Social Harrison Butker: Doxed, Slandered and Calls to be Canceled for having Christian Views

Pretty much, your talking about self reported happiness and I think women in more conservative families are significantly more likely to overplay their happiness.

I mean really thats so much of what conservative culture is isnt it? putting on a public show of "normality" and happiness however crap your life actually is or just not being aware theres much alternative to it.

The same way I wouldn't trust some influencers social media full of shots of them on tropical beaches to reflect what there life is actually like.

As far as this speach goes no I don't think he should be doxed or threatened or indeed fired from his NFL career but a lot of criticism? nothing wrong with that and if he for examples looses other PR/endorsements because of it nothing wrong with that either.
Cool conspiracy theory, but they also have higher marriage rates, lower divorce rates, have sex more often, have more children, and the women have much lower rates of depression and mental illness, so it's not just "self reported happiness, so maybe they're lying"

Believe all women, unless they say they're happy, then they're deceptive liars lol.
Shows you the power of the Democrat Reich. They coddle and promote the religion that explicitly calls for the death of LGBT and literally does so across the globe. Yet, they somehow target their wrath on Christians.

I’m not religious, but people are entitled to their beliefs and to express their first amendment rights. This is example number 156,000 of why the left is a cancer and the alt left media is the enemy of the people.
Because , they care nothing about religion or what is just. Only thing they care about is Christians are largely conservative in nature and Libs must be 180 against anything conservative. They dont care that Hsmmas , Gaza, Muslims have no issue killing gays/ trans in public. To alot of libs today Trump posting an insensitive tweet is worse than that. LITERALLY. THIS is what happens when you hyper exaggerate /project the worst possible Interpretations of the other side you can an then you start to actually believe your own dumbassery. Ex, Trump is Hitler , Maga want to destroy democracy etc.
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So I am confused. Dude still has his job.
Have we reached the point that people can’t disagree with what someone says.
This is such a media driven story. A Christian man saying Christian things is not news at 11. One side of the media bitching about what he said and the other side bitching about people bitching about what the kicker said. Media Manipulation is a helluva drug.
I just find it funny a kicker is lecturing me on masculinity.
How is he lecturing you this was a speech were you there in person ? It's not like he took a knee and said things on the field ..
Well someone needs to.
Naw, my Pop Pop managed to do that, and he was not some coddled athlete who wears pads and not allowed to get hit. He grew up on a farm that had no electricity, was at D-day, and was back to work 6 months after a fucking tree fell on him because that is what men do to feed their families.
Butker is a dude that makes millions bragging about his stay home wife, which comes off as elitist. A majority of Americans need two incomes to survive, and being a stay at home mom is not a financial option.
I find it funny that Butkers jerseys sales are way up but they are only selling XL's or XXL's which makes sense. The kind of person who hated Kaepernick for kneeling but loved what Butker said enough to buy his jersey, is probably the same fat fucks I see going to Trump rallies.
How is he lecturing you this was a speech were you there in person ? It's not like he took a knee and said things on the field ..
The kicker line was a throw away joke, but the persecution fetish for some people is real.
Butker still has a job so nobody is censoring his speech, but it sells boner pills, when media complains how they are trying to silence a Christian. Victim complex is a rating booster.
To me the story is not what he said because he was in the correct venue to say what he said, but watching the media's reaction to it. It is another story that exposes their game, and funny people still buy into it. One side bitching about what he said and the other side bitching about people bitching about what he said and at the end of the day, the dude that said it gets millions to be one of the better kickers in the NFL.
I find it hilarious that you call liberals "idiots" when you don't understand the concept of freedom of speech....You know part of freedom of speech entails people calling you a weirdo for your opinions. Also freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consquences.

100% agree with this.

It applies to the pro hamas collage students and there supporters, right.

