"Hey Buddy did you just call me a Goof?!"

I see @Medulla Omoplata missed his bus today and had to take his bike. I guess we should expect a thread from him today about how some young punks were giving him problems
Doesn't it mean child molester in certain parts?

This. Its a prison term for child rapist. Calling someone a goof isnt just an insult , its also implying they are the lowest of the low and that you want to cause serious harm. Its not a word used lightly in many circles.
This. Its a prison term for child rapist. Calling someone a goof isnt just an insult , its also implying they are the lowest of the low and that you want to cause serious harm. Its not a word used lightly in many circles.

I thought you were shittin with me, you goof (in the American sense, my friend)
Here's a video I took a couple weeks ago of 2 guys yelling at each other and then walking away. I figured it was worthless because nothing happened, but I'll post it here in case someone is into it.

Bah.. These guys wouldn't last 1 day in Wisconsin..... because it's chilly today. They'd at least need a long sleeve shirt and maybe a pair of mittens.
This. Its a prison term for child rapist. Calling someone a goof isnt just an insult , its also implying they are the lowest of the low and that you want to cause serious harm. Its not a word used lightly in many circles.

In the prison I work at we have occasional child molesters from up North and I actually broke up an argument before I knew what the word goof meant. Two Canadians...one child molester and one financial crime inmate were yelling and the financial crime guy said , "You are nothing but a goof! Never forget you are a goof and a punk!" I asked him why he called him a goof and he said it meant he touched kids. The irony is the DWI guy on the bike (you know that's why he has a bike and not a car) called them a goof first.
I thought you were shittin with me, you goof (in the American sense, my friend)

Nah man. Ive seen many a brutal ass whippigs over that word. Its one word if im called i may swing first simply due to the connotation it provides to on lookers. They immediately side with the other guy. Its why its not something to use lightly.
Good thing they didn’t call him the h-word. That’s the n-word for Canadians.
Can someone setup a fight between the goof and that 5 foot guy in the bagel shop?
Goof is what you call :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes, rat etc in the canadian pen (pretty much anyone that needs protective custody). Thems fighting words homey.
Nah man. Ive seen many a brutal ass whippigs over that word. Its one word if im called i may swing first simply due to the connotation it provides to on lookers. They immediately side with the other guy. Its why its not something to use lightly.

I can imagine that.
I mean, if someone out in public were to yell "hey you :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile!" to me.... I'm not a violent man and by God's grace I want to be more patient..... but I would probably start karate choppin away.
Wow.....from UrbanDictionary

The Canadian equivalent of the american term, punk. A word used in the Canadian prison system to describe informers, molestors, child killers and all inmates segregated from the general population in protective custody. In a looser sense, anyone who has become hated by the prison population in general for suspect behaviour, or irritating behaviour may be thought of as a goof.

To be called a goof, espescially if not true must be met by instant violence or you will lose all respect formerly given to you. If this isn't done, or you are incapable of defending yourself you may as well "check in." (ask to be moved to P.C., protective custody)
" You'd better check in dude, that guy called you a goof and you didn't answer." "That was a big mistake, even if you had ended up taking a beating it would have been better than doing your bit in p.c. with all those goof rats, skinners and kiddy diddlers." "Oh yeah, by the way, don't talk to me anymore. I don't want to be seen talking to a goof from p.c."

a goof is a child molester in prison that likes little boys, they must be housed in protective custody as they are most often murdered or beaten into comas. they are the lowest form of life in prison. they are killed as a status symbol.
to snuff a goof is glory and brings rewards
a heartwarming video of how fights start brewing in more innocent parts of the world...

Call someone a 'goof' and the gloves come off.
Sherdog in America blocks out the n-word. Canadian Sherdog just has :eek::eek::eek::eek: if you try typing 'goof'

What episode of Letterkenny was this?
This. Its a prison term for child rapist. Calling someone a goof isnt just an insult , its also implying they are the lowest of the low and that you want to cause serious harm. Its not a word used lightly in many circles.

This is the correct answer.