Crime High end brothel network in the DC area, used by politicians busted

Yea i was just thinking europes biggest brothel in germany is the size of a big hotel with flashy pink lights and no one cares lol

Biggest one here is in NSW I think, can't remember the name but it's 4 storey and is known as four floors of whores
Biggest one here is in NSW I think, can't remember the name but it's 4 storey and is known as four floors of whores

Yea the europe one looks like this

Havent visited myself but it was in our news last week with news title "things every man should experience" lmao
Weird everyone is just writing this off. What if the prostitues are victims of human/sex trafficking? That is a bit different than some strong, independent womans hustle, and a much bigger issue than simply prostitution.

I mean, dude def look like some jerk involved with human/sex trafficking.


Moreover, not only do they look like they could be involved in human trafficking, they also look like foreigners who could be blackmailing people who use their establishment
High end brothels operated in MA, DC suburbs, likely CA too, frequented by some of the elites of big tech and politics.

Crazy that none of the "politicians, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, lawyers, scientists and accountants" are charged.

Especially when all their info was collected by the brothel network, because clients "were instructed to fill out forms with detailed personal information, including their names, addresses, employers, and a “reference if they have one"

Wonder if the DOJ/FBI will lose the client list/info like in the Epstein case. If the DOJ is saying they have dirt on all these people, it will looked hella corrupt if some names don't drop.

Not sure why you'd care about us. You told us all a few years back when Trump was caught paying a porn star for sex, lying about it, and then using campaign funds to bribe her into remaining silent; that a politicians sex life was of no concern to you.

Surely you weren't just saying that because it was Donny, were you?
I wonder how much money and time was spent on this investigation. Meanwhile, you have young teens carjacking and robbing people in DC and other major cities.
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Weird everyone is just writing this off. What if the prostitues are victims of human/sex trafficking? That is a bit different than some strong, independent womans hustle, and a much bigger issue than simply prostitution.

I mean, dude def look like some jerk involved with human/sex trafficking.


Moreover, not only do they look like they could be involved in human trafficking, they also look like foreigners who could be blackmailing people who use their establishment
the sentiment here seems to be that it should be legal, and if it was legal then presumably there'd be some regulation/oversight to try and prevent trafficking.
the sentiment here seems to be that it should be legal, and if it was legal then presumably there'd be some regulation/oversight to try and prevent trafficking.

I get that sentiment. But for instance, in states where weed is legal, there are still lots of illegal grow operations and black market for it still thriving.

would think that would be even more so with prostitution due to more niche fetishes, etc.

If anything, making it legal makes it easier for illegal operations to fall through the cracks, especially with human sex trafficking cause regular people who may notice something, may then brush off a victim of that as someone just doing something legal. Like if a neighbor saw a girl be dropped off at someone’s house by a pimp, they may say, “why would I call the cops if that is legal?”, when the girl still could be a human trafficking victim, despite the sex for money itself being legal
I get that sentiment. But for instance, in states where weed is legal, there are still lots of illegal grow operations and black market for it still thriving.

would think that would be even more so with prostitution due to more niche fetishes, etc.

If anything, making it legal makes it easier for illegal operations to fall through the cracks, especially with human sex trafficking cause regular people who may notice something, may then brush off a victim of that as someone just doing something legal. Like if a neighbor saw a girl be dropped off at someone’s house by a pimp, they may say, “why would I call the cops if that is legal?”, when the girl still could be a human trafficking victim, despite the sex for money itself being legal
I can see that, and I haven't really looked into it but I would guess in countries where it's been legal for a while like Netherlands, there's much less trafficking than there would be if it were illegal. Then again in the US booze prohibition ended almost 100 years ago but some people still make and sell illegal moonshine.
I can see that, and I haven't really looked into it but I would guess in countries where it's been legal for a while like Netherlands, there's much less trafficking than there would be if it were illegal. Then again in the US booze prohibition ended almost 100 years ago but some people still make and sell illegal moonshine.

actually, Netherlands is one of the worst countries for human trafficking. It is easy to hide because it is legal. Especially foreigners who are trafficked internationally, as well as minors.

One of the problems is that it is legal, which makes it easier to hide in plain sight.

According to the US state department, it is a top 5 country in the world for trafficking

Netherlands is also a child sex tourism destination, sounds like it is really working out well
High end brothels operated in MA, DC suburbs, likely CA too, frequented by some of the elites of big tech and politics.

Crazy that none of the "politicians, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, lawyers, scientists and accountants" are charged.

Especially when all their info was collected by the brothel network, because clients "were instructed to fill out forms with detailed personal information, including their names, addresses, employers, and a “reference if they have one"

Wonder if the DOJ/FBI will lose the client list/info like in the Epstein case. If the DOJ is saying they have dirt on all these people, it will looked hella corrupt if some names don't drop.

- I've been told that you shound't give your information on this type of place.o_O

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