"Hey Buddy did you just call me a Goof?!"

Fucking goofs...

I dont know I'm gonna trust my gut feeling on this one and assume at least one of those highschoolers did something to earn that guys hatred to make him fly off the handle like that

lol at "youre 20 years old"


guy is gonna wake up in a few years and realize "oh shit......I'm 20 years old...........its all over" an an hero himself.
It means child molester, and is basically a threat.

Wow.....from UrbanDictionary

The Canadian equivalent of the american term, punk. A word used in the Canadian prison system to describe informers, molestors, child killers and all inmates segregated from the general population in protective custody. In a looser sense, anyone who has become hated by the prison population in general for suspect behaviour, or irritating behaviour may be thought of as a goof.

To be called a goof, espescially if not true must be met by instant violence or you will lose all respect formerly given to you. If this isn't done, or you are incapable of defending yourself you may as well "check in." (ask to be moved to P.C., protective custody)
" You'd better check in dude, that guy called you a goof and you didn't answer." "That was a big mistake, even if you had ended up taking a beating it would have been better than doing your bit in p.c. with all those goof rats, skinners and kiddy diddlers." "Oh yeah, by the way, don't talk to me anymore. I don't want to be seen talking to a goof from p.c."

a goof is a child molester in prison that likes little boys, they must be housed in protective custody as they are most often murdered or beaten into comas. they are the lowest form of life in prison. they are killed as a status symbol.
to snuff a goof is glory and brings rewards


Remind me not to quote Dana in Canada
Reminds me of this:

This vid makes you realize how ludicrous that gesture is. Lost all its power about the second time each of them utilized it haha

Remind me not to quote Dana in Canada

lol - seriously. I figured goof is just like a goofball. But I wonder if I used it in Canada if they'd try to beat me down. A Canadian goof probably couldn't beat me down as he's likely a weak pathetic punk anyway.
lol - seriously. I figured goof is just like a goofball. But I wonder if I used it in Canada if they'd try to beat me down. A Canadian goof probably couldn't beat me down as he's likely a weak pathetic punk anyway.
He definitely isn't a sherbro. That much is certain.
In jail here, Goof is literally a fighting word. It used to be an acronym for 'get out or fight'.
You jabroni bozos didn't know that did you?!
He called them goofs like 30 times but they say it once and it's time to throw down for real eh bud. Sorry bout that.
But, does anyone even get harmed in Canadian prisons?
He called them goofs like 30 times but they say it once and it's time to throw down for real eh bud. Sorry bout that.

Think of a better word , Canadians. Goof is like silly word I used to call others in kindergarten. Goofy or goofing around. Jeez you guys have to take a common word that kids use to describe this or :eek::eek::eek::eek: stuff. Stupid
I got a laugh out of that kid who said, naw I'll just drive home. That was a good one.
This is a word you don't use around the people I grew up. If you got called a goof, you were being shamed. Never mind calling someone an asshole, or a prick. Had to break up a verbal fight because one guy called my buddy 'Fuck goof' and he whipped back 'don't call me a goof!' never mind the 'fuck' part.
Goof is about the worst thing you can call someone in prison. At least in Canada it will result in an immediate fight. A friend of mine that has done a few years blew up at me the one time I said it to him.
But, does anyone even get harmed in Canadian prisons?
The taxpayer does but no, they mostly get released right away to commit the same crime later on the day of release.

Calling someone a goof only has an effect on them if their credit score is below 600 and they’ve tried meth before.