International Hezbollah pager explosions kill dozens and injure thousands in Lebanon

Go fuck yourself buddy.

You want to go back 40 years and pretend that Israel invading Lebanon was the start of violence or that they were just bloodthirsty.

Again look to the nations that have peaceful relations with Israel and ask yourself what the difference is. It’s not that Israel simply wants to destroy their Arab neighbors. They are a tiny splotch of land surrounded by a sea of Arab nations.

Glad to see @Islam Imamate liked your point though.

That’s what gets me

Israel is the size of Rhode Island surrounded by countries larger than Texas

Fighting over an area smaller than NYC
I have to credit where it's due, even though far too many innocents are still being killed, the Hezbollah attacks (not the blowing up walkie talkies willy nilly, the missile strikes) actually seem targeted.

The IDF is able to tell us instantly who they killed, where, and how.

This is completely different to the Gaza situation where they patently have no idea what the fuck they're doing, and haven't give a shit.

Hamas and Hezbollah themselves use the people as human shields by trying to blend in and embed themselves in civilians making it impossible to differentiate. I don't consider a 13 year old with a gun a child, I consider him a brainwashed combatant. And im not fond of the innocents that die, but that's war when leaders stupidly think they can walk up and punch Mike Tyson's wife in front of him and his entourage

Hamas and hezbollah doesn't get to disguise and embed among civilians and have a get out of jail free card because illogical bleeding hearts say Israel should just do nothing to retaliate. Every civilian that dies is on them for not openly separating from civilians and making themselves

and to be clear, I also don't care if Israel uses white phosphorus.
And Israel has no problem dropping a 2000lb bomb on that area hoping they kill 1 "bad guy" and not caring if they kill 1,000 innocents.
Israel straps Palestinian children to the hoods of their jeeps as they drive around sniping indiscriminately.
They send civilians into booby trapped buildings and tunnels to trigger explosives on themselves.
Make no mistake, they are the monsters in this conflict and they always have been.
And Israel has no problem dropping a 2000lb bomb on that area hoping they kill 1 "bad guy" and not caring if they kill 1,000 innocents.
Israel straps Palestinian children to the hoods of their jeeps as they drive around sniping indiscriminately.
They send civilians into booby trapped buildings and tunnels to trigger explosives on themselves.
Make no mistake, they are the monsters in this conflict and they always have been.
If that were the case, casualties in Gaza would be 50x higher. Jordan during black september truly didn't give a fuck and shelled palestine indiscriminately. And they killed 25000 in a week and a half. It took Israel 4 months to get to that number.

But by all means, in a thread about how they ingeniously sent hezbollah operatives 3000 pager explosives too small to hit bystanders and hurt/killed nearly exclusively hezbollah terrorists, complain about the like, 2 innocent deaths out of 3000 and then piggyback into the usual complaints.

So much winning for Israel and everyone is butthurt about it<lmao>
The BBC is definitely "better" than the WWE style american media, being funded through licensing fees from all citizens that have a tele. There is a larger force at play IMO and that is British (and European) politics is much more complex and close to home in terms of conflict relative to N America that geographically and historically has had few well documented cases of conflict on it's soil. As a result, politics is understood and taught differently. Europeans will have more of a sense of realpolitik given its history of war between the great powers and others over the years.

For instance, there was a story on here about a row that took place when a Ukrainian who had spent time teaming up with Nazi Germany spoke in Canadian parliament. This was considered some great outrage and shocking to many. Reality is the amount of rival factions and geopolitical interests has always validated the phrase "politics make strange bedfellows". You've had communists team up with narco forces in latin america, let alone all the stuff that's happened in Europe or places in the Balkans where Croatians found themselves aligned with fascist parties, and alliances changing rapidly. We know Stalin went from best friend to bitter enemy overnight.

This is all very par for the course. But politics in america is largely lib-democracy good versus evil narratives being espoused as reasons for everything, and folks largely lap it up. Don't have to go too far when Obama was faced with the question of being "Al-Qaeda's air force" against Assad in Syria; and the big bad terrorist headcutters became "moderate forces" in the media (as they always do once acting firmly against the interest of Russia). Probably would have gotten away from it if there wasn't a hangover of exhaustion and disgrace of Iraq and Afghanistan to be honest, but it seemed active military personnel was speaking out against it.

I will say though, it was humorous watching Ben Shapiro absolutely shit the bed when that right wing guy Andrew Neil on the BBC. Such is the state of political discourse in america. Debate university kids as spectacle instead of actual adults, live off being applauded from clapping seals. I think Norm Finkelstein said it well when he said "Ben Shapiro may be stupid, but he's not stupid enough to debate me." But it's no surprise as "journalism" now is firmly monetized here in a circus atmosphere and that is of course the great motivator. As Neil said, "there's not a lot of money to be made here at the BBC."

