Social Harrison Butker: Doxed, Slandered and Calls to be Canceled for having Christian Views

Because he's giving a speech to a bunch of women that just graduated and got their degrees because they want to work?

"Yea I know you just worked your ass off for this degree, but you should consider going to work in the kitchen, because it made my wife happy."

Are you seriously asking why this rubbed people the wrong way?

"All right wingers" aren't lol. Well yea, generally that's how virtually everything works on both sides of the political aisle. Trump just spent an entire day on damage control after saying they were "looking" at what to do with Plan B yesterday lol. He literally did a complete 180 from yesterday when he realized it pissed a bunch of people off.
I'm not asking why anything rubbed anyone the wrong way. I think people are choosing to read much more into his comments than they should and are being unnecessarily butthurt about the speech.

Your reaction to it and some of the comments in the thread are pretty dramatic.
I'm not asking why anything rubbed anyone the wrong way. I think people are choosing to read much more into his comments than they should and are being unnecessarily butthurt about the speech.

Your reaction to it and some of the comments in the thread are pretty dramatic.

What do you mean they are reading too much into it? Do you think he was being subtle? 😂
So has Butker been cut by the Chiefs, and banned from the NFL?

Not canceled, not doxxed, just had some people give their opinions about his opinions?
What do you mean they are reading too much into it? Do you think he was being subtle? 😂
I think you and many others are looking for something to be upset about. I think our society has gotten to the point where we're "offended" by someone saying women are meant to have babies and many of them find much more fulfillment in that role instead of being conned into being defined by their degree or position within a company.

Nobody is saying they can't pursue a career at all. Butker was telling them about another option for fulfillment. One that while his mother chose differently it was one where his wife found her niche and is happy. He was trying to relay a message of finding meaning in something society has lost sight of for some reason. We're bickering about gender roles, and many are pushing the idea that preferring a woman to stay home with the kids is misogynistic and old-fashioned.

It is possible to be both a mother and have a career. My wife and many others have done just that. I'd venture to guess that many of them would say they felt their role as a mother was more critical than the role they held as part of their career.
So has Butker been cut by the Chiefs, and banned from the NFL?

Not canceled, not doxxed, just had some people give their opinions about his opinions?


And Stewart brilliantly covered the march of the crybullies:

Notice how Bupkus also didnt equate the entire existence of men to being Fathers, right? He didnt say that all the dudes who got degrees were most looking forward to their marriages, making them babies, sacrificing their Sports dreams to be little league coaches who drink too much beer on weekends, sh*tty Father's Day gifts, cutting grass and taking out garbage?

Nah, because he would NEVER sacrifice his dreams and aspirations for his children. Lol
I think you and many others are looking for something to be upset about. I think our society has gotten to the point where we're "offended" by someone saying women are meant to have babies and many of them find much more fulfillment in that role instead of being conned into being defined by their degree or position within a company.

Nobody is saying they can't pursue a career at all. Butker was telling them about another option for fulfillment. One that while his mother chose differently it was one where his wife found her niche and is happy. He was trying to relay a message of finding meaning in something society has lost sight of for some reason. We're bickering about gender roles, and many are pushing the idea that preferring a woman to stay home with the kids is misogynistic and old-fashioned.

It is possible to be both a mother and have a career. My wife and many others have done just that. I'd venture to guess that many of them would say they felt their role as a mother was more critical than the role they held as part of their career.

Are the nuns that helped found the college looking for something to be upset about too?

"The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker’s comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested.

Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division. One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman. We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people, including the many women whom we have taught and influenced during the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers.

Our community has taught young women and men not just how to be “homemakers” in a limited sense, but rather how to make a Gospel-centered, compassionate home within themselves where they can welcome others as Christ, empowering them to be the best versions of themselves. We reject a narrow definition of what it means to be Catholic. We are faithful members of the Catholic Church who embrace and promote the values of the Gospel, St. Benedict, and Vatican II and the teachings of Pope Francis.

We want to be known as an inclusive, welcoming community, embracing Benedictine values that have endured for more than 1500 years and have spread through every continent and nation. We believe those values are the core of Benedictine College.

We thank all who are supportive of our Mount community and the values we hold. With St. Benedict, we pray, “Let us prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and may he lead us all together to life everlasting."
Are the nuns that helped found the college looking for something to be upset about too?

"The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker’s comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested.

Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division. One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman. We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people, including the many women whom we have taught and influenced during the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers.

Our community has taught young women and men not just how to be “homemakers” in a limited sense, but rather how to make a Gospel-centered, compassionate home within themselves where they can welcome others as Christ, empowering them to be the best versions of themselves. We reject a narrow definition of what it means to be Catholic. We are faithful members of the Catholic Church who embrace and promote the values of the Gospel, St. Benedict, and Vatican II and the teachings of Pope Francis.

We want to be known as an inclusive, welcoming community, embracing Benedictine values that have endured for more than 1500 years and have spread through every continent and nation. We believe those values are the core of Benedictine College.

