesome. Tripped balls out there a number of times too.

Glad dude was found, that has to be scary to get lost in a thick forest off trail. He must have not been prepared for that situation.
He's gotta be mentally ill. Lol at getting lost in Big Basin.
This is why I don’t do that shit. Shark attacks, getting stuck in caves, getting lost in the woods, falling off a rock face you’re climbing - all things that happen to people with way too much confidence and not enough humility. Life is hard enough when you don’t try to fuck with nature.

White people shit.
You guys think he jacked off while he was lost? I bet he did
If he got it out in the first day, sure. After he was lost, and dehydrated?? I dont know. Hard to spit on that thang when your mouth is dry from dehydration. Maybe use some sap?
When I was young me and and two friends did a bunch of mushrooms and went bushwhacking in the pitch black
Started up a trail then just headed off straight into the woods

After a while We saw some lights. So we headed towards it and came upon a building we thought at first was some crazy church in the middle of the woods
But it ended up just being somebody’s house that backed the woods lol
Good times
Ran through the property to the front street and we were just like a block out from the local park lol
When I was young me and and two friends did a bunch of mushrooms and went bushwhacking in the pitch black
Started up a trail then just headed off straight into the woods

After a while We saw some lights. So we headed towards it and came upon a building we thought at first was some crazy church in the middle of the woods
But it ended up just being somebody’s house that backed the woods lol
Good times
Ran through the property to the front street and we were just like a block out from the local park lol
Ahhhh, good ol fashioned tripping stories. Nothing better
I don't understand why this is big time national news.. This guy is making the rounds everywhere.. I expect him to start appearing on podcast..

10 days is not a big deal.. I can fast for 2 weeks only taking in water. I live in the South and I grew up in the backwoods. 10 days in the wilderness is a vacation

Ok Mr Badass.