Some would characterize that Ben Shapiro interview as a 10-7 in favour of Andrew Neil.

It really wasn't.

This was an annihilation, a 15 second TKO in MMA terms.

Guy just had no idea what the fuck he was doing as Neil delivered blow after blow that had Shapiro's head spinning - and they're both on the same side, which is the beauty of unbiased media.

Anyone can ask anyone tough questions, or at least they should be able to do. The fact someone did this to Ben Shapiro blew the guy's mind. Must have been a character assassination by a left wing hack, right? Except no. It was just hard questions from a right wing type to another right wing type.
Some would characterize that Ben Shapiro interview as a 10-7 in favour of Andrew Neil.

It really wasn't.

This was an annihilation, a 15 second TKO in MMA terms.

Guy just had no idea what the fuck he was doing as Neil delivered blow after blow that had Shapiro's head spinning - and they're both on the same side, which is the beauty of unbiased media.

Anyone can ask anyone tough questions, or at least they should be able to do. The fact someone did this to Ben Shapiro blew the guy's mind. Must have been a character assassination by a left wing hack, right? Except no. It was just hard questions from a right wing type to another right wing type.

The meltdown was quite weird, that's for sure. I think he was just caught off guard so much he went into meltdown mode.
If that were the case, casualties in Gaza would be 50x higher. Jordan during black september truly didn't give a fuck and shelled palestine indiscriminately. And they killed 25000 in a week and a half. It took Israel 4 months to get to that number.

But by all means, in a thread about how they ingeniously sent hezbollah operatives 3000 pager explosives too small to hit bystanders and hurt/killed nearly exclusively hezbollah terrorists, complain about the like, 2 innocent deaths out of 3000 and then piggyback into the usual complaints.

So much winning for Israel and everyone is butthurt about it<lmao>

25,000 in a week and a half sounds pretty aggressive. You confident in those numbers?

I was looking at briefly the tonnage of bombs dropped earlier in the thread. Pretty amazing how it compares to Dresden.
How is this not the hate speech that the government says is so bad?


=) when has hate speech laws ever been applied fairly?

If you consider Jews "white" then it's hate speech. If you consider jews a "minority" then it's not!!!

25,000 in a week and a half sounds pretty aggressive. You confident in those numbers?

I was looking at briefly the tonnage of bombs dropped earlier in the thread. Pretty amazing how it compares to Dresden.
No, I'm not confident In those numbers

Mind you Jordan indiscriminately shelled the shit out of refugee camps because the fedayeen were embedded there among civilians. It's what must be done to get them.

I'm never confident in casualty numbers given by Palestinians....because they always inflate the numbers and claim they were mostly women and children. Jordan said it wasn't that bad and it was like 3300, Arafat and rhe PLO insisted their estimate of 25000 was correct.

This is also why when they give casualty numbers now, everyone sees the *wink wink*

In the end, Arafat and the fedayeen threw in the towel. They knew because Jordan was like them, they WOULD annihilate them and that they could not count on sympathy, compassion or mercy and that Jordan would see it through, so they tapped and broker a deal that let them flee to Lebanon....where they were the catalyst for the Lebanese Civil war in just a few years..(yeah this is why nobody wants these people)
No, I'm not confident In those numbers

Mind you Jordan indiscriminately shelled the shit out of refugee camps because the fedayeen were embedded there among civilians. It's what must be done to get them.

I'm never confident in casualty numbers given by Palestinians....because they always inflate the numbers and claim they were mostly women and children. Jordan said it wasn't that bad and it was like 3300, Arafat and rhe PLO insisted their estimate of 25000 was correct.

This is also why when they give casualty numbers now, everyone sees the *wink wink*

In the end, Arafat and the fedayeen threw in the towel. They knew because Jordan was like them, they WOULD annihilate them and that they could not count on sympathy, compassion or mercy and that Jordan would see it through, so they tapped and broker a deal that let them flee to Lebanon....where they were the catalyst for the Lebanese Civil war in just a few years..(yeah this is why nobody wants these people)

And they insisted the 25,000 was in a week?
They have been skirmishing constantly though. It’s not as if Israel attacked them out of the blue.

That wasn’t really what I was getting at though when I asked that. It seems a lot of people are upset with the way the attack was carried out. A lot of the same people are critical of the more indiscriminate attacks they’ve carried out. This one seemed very targeted with very few innocents caught in the crossfire. At least in that sense, this should satisfy people
I’m indifferent to it in meaning that if it gets the ball rolling on peace negotiations and the war ending, it’s a good move. But, the fist pumping is pretty cringe when civilians are involved even if the ratio is 1:10 or whatever, people seem to think cheerleading for it is ok because Islam has some grotesque followers and Hezbollah sucks.
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