Crime High end brothel network in the DC area, used by politicians busted


Steel Belt
Apr 3, 2002
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High end brothels operated in MA, DC suburbs, likely CA too, frequented by some of the elites of big tech and politics.

Crazy that none of the "politicians, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, lawyers, scientists and accountants" are charged.

Especially when all their info was collected by the brothel network, because clients "were instructed to fill out forms with detailed personal information, including their names, addresses, employers, and a “reference if they have one"

Wonder if the DOJ/FBI will lose the client list/info like in the Epstein case. If the DOJ is saying they have dirt on all these people, it will looked hella corrupt if some names don't drop.

The congressmen might be grumpier than usual today.
Man, a brothel that requires a reference to get into!? That's some classy shit. I'd love to see a transcript of some of those reference checks.