Hand positioning and hip drive on SOHP


White Belt
Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score
This is something I've wondered about this lift for a while. As I'm getting to what are heavier weights for me, I find myself adjusting the distance between my hands as I'm gripping the bar. Lately, what's been seeming to work the best has there being like a millimeter or two between my pinky and the small non-textured strip on the bar.

Another thing I've been wondering about is hip drive. I'd heard about a few guys that use a small bit on leg drive, and when I say small I mean barely bending their knees, but that makes it a push press and not a SOHP even if it is minimal. However, I have heard of people using hip drive during it and from what I've been able to deduce it seems like they're just talking about moving your torso under the bar as you put it up, but I thought that was just part of proper form unless I'm misunderstanding something. Thank you for your time and any assistance. I apologize if this has been posted about, I didn't find anything when I searched.
Yeah its using hip extension to move forward and get under the bar.

Not all bars are the same length nor are the smooth rings always in the same place. Grip should be about shoulder width. A lot of strong people prefer thumbless grip, but that's a personal choice.
Definitely mess around with your grip width. My hands are barely on the knurling. The wider I go, the weaker I get. It definitely varies among lifters.
Definitely mess around with your grip width. My hands are barely on the knurling. The wider I go, the weaker I get. It definitely varies among lifters.

I found the wider I went the more my shoulders suffered, as well.
thats where i grip the bar...you dont actually bend your knees you just pull your hips forward and lean back without overextending what this does is put you in a cocked position like a bow and arrow you then simultaneously drive the bar up and do the "hip kick" you should actually aim for your nose to keep the bar close enough same thing on the way down.