We thank all who are supportive of our Mount community and the values we hold. With St. Benedict, we pray, “Let us prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and may he lead us all together to life everlasting."
You think they're "upset" from that response?
Are the nuns that helped found the college looking for something to be upset about too?

"The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker’s comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested.

Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division. One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman. We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people, including the many women whom we have taught and influenced during the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers.

Our community has taught young women and men not just how to be “homemakers” in a limited sense, but rather how to make a Gospel-centered, compassionate home within themselves where they can welcome others as Christ, empowering them to be the best versions of themselves. We reject a narrow definition of what it means to be Catholic. We are faithful members of the Catholic Church who embrace and promote the values of the Gospel, St. Benedict, and Vatican II and the teachings of Pope Francis.

We want to be known as an inclusive, welcoming community, embracing Benedictine values that have endured for more than 1500 years and have spread through every continent and nation. We believe those values are the core of Benedictine College.

We thank all who are supportive of our Mount community and the values we hold. With St. Benedict, we pray, “Let us prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and may he lead us all together to life everlasting."

There is an egregious effort by the "Christian white males are being persecuted!" crowd to sanitize what he was getting at. As if he didnt directly say that most of the women present (who all pursued degrees, many of whom likely took on debt to do it) were or should be most looking forward to being wives and Mommies. I mean it's just straight up Tradwife braggadocio, which is again, why he specifically mentioned his own wife as opposed to his Mother and Sister. He didn't mention his HIGHLY accomplished and supportive Mother as an option. He didn't express any viability of career women.

And this was mixed-in with the typical anti-LBTQ crap, as well as anti-DEI crap, AND the insinuation that Catholics who disagree with this were not REAL Catholics.

But yeah, let's push the Tradwife thing. Because that worked out so well for Lauren Southern, one of the most famous ones of all.
this thread is another sad reminder of how badly feminism's tricked generations of young women into thinking that being a corporate slave is better than being a loved wife and mother. i'd bet the majority of women secretly wish they'd rather be a stay at home mom in a loving marriage than a worthless dime-a-dozen wage slave grinding out an empty existence.

and with the cost of living being so high where two people have to work, that wish is becoming more and more out of reach for many and it's making so many people have breakdowns. you can thank feminism and corporate bullshit for this mess, and i doubt it ever returns to the way it was, where both sexes were much happier than they are now.
This dishonest argument style is so boring. Obviously no one has or would criticize him praising his wife's decision to be a stay-at-home mom. You know what the argument is about. Take a position or don't, but you don't add anything with that shit.
Take a position.
this thread is another sad reminder of how badly feminism's tricked generations of young women into thinking that being a corporate slave is better than being a loved wife and mother. i'd bet the majority of women secretly wish they'd rather be a stay at home mom in a loving marriage than a worthless dime-a-dozen wage slave grinding out an empty existence.

and with the cost of living being so high where two people have to work, that wish is becoming more and more out of reach for many and it's making so many people have breakdowns. you can thank feminism and corporate bullshit for this mess, and i doubt it ever returns to the way it was, where both sexes were much happier than they are now.

Projecting your sad life onto women eh?
You think they're "upset" from that response?

No. I think they're leveling some fair criticism at this speech.

Others in the thread have claimed that the people criticizing the speech are just "looking for something to be upset about".
2016 (election year) an NFL player said something. I was told I was supposed to be upset.

2024 (election year) an NFL player said something. I was told I was supposed to be upset.
Projecting your sad life onto women eh?

good one. more than 1/3 women have lifetime depression and it's up 10 points just in the last 6 years. how's the modern life of empty hookups and a cubicle job treating them? good?


and almost half of women will be single by 2030. that's totally not a recipe for disaster or anything. single, probably childless, no partner. it's a shame what society did to them.

Based on Census Bureau historical data and Morgan Stanley forecasts, 45% of prime working age women (ages 25-44) will be single by 2030—the largest share in history—up from 41% in 2018.
good one. more than 1/3 women have lifetime depression and it's up 10 points just in the last 6 years. how's the modern life of empty hookups and a cubicle job treating them? good?


and almost half of women will be single by 2030. that's totally not a recipe for disaster or anything. single, probably childless, no partner. it's a shame what society did to them.

Based on Census Bureau historical data and Morgan Stanley forecasts, 45% of prime working age women (ages 25-44) will be single by 2030—the largest share in history—up from 41% in 2018.
Yet men commit suicide at 4 times the rate women do. Younger people are have much higher rates of depression currently for a variety of reasons.
I hear Taylor Swift is personally demanding Butker be cut. Not because she’s offended by his message, but because now there will be a second story line to every Chief game next year, and she’s not ready to share that.
I hear Taylor Swift is personally demanding Butker be cut. Not because she’s offended by his message, but because now there will be a second story line to every Chief game next year, and she’s not ready to share that.
There is still time for Rasheed Rice to do something else in the offseason.