You know as far as people outing who they are and people refusing to hire them.
The kicker line was a throw away joke, but the persecution fetish for some people is real.
Butker still has a job so nobody is censoring his speech, but it sells boner pills, when media complains how they are trying to silence a Christian. Victim complex is a rating booster.
To me the story is not what he said because he was in the correct venue to say what he said, but watching the media's reaction to it. It is another story that exposes their game, and funny people still buy into it. One side bitching about what he said and the other side bitching about people bitching about what he said and at the end of the day, the dude that said it gets millions to be one of the better kickers in the NFL.
Word I was off about what your post meant sorry and agree
The saddest thing about this to me is that any human being could possibly think a career would be more rewarding than raising kids. That just blows my mind honestly, there's literally not a single career on the planet that's more important than raising children well, loving them deeply, appreciating them and turning them into good human beings.

If a man or woman really doesn't feel suited to having children, they shouldn't have them and if a woman really wants a career, she should go after that career. And I do think there are different ways to make a situation work where both parents have jobs. But the solution is both parents work part-time so that the kids always have love and a parent home with them teaching them interacting with them having a happy life with them.

The way some people talk about raising kids as if it's a boring rewardless duty reveals profound ignorance about what is meaningful in life. You have to have a lot missing if that's the way you view raising kids. No wonder people's kids turn out to be s*** with that kind of selfish ignorant attitude.

I am very successful in my life and career, but absolutely nothing is more important to me than having raised a daughter up to high school so far and seeing the miracle of her life unfold and knowing that I can look back and say that she's never once felt not listened to, unheard or uncared for. That nearly every single day is filled with great joy and laughter and relationship. Nothing I ever accomplish in this life will be worth more than that.
Naw, my Pop Pop managed to do that, and he was not some coddled athlete who wears pads and not allowed to get hit. He grew up on a farm that had no electricity, was at D-day, and was back to work 6 months after a fucking tree fell on him because that is what men do to feed their families.
Butker is a dude that makes millions bragging about his stay home wife, which comes off as elitist. A majority of Americans need two incomes to survive, and being a stay at home mom is not a financial option.
I find it funny that Butkers jerseys sales are way up but they are only selling XL's or XXL's which makes sense. The kind of person who hated Kaepernick for kneeling but loved what Butker said enough to buy his jersey, is probably the same fat fucks I see going to Trump rallies.

The kicker line was a throw away joke, but the persecution fetish for some people is real.
Butker still has a job so nobody is censoring his speech, but it sells boner pills, when media complains how they are trying to silence a Christian. Victim complex is a rating booster.
To me the story is not what he said because he was in the correct venue to say what he said, but watching the media's reaction to it. It is another story that exposes their game, and funny people still buy into it. One side bitching about what he said and the other side bitching about people bitching about what he said and at the end of the day, the dude that said it gets millions to be one of the better kickers in the NFL.

You are getting bent out of shape over a speech at a private event you weren't invited to.

Talk about a persecution complex.
Because , they care nothing about religion or what is just. Only thing they care about is Christians are largely conservative in nature and Libs must be 180 against anything conservative. They dont care that Hsmmas , Gaza, Muslims have no issue killing gays/ trans in public. To alot of libs today Trump posting an insensitive tweet is worse than that. LITERALLY. THIS is what happens when you hyper exaggerate /project the worst possible Interpretations of the other side you can an then you start to actually believe your own dumbassery. Ex, Trump is Hitler , Maga want to destroy democracy etc.

The irony, and I say this as an atheist, is if you look at how these progressives attack Christians, the framework is always how they aren't Christian enough. They don't even realize their entire value system is built on Christian ideals.

Look at what they attack Trump for. It's all moral stuff. They are obsessed with morality but they don't realize it's because of the values mommy and daddy (who they hate) instilled in them.
The irony, and I say this as an atheist, is if you look at how these progressives attack Christians, the framework is always how they aren't Christian enough. They don't even realize their entire value system is built on Christian ideals.

Look at what they attack Trump for. It's all moral stuff. They are obsessed with morality but they don't realize it's because of the values mommy and daddy (who they hate) instilled in them.