International Hezbollah pager explosions kill several people in Lebanon

Go on then chief explain to me how the ten year old girl wasn't completely innocent

Change your disc. IF a girl this age died( terrorist organization usually are lying about victims), she wasn't a target at first. Contrary to the women, children, babies deliberately killed the 10/7/2023, all the civilians killed by Hezbollah in Paris during september 1986 and in other occasions, in the same country, and others.
Change your disc. IF a girl this age died( terrorist organization usually are lying about victims), she wasn't a target at first. Contrary to the women, children, babies deliberately killed the 10/7/2023, all the civilians killed by Hezbollah in Paris during september 1986 and in other occasions, in the same country, and others.

You said nobody was completely innocent.
Sure, but slime like you will only believe sources from Pissrael and their terrorists allies.


Explosions in phone stores across the country indicate the tampered shipment was meant for the general public and not just Hezbollah members.

And in your sources they are all civilians because they say so.

That's the typical bullshit any time any terrorist is taking out by your sources.

I'm sure some civilians were caught up in this especially the families and supporters of the targets.
Sure, but slime like you will only believe sources from Pissrael and their terrorists allies.


Explosions in phone stores across the country indicate the tampered shipment was meant for the general public and not just Hezbollah members.

Israel needs to be held accountable for its terrorism but it will not b/c of .....
on October 7th not only did they not lay down their arms, they used them to kill their own people, soldiers and hostages, probably more than Hamas did.
But I'm not asking them to not defend themselves, I'm asking that they don't commit genocide and war crimes, that they don't try to expand the conflict in order to drag the US into it (any further than complicity in genocide).

What about the poor Palestinian children who get 2000lb bombs dropped on their tents?
How about the journalists and activists who the IDF target and murder?
What about the Palestinian hostages?

Israel has killed more Palestinians than vice versa even as of 10/08.
And they've abused the Palestinian population for decades.
Concession accepted
Change your disc. IF a girl this age died( terrorist organization usually are lying about victims), she wasn't a target at first. Contrary to the women, children, babies deliberately killed the 10/7/2023, all the civilians killed by Hezbollah in Paris during september 1986 and in other occasions, in the same country, and others.

Now do that for the dozens of thousands of Gazan kids murdered the past 11 months
You can always turn the clock back and argue so and so started it. Suffice to say the conflict goes back before 1947 and there's bloody hands on "both sides" as much as I hate to say that kind of thing.

Pretty much all the Arab monarchies are pro-western and they actually help us out more when we fight in the region. Israel is legitimized because they're supposedly our great ally in the region but they can't actually fight along side us or the other Arab countries won't. So more often than not they don't directly help us. Ukraine in fact was part of the coalition of the willing into Iraq but not Israel.

Of course between Israel and Iran I will choose Israel but that's a silly question. As far as the US ally tier list goes I'm ranking Canada, the UK, and even Japan higher than Israel by two tiers. That's why it kills me that Biden will block the acquisition of US Steel by Nippon Steel but he'll hand over F-35s to Israel so they can bomb tunnels. We'll subsidize an illegal occupation but we can't let a close ally acquire one of our companies? What kind of priorities are these?
All NATO allies are more important than Israel. Other than that you have South Korea, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Ukraine.
Taiwan, Korea and Japan are important to contain China, the only competing power to the US. Israel is used to contain what exactly? Iran? Hamas? Lol, these guys only hate the US in the first place due to Israel.
Also, in strategic terms, if not reliable due to ideology the Arab monarchies are much more important, particularly Saudi Arabia.
This is some wild shit. Can't believe Israel did some shit like that.
They have been doing this kind of stuff since they first came to the land. In one instance they blew up a boat filled with their own people and they all died. In another they blew up a theatre, another a hotel. They literally invented the term terrorists to describe themselves and what they were doing.
Continue to take your information from Hamas, you're entertaining.

Oh so no there aren't thousands of kids that have been killed by Israeli bombs in Gaza ?

Even the most hardcore zionists of this sub would like you to shut up because you make them look like even bigger idiots
Israel 10/10. I believe they have a right to defend themselves and they are incredibly capable (obviously) and are great allies.. but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be told to tone it down sometimes (and it doesn’t make you anti-Semetic to say that) - and they shouldn’t have free rein to kill innocents when fighting the terrorists.
How does that happen though? It’s almost impossible to fight terror orgs without putting civilians at risk.
The lack of humanity on here is sad at times. Little kids did not FAFO, people who just happened to be standing near someone who they might have had no idea was part of Hezbollah and got injured or killed did not FAFO.

