Crime High end brothel network in the DC area, used by politicians busted

Why doesn't DC or MD just legalize brothels and make bank? There's a lot of money in that area and a lot of people willing (and eager) to do dirty things.
Because they pretend that it doesn't exist.
It would look bad to come out and legalize it so they can use it for their own personal use.
- I've been told that you shound't give your information on this type of place.o_O

for reals. Perhaps it is no coincidence that this story broke the same day the house voted on a new, centralized, $300 million new FBI headquarters. “Fund our new headquarters or else bitches”.

amazing 70 republicans voted for it, despite crying for years now that the fbi and DOJ has become weaponized.
I wonder how much money and time was spent on this investigation. Meanwhile, you have you g teens carjacking and robbing people in DC and other major cities.
I'm cool with them investigating this.

Prostitution is way to blackmail policy makers.

It's one of the easiest ways to revoke a security clearance.
The main part about this story is that if the names of clients are unreleased, they are RIPE for blackmail. Think of it.

"Politician X" has to screen/verify to gain entry. This requires his actual government ID, a picture of himself, and more. Now he sees however many girls he wants. Place gets busted. SOMEONE has that info from the client list and cell phone. Info "leaks" to certain hands. Now Politician X is contacted that if he doesn't do action xyz photos of him verifying leak to his wife/the media/etc.

Smashing chicks isn't the issue. Them being compromised is.
The main part about this story is that if the names of clients are unreleased, they are RIPE for blackmail. Think of it.

"Politician X" has to screen/verify to gain entry. This requires his actual government ID, a picture of himself, and more. Now he sees however many girls he wants. Place gets busted. SOMEONE has that info from the client list and cell phone. Info "leaks" to certain hands. Now Politician X is contacted that if he doesn't do action xyz photos of him verifying leak to his wife/the media/etc.

Smashing chicks isn't the issue. Them being compromised is.
A bunch of married dudes are sweating bullets right now, lol. You’ve got to be a special kind of stupid to provide id and references at a whorehouse.

Who didn't think this was happening?

madison cawthorn tried to get us in the know about all of these cocaine-fueled orgies that were happening but then mitch got mad and the GOP cancelled madison cawthorn and then wheeled him out the door.

now we gotta triple wrap that shit and settle for a bunch of D.C. Street Meat because the GOP are trying to keep all the high-class whores to themselves.

i mean if the taxpayers are paying their salaries and they are out there doing lines off of strippers asses and then riding the ho train, congressmen and senators should have to divulge the locationsof their whorehouses through the freedom of information act.
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madison cawthorn tried to get us in the know about all of these cocaine-fueled orgies that were happening but then mitch got mad and the GOP cancelled madison cawthorn and then wheeled him out the door.

now we gotta triple wrap that shit and settle for a bunch of D.C. Street Meat because the GOP are trying to keep all the high-class whores to themselves.

i mean if the taxpayers are paying their salaries and they are out there doing lines off of strippers asses and then riding the ho train, congressmen and senators should have to divulge the locationsof their whorehouses through the freedom of information act.

Oh ... you think this is exclusive to a party or new? Teddy Kennedy is laughing in his grave. Apparently, politicians are some of the most depraved people?
Oh ... you think this is exclusive to a party or new? Teddy Kennedy is laughing in his grave. Apparently, politicians are some of the most depraved people?
The fatcats in DC get to enjoy the "high end" "brothels", meanwhile the common man has to live by the greatest line Cheech ever delivered.

And these are the people in USA trust amd listen to every word lol it is what it is but stop b.s. when somebody say something about about dems or Republicans and act like somebody just shot your famili member
Why doesn't DC or MD just legalize brothels and make bank? There's a lot of money in that area and a lot of people willing (and eager) to do dirty things.

This goes back to a discussion/argument that I dropped at the dinner table of my ex-inlaws. Everyone was complaining about new tolls being levied at the bridges and tunnels of our land locked city.

I told them that I have a 3 part solution that would make up for it and draw in business.
And Brothels

FFWD to today and we have 2 of the 3 in our city.

Sometimes when you are treated like the redheaded step child, you need to step up and act the part.