International Hezbollah pager explosions kill several people in Lebanon

What do you mean by allowed?

I don’t think it would be wise for the PA to do such a thing.
Sure maybe it is unwise but perhaps its not wise for Israel to escalate against Hezbollah either. That's not the question though, its about whether they have the right to retaliate against terrorists who threaten them.
I think innocent Palestinians being victims of terror in the WB is horrible, as is the whole cycle of violence there, and some Israeli policies and actions there are counterproductive to peace.
Do they have a right to use force to resist the terrorism they face from settlers though? Surely they should have that right of self defense right?
Do they have a right to use force to resist the terrorism they face from settlers though? Surely they should have that right of self defense right?
No, Palestinains have no right to liberate themselves.

Any attempt to do so is terrorism, even though every Israeli Settler is an occupier and will eventually serve in the IDF.
Hezbollah has been raining rockets continuously on Israel. 100,000 displaced. Many killed. And when Israel strikes back with the most targeted attack with the least collateral damage in the history of war all the nazis complain.

If Hezbollah stops attacking, Lebanon has nothing to worry about. If Hamas stops attacking and releases the hostages, the war is over. Since Hamas and Hezbollah will keep attacking civilians, it will continue to be a bad scene for Gaza and it's going to get real bad in Lebanon soon as well. If you care about the folks living there, protest Hamas and Hezbollah.

1. How is it the most targeted attack if they were forced to detonate before they even wanted to and they had no idea where the hundreds of devices even were? If they did it 1 by 1 and knew which ones they were setting off, you could make that case.. but that is NOT what happened. Children were killed and hurt. Innocent bystanders were hurt as well.

2. You really think anyone who questions this attack is a nazi? Very extremist view and very sad. The UN human rights chief must be a nazi as well then since he has already come out and said it violates international humanitarian law.
1. How is it the most targeted attack if they were forced to detonate before they even wanted to and they had no idea where the hundreds of devices even were? If they did it 1 by 1 and knew which ones they were setting off, you could make that case.. but that is NOT what happened. Children were killed and hurt. Innocent bystanders were hurt as well.
Its targeted because the vector for the bomb was a Hezbollah pager so the assumption was the vast majority would be hurting a Hezbollah operative. No method is perfect and its sad there's collateral damage but this does come off like an attempt to really target the Hezbollah operatives.

Compare the pager explosion to something like a car bomb which is much more likely to produce collateral damage.
2. You really think anyone who questions this attack is a nazi? Very extremist view and very sad. The UN human rights chief must be a nazi as well then since he has already come out and said it violates international humanitarian law.
Some Zionists unironically think that international institutions and NGOs are all antisemitic and out to get Israel so I wouldn't be surprised if he bit the bullet on that question and flat out says "yes"
Its targeted because the vector for the bomb was a Hezbollah pager so the assumption was the vast majority would be hurting a Hezbollah operative. No method is perfect and its sad there's collateral damage but this does come off like an attempt to really target the Hezbollah operatives.

Compare the pager explosion to something like a car bomb which is much more likely to produce collateral damage.

Some Zionists unironically think that international institutions and NGOs are all antisemitic and out to get Israel so I wouldn't be surprised if he bit the bullet on that question and flat out says "yes"

Does intent really matter if it is still killing kids and innocents? I think they could have been more precise, but they rushed it and rolled the dice. Yes, it was more precise than a bomb - of course.. and maybe their intent was to be even more precise.. but not sure intent matters when you are still hurting civilians in public and killing kids.

You are right about the 2nd part though. I would not be surprised either LOL - anyone who disagrees with their methods is anti-Semitic apparently.
Does intent really matter if it is still killing kids and innocents? I think they could have been more precise, but they rushed it and rolled the dice. Yes, it was more precise than a bomb - of course.. and maybe their intent was to be even more precise.. but not sure intent matters when you are still hurting civilians in public and killing kids.
Intent absolutely matters. When we speak of things like war crimes intent is often one of the key factors in determining whether a war crime actually occured. War is ugly so even if you operate in good faith you will produce collateral damage but if you're trying to minimize it that does make you morally different from a party that doesn't care or worse actively maximizes collateral damage.
Intent absolutely matters. When we speak of things like war crimes intent is often one of the key factors in determining whether a war crime actually occured. War is ugly so even if you operate in good faith you will produce collateral damage but if you're trying to minimize it that does make you morally different from a party that doesn't care or worse actively maximizes collateral damage.

