Opinion Has the Israel/Palestine conflict divided people in your life?

Has this conflict further divided people in your life?

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Sometimes I imagine what this place would be like physically, like turned into a bar or pub or something

Lol everyone would probably be sat quietly being very civil to each other in reality. I can't imagine people get as fresh as they do with people on here without getting punched a lot.
I was condemning the Hamas after seeing footage of Oct 7 attack but seeing the overreaction from Israel I'm kind of neutral. Hopefully the war stop soon and probably best if people from Gaza move to Westbank, the current map they're surrounded and under total control and mercy from Israel
I don't consider that to be mature and consider it to be a sign you have no world view or principles. People saying they don't care about their partners or friends worldview is the biggest tell that someone is a basic bro/bitch. It means someone lives their lives without having serious conversations.

People don't have a right to an opinion at least not inherently. Whether something is true or false is not a matter of personal preference. Fun fact historically people bitched about being persecuted because they believed in what they were saying and the dispute was over who was right. The idea this doesn't matter and your beliefs are like your favorite color is dumb. People bringing up their right to an opinion(with the exception of legally) is a freudian slip that they don't actually believe in what that opinion is btw.
You know that what you wrote here is just complete tripe, right?
Like a lot of people, no one I know knows or cares enough to have a conflict about it. "See what's going on in Israel? Bummer, man." That's about the only type of comment I hear.
Same here, a few people put up Israeli flags on their social media profiles, usually evangelicals. A few left wing people put up Palestinian flags. That was it. Nobody ever commented anything with me directly.
Actually, I have one Jewish doctor who said he was concerned how our gov didn't label Hamas as terrorists and I said, yeah it's bad. And that was it.

Here in Peru, other than a few politicians of Palestinian descent, nobody particularly cares.

I personally attribute this to two factors:
  1. It really doesn’t have an effect either way on our internal or international politics. Both the Jewish and Arab communities in Peru are absurdly tiny relative to the total population (around 3,000 for the Jewish-Peruvian community and something like 12,000 Arab-Peruvians I’ve seen estimated, in a country of 30 million).
  2. The Israel/Palestine conflict has been a constant of life since before my parents were born and I’m 41. There’s hardly anyone alive for whom death and atrocities in that region aren’t a fact of life.
Large Christian Arab population here, mostly from Syria and Lebanon and migrated in the early 20th c.. Nobody cares. There are 30 Palestinian dual citizens and family coming from Gaza, the media shows them all the time and most people are supportive. A bunch of people living in Israel also came back.

And yeah, that shit has been going on forever.
Not at all because the people in my life are sane. They both understand the immense suffering of Palestinians and that Hamas will never stop until they destroy Israel.
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- I talk about with people from class and that's it!
Honestly most people I know have a balanced view on this.
they are literally fighting in the wrong place over the wrong territory
I don’t know anyone who cares about it enough to talk about it in real life

The only thing I ever saw actually divide people was Covid

that whole debate about whether to wear a mask or have the right to sneeze on elderly and disabled people

I had to try organise people to look out for disabled people at my school and I'd swear people rallied into a special kind of stupid during that period
that whole debate about whether to wear a mask or have the right to sneeze on elderly and disabled people

I had to try organise people to look out for disabled people at my school and I'd swear people rallied into a special kind of stupid during that period
I was supposed to move to Haifa October 1st for work, which fell through, so it comes up a fair amount from friends + coworkers. Not exactly the greatest talk to have at work. Have definitely had some contention amongst coworkers, although more in private than out open.

Amongst friends, whatever. We all know each other well enough to not lose our shit over disagreements.
I'm just glad 6that I don't live in any of these shit hole cities.

At what point does a protest become a riot?

Nope. No one in my social group particularly gives a shit about the Middle East. We acknowledge the people in that area have been killing each other since the beginning of recorded history, and that the reasons for that are complicated, tragic, and unlikely to be resolved in the next 100 years. We've had a bunch of debates on the root causes, possible solutions, who's at fault and so forth, but none of us are invested in it by any means and we might as well be talking about Peru vs. Bolivia in the cocaine trade.
I feel like people should only be hanging out with people who share the same values as them. Normies that thought having relationships and friends with different politics was healthy are going to learn that isn't the case the moment they actually give a shit about something.

Some of my good friends are what I'd consider "extreme left" while they'd probably consider me on the other extreme. No idea why people would let politics ruin their friendships. Live and let live.
No. Many don't even know it's happening. Those who do, don't care. It's all about Ukraine.
I don't know anyone who cares about the Ukraine - Russia war and knows what's going on.

My friends are mostly conservative; they typically do not care about politics to argue / talk about it. Female friends are apolitical / indifferent to politics.
I don't know anyone who cares about the Ukraine - Russia war and knows what's going on.

My friends are mostly conservative; they typically do not care about politics to argue / talk about it. Female friends are apolitical / indifferent to politics.

It's hard not to care when the country that has made threats for the last 30 years has finally acted on them and implies that you might be next.
I feel like people should only be hanging out with people who share the same values as them. Normies that thought having relationships and friends with different politics was healthy are going to learn that isn't the case the moment they actually give a shit about something.
Not at all. Which is odd because I live in pretty split area of Persians and Jews. But, realistically people of means don't give a fuck about palestine. It's poverty level leftists and muslims mostly with all the angst
Not at all. Which is odd because I live in pretty split area of Persians and Jews. But, realistically people of means don't give a fuck about palestine. It's poverty level leftists and muslims mostly with all the angst

Translation bad people don't give a fuck about Palestine. It's only good people who are bothered by crimes against humanity.
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