International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

So any update on WWIII's kick-off time? Because all that extra popcorn I bought is getting close to its sell-by date. ;)
WW3 is not going to be carried out because of this conflict. Even if Israel never existed, there still would be tons of radical jihadist groups tearing up those around them, the killing and oppression wouldn’t go away.
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If your way of "resisiting" is murdering 1200 people while raping and pillaging your way across their communities, yeah people might consider you a "terrorist"
Slave owner mentality right here, mixed with a little Jewish Supremacy as you sure suport Jews resisting ..... committing genocide .... against any nonJew in the ME.
Slave owner mentality right here, mixed with a little Jewish Supremacy as you sure suport Jews resisting ..... committing genocide .... against any nonJew in the ME.
The US is so controled by zionists that its given up strategic position in the pacific.

you realize that Israel has non-jewish people living in it and that Bibi is atheist….
Take the mask off and remove the Zionist. We know exactly what you mean….You are not fooling anyone with that Fuentes tier take.
There are differences in jewish factions. I assure you I'm not being antisemitic. Many Jews that are Orthodox, Reconstructionist or Hasidic can still disagree with and/or criticize Zionism
Not sure, needs alot of context to accurately determine.

Could easily be connected to the ongoing security operation and have to do with clearing possible IED's
If that's the case thats pretty much a necessary measure.

If its somehow related to just tearing down homes for the heck of it, that's a different case

Sadly when Bezalel Smotrich is the one in charge of the decisions. My money is on it being exploitation.

Every single case in the west bank will appear the same to me while hes holding the reins


Assuming those in the West Bank are innocent is kind of disingenuous.

The rise In support is a lot more to do with the falling of support for the fatah. Not so much as pro hamas support . They've tried not fighting. They think the outcome for them is going to be the same as the people in Gaza.

Also what's the question on the poll do you reckon?

Do you support hamas or the idf?
Do you support fatah or hamas?
Etc etc etc. I'd love to see the actual question.

Here's one from June 24

Despite the calamity in Gaza triggered by the October 7 attack, support for Hamas has surged in the West Bank, while dipping in Gaza, a new poll finds. The numbers reflect a backlash against the Palestinian Authority, seen as a corrupt, illegitimate failure, unable to provide a path towards independence.

Nevertheless, consecutive surveys by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Research Survey indicate support for Hamas continues to rise in the West Bank, even as it dips in Gaza. Earlier this month, some 41 percent of West Bankers said they support Hamas, compared to 35 percent in March and 12 percent in September.

Support for Fatah, Hamas's nemesis and the dominant power in the Palestinian Authority (PA), has decreased since the beginning of the war, dropping to just 17 percent, compared to 26 percent in September.

It's leadership grapples with a profound crisis of legitimacy. Since coming to power in 2005, President Mahmoud Abbas has systematically marginalized democratically elected institutions, packed his inner circle with loyalists, expelled rivals from Fatah, and founded alternative institutions with himself in a leadership position. Abbas has consolidated all key leadership positions, serving simultaneously as PA president and PLO and Fatah chairman.
Recently, Fatah lists suffered setbacks in municipal and university student council elections, illustrating its weakening grassroots support. Satisfaction with Fatah and Abbas is virtually nonexistent, with 94 percent of West Bankers demanding the president's resignation and 80 percent who view the PA as corrupt. Support for dissolving the PA stands at nearly 60 percent.

But perhaps most significantly, thirty years since the signing of the Oslo Accords, the PA has failed to provide Palestinians with a sense of political and personal security. The ideas promoted under the leadership of Abbas—a two-state solution, nonviolent resistance, and diplomacy—have become an anathema to many Palestinians who believe Abbas's adherence to nonviolent resistance has failed to improve their personal circumstances, let alone establish an independent Palestinian state. They view the PA as collaborating with Israel instead of protecting them from it.

the west bank has been failed by the condoning of the illegal settlements and exploitation of water management . Not to mention violence illegal evictions etc.

Of course also failed by the terrorists who operated amongst them.

I will just mention. 41% now " support hamas " by this poll in the westbank

And 40% of Israelis are now condoning illegal settlements.....

A June survey by the Pew Research Center suggested that 40% of Israelis believed settlements made the country safer, up from 27% in 2013. Meanwhile, 35% of people polled said that the settlements hurt Israel’s security, down from 42%.

Mr Mizrahi worries that Jewish extremists in the West Bank are exacerbating an already tense and volatile situation, making it harder than ever to end the Israel-Palestinian conflict. “I think it’s extremely dangerous,” he says. “It’s increasing the hate on both sides.”

Since the outbreak of the war, settler violence against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank has surged.

It had already been on the rise, but in the past 10 months the UN has documented around 1,270 attacks, compared with 856 in all of 2022.

According to the Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem, during the same period Israeli settler harassment has forced Palestinians out of at least 18 villages in the West Bank, the Palestinian territory between Israel and Jordan that was captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war and has been occupied ever since.

Between 7 October and August 2024, 589 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank – at least 570 by Israeli forces and at least 11 by settlers, according to the UN. They include some said to have been planning attacks as well as unarmed civilians. In the same period, Palestinians killed five settlers and nine members of Israel’s security forces.
Slave owner mentality right here, mixed with a little Jewish Supremacy as you sure suport Jews resisting ..... committing genocide .... against any nonJew in the ME.

So according to you, believing that terrorists are capable of committing murder and rape makes one a slave owner.

Yikes, polio. Glad to hear that they'll be pausing to vaccinate at least. And please, no jokes about Hamas repurposing iron lungs to be used as rockets. That would be uncouth.

The World Health Organization has announced it has “a preliminary commitment” for humanitarian pauses in fighting in the Gaza Strip to allow for the vaccination of children against polio, with the first vaccinations to begin as early as this weekend.

So according to you, believing that terrorists are capable of committing murder and rape makes one a slave owner.

Israel is a rogue terrorist nation. Your ziontardism blinds you.

As I've stated many times, you should try to educate yourself on Israel's colonial history and learn about nonJews in the ME and see the as human.

Try to view the world