If the response is suicide bombers in Tel Aviv then victims of that will not have FAFO.

Sad shit to see anyone cheer.
The lack of humanity on here only goes one way. Its based on a awful mix of Jewish Supremacy and hating Muslims

There is also some ignorance as it seems some posters actually beleive the zionist narrative, that Israel is the victim.
The lack of humanity on here only goes one way. Its based on a awful mix of Jewish Supremacy and hating Muslims

There is also some ignorance as it seems some posters actually beleive the zionist narrative, that Israel is the victim.

Let's be fair, Israel has been the victim.

On Oct 7, they were the victim.

In other events, also a victim.

But for the vast majority of the past year, they have been neither the victim, nor had a valid claim of 'self defence'. It has been one continual, inexcusable massacre.

Now they're randomly blowing shit up with next to no oversight because they were worried they'd get found out.

That's about as far from victimhood as you can possibly get.
It's a completely one sided relationship. The US does not benefit at all from this relationship. It's actually a detriment and a large part of the reason the Middle East hates the US.

Part of the reason we went into Iraq was due to Israel's influence. Here's Netanyahu in front of Congress telling the US to go to war with Iraq laughably claiming it will result in a wave of democracy to sweep the Middle East.

Of course the US benefits. It wants global power and Israel is an ally one of the most strategically important areas of the world.

That the most powerful country in the history of the world somehow gets ordered around by this tiny country just doesn't make sense. The only way it makes sense is if you buy into the far-right, anti-Semitic notion that Jews control the world. That's a dangerous notion but also not empirically true.
Let's be fair, Israel has been the victim.

On Oct 7, they were the victim.

In other events, also a victim.

But for the vast majority of the past year, they have been neither the victim, nor had a valid claim of 'self defence'. It has been one continual, inexcusable massacre.

Now they're randomly blowing shit up with next to no oversight because they were worried they'd get found out.

That's about as far from victimhood as you can possibly get.

It's a rough situation. On the one hand, you never want innocent people to die. On the other, if you don't completely eradicate terrorist organizations, they're going to keep attacking and hurting people. And the way terrorists exploit and abuse innocents for their own protection, you CAN'T get to them without collateral damage.

That said, on a personal level I do admit to a certain level of schadenfreude when countries like Hezbollah and Hamas attack Israel, then start crying and pleading for peace as soon as there's retaliation. Apparently Lebanon fired missiles at Israel the day after the Hamas attack, but now they're begging the UN Security council to stop Israel from attacking back?
All NATO allies are more important than Israel. Other than that you have South Korea, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Ukraine.
Taiwan, Korea and Japan are important to contain China, the only competing power to the US. Israel is used to contain what exactly? Iran? Hamas? Lol, these guys only hate the US in the first place due to Israel.
Also, in strategic terms, if not reliable due to ideology the Arab monarchies are much more important, particularly Saudi Arabia.
Not to mention part of the reason we're supposedly supporting Israel is because they're the only democracy in the region but also we don't support democratization in the region because it would work against Israel's interests.
Change your disc. IF a girl this age died( terrorist organization usually are lying about victims), she wasn't a target at first. Contrary to the women, children, babies deliberately killed the 10/7/2023, all the civilians killed by Hezbollah in Paris during september 1986 and in other occasions, in the same country, and others.

Usuing your logic, there were about 500-600 soldiers who died October 7, with your logic the rest were just collateral
How does that happen though? It’s almost impossible to fight terror orgs without putting civilians at risk.

So I guess October 7th was ok then? Civilians dying is just sad fact of life according to you
Of course the US benefits. It wants global power and Israel is an ally one of the most strategically important areas of the world.

That the most powerful country in the history of the world somehow gets ordered around by this tiny country just doesn't make sense. The only way it makes sense is if you buy into the far-right, anti-Semitic notion that Jews control the world. That's a dangerous notion but also not empirically true.
You don't have to buy into that CT, you just have to realize that questioning our relationship with Israel is extremely risky from a domestic political standpoint. In the GOP they wholeheartedly support Israel for many of the reasons you mentioned earlier so there's little to no organic dissent in regards to Zionism. Among the Democrats the influence of the Jewish constituents on the party makes any such dissent potentially risky for one's career as we saw with Bush and Bowman being pushed out in primaries by AIPAC. Most politicians don't care about this blood feud halfway around the world so its not worth it to expend political capital to reevaluate our relationship with Israel.