Has the world deteriorated in the last 10 years?

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Brown Belt
Nov 25, 2014
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I keep hearing that the world is getting better because we have it so easy today that we forget what's happening around us. Just take a look at what happened in the last 10 years.

- Lots of jobs are being outsourced and automated, and there's a massive immigration crisis plaguing in Western nations which leads to high unemployment rates and consequently, people turn into criminals to survive, 'clash of civilization' are becoming a reality, people are more divided, mental illness/depression are sky high and the new wave of far rights are being popularized which is a recipe for disaster.

- Worldwide riots are spreading like wildfires across the Americas, Middle East, North Africa, Asia and Slavic nations who are demanding changes to improve their lives because of the high cost of living and high unemployment rates which the West are currently facing. The outcome? More unrest, civil wars and totalitarianism. As we can see, protest are happening in Western countries like France, Britain, parts Europe and Australia over the high cost of living, climate change and popularizing nationalism to counter globalization.

- An unexpected shift in alliance between East and Western nations which created nothing but more hostility and sabre-rattling. There has been a rise of anti-Americanism and pro-Chinaism in the last few years. Oil wars are being replaced by water wars due to water scarcity and soon, the era of proxy warfare will be replaced by conventional warfare.

It felt like the world has gone back to the 1920s.
The great replacement...


Let's all come together and be terrified.
Has anything even happened in the last 10 years

It was the most un-notable decade of all time
The advent of tech and all that is a smokescreen to distract us from the dangers which lay ahead.

Globalists jumped the gun and thought they'd convinced enough people to support open border socialism and went for it too early, which set that goal back several years. They got a few countries, but the US and UK put the brakes on it, so we're ok for now and they'll have to continue testing the waters with and taking national identity and individual freedoms piecemeal instead of the large chunks they've been going for.
2010 was a shitty fucking decade for music, that's what I know for sure
This generation of Americans is the first one that hasn't had it better than their parents.
John Titor predicted all of this . He was about 10 years too early on his predictions but it's all going exactly like he said.
This generation of Americans is the first one that hasn't had it better than their parents.

Lots of generations of Americans didn't have it better than their parents, and this one is richer, freer, and healthier than their parents.

Just for example:


Adjusted for household size, household incomes are up almost 50% in real terms over the past 40 years. That makes a big difference in quality of life.
Lots of generations of Americans didn't have it better than their parents, and this one is richer, freer, and healthier than their parents.

Just for example:


Adjusted for household size, household incomes are up almost 50% in real terms over the past 40 years. That makes a big difference in quality of life.

$$$ is how you measure quality of life?

That tells me everything I need to know about you.
Lots of generations of Americans didn't have it better than their parents, and this one is richer, freer, and healthier than their parents.

Just for example:


Adjusted for household size, household incomes are up almost 50% in real terms over the past 40 years. That makes a big difference in quality of life.

This guy is getting way too obvious.
$$$ is how you measure quality of life?

That tells me everything I need to know about you.
It’s more about applying that median to the larger concept of what it represents - apparently less families in poverty. I don’t know if that’s inflation adjusted though so who knows. That’s pretty important if we’re making generational comparisons.

I get what you’re saying though: there’s more to it than money.

I’d argue purely from a qualitative standpoint, technological advances make it better for every generation. 10 years isn’t really a long enough period of time for conclusions because it’s more of just a ripple over a full generation.
$$$ is how you measure quality of life?

That tells me everything I need to know about you.
We talk about how we're all worse off now.. things that my parent's generation were considered normal -- hell even some things that were considered normal when I was a kid in the 1990s -- would be "poor" or "poverty" nowadays.
$$$ is how you measure quality of life?

That tells me everything I need to know about you.

Hmm. You probably should work on your reading comprehension.

It’s more about applying that median to the larger concept of what it represents - apparently less families in poverty. I don’t know if that’s inflation adjusted though so who knows. That’s pretty important if we’re making generational comparisons.

I get what you’re saying though: there’s more to it than money.

I’d argue purely from a qualitative standpoint, technological advances make it better for every generation. 10 years isn’t really a long enough period of time for conclusions because it’s more of just a ripple over a full generation.

The numbers are inflation-adjusted.
Socially, yes. Without a doubt. Mental illness is applauded and encouraged. Kids remain kids until they are about 35 today. More and more you see young adults believing that someone owes them something for the nothing they contribute to society. Social media has turned kids into social retards, incapable of the most basic interaction. Law and order is openly mocked. We ask that our constitutional rights be taken away if something offends us. People side with horrible dictators to zing the president. Any encounter between white people and black people inevitably ends up with some accusation of racism....

Yes, we are lost as a society right now. Some uncomfortable things need to be said and we may be too PC to do that. We'll be fine, its our kids and grandkids who will pay the price.
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