Based on what I read, I think they were trying to minimize it in their operation in the beginning.. until their tactic was being uncovered (from what I've read anyways.. not sure if that is even confirmed)

At that point, they stopped caring and the original intent went out the window, and they rushed to detonate. I don't know if you can give them credit at that point in time.. when they detonated, they did not care about minimizing the damage. They wanted to maximize it.
The absolute most incredible act of war I’ve ever witnessed
The psychological damage to Hezbollah and the rest of the Islamic terrorists is massive
Israel just keeps making these Bedouins look stupid as fuck
1. How is it the most targeted attack if they were forced to detonate before they even wanted to and they had no idea where the hundreds of devices even were? If they did it 1 by 1 and knew which ones they were setting off, you could make that case.. but that is NOT what happened. Children were killed and hurt. Innocent bystanders were hurt as well.

2. You really think anyone who questions this attack is a nazi? Very extremist view and very sad. The UN human rights chief must be a nazi as well then since he has already come out and said it violates international humanitarian law.
And I say tough shit
Don’t start wars, don’t invade countries and kill innocent people, take hostages and rape women
I’m not on either side, but the islamists asked for it , they FAFO
Based on what I read, I think they were trying to minimize it in their operation in the beginning.. until their tactic was being uncovered (from what I've read anyways.. not sure if that is even confirmed)

At that point, they stopped caring and the original intent went out the window, and they rushed to detonate. I don't know if you can give them credit at that point in time.. when they detonated, they did not care about minimizing the damage. They wanted to maximize it.
I think the very nature of the smaller ordinance itself makes it less likely to cause collateral damage compared to conventional weapons systems so just that tells me they were trying to minimize it. Its sad when any kids die but in evaluating whether a war crime occurred intent does matter.
Yeah all the blame is on the Arabs, Israel is just trying to defend itself when it terrorizes the unarmed civilians in the West Bank.

This kind of one sided take is why the conflict persist, Israel will never feel as if it has to make peace when there are so many Americans like yourself willing to give them a blank check to continue targeted ethnic cleansing campaign against Palestinians under the guise of fighting terrorism.

Other countries in the world are learning from this example. From Myanmar to China to India as long as you claim to be fighting against radical Islam you can put the screws on your Muslim minorities to the cheers and applause of people like you.
The Israelis have been defending themselves since 1947.

They've also got some of the best intelligence, tech, and military while being pro-western in the land of sand. Making the Arabs look bad at their jobs while having to defend themselves. Giving the US intel that the US can't get. Plus, they were expert Nazi Hunters.

Just a tiny sliver of land. But the women and men are free.

Is Bibi a piece of shit? Yes. Should they tone it down? Sure. But if a gun is to your head, and you had to choose Iran or Israel as an ally, who would you choose?
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I mean execution is clean as fuck. But that's a terrorist attack if I've ever seen one.
Spreading terror, they blew off dicks, blinded them. Made it beep before going boom. Not knowing who would be around those people. Children, females, innocents. Now once again from purely a logical standpoint this attack was clean as fuck. But if Iran or Russia w/e happened to do that to America. It would be WW3 right now.
When you consider that 95% of the injured and dead were sworn terrorists, capable of doing much worse things than that , it changes the narrative or “terror attack” to an “act of war “

It was isolated attack on Islamic soldiers and a small amount of collateral damage
It’s war, not tiddlywinks
The Israelis have been defending themselves since 1947.

They've also got some of the best intelligence, tech, and military while being pro-western in the land of sand. Making the Arabs look bad at their jobs while having to defend themselves. Giving the US intel that the US can't get. Plus, they were expert Nazi Hunters.

Is Bibi a piece of shit? Yes. Should they tone it down? Sure. But if a gun is to your head, and you had to choose Iran or Israel as an ally, who would you choose?
Israel 10/10. I believe they have a right to defend themselves and they are incredibly capable (obviously) and are great allies.. but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be told to tone it down sometimes (and it doesn’t make you anti-Semetic to say that) - and they shouldn’t have free rein to kill innocents when fighting the terrorists.
And I say tough shit
Don’t start wars, don’t invade countries and kill innocent people, take hostages and rape women
I’m not on either side, but the islamists asked for it , they FAFO

They are just as much to blame for the deaths as the Israelis, no question. There is no doubt about it. I am happy that some of them had their balls blown off. I am not sad for those terrorists one bit.
Israel 10/10. I believe they have a right to defend themselves and they are incredibly capable (obviously) and are great allies.. but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be told to tone it down sometimes (and it doesn’t make you anti-Semetic to say that) - and they shouldn’t have free rein to kill innocents when fighting the terrorists.
Exactly. The thing is, we can ask them to tone it down, but at the end of the day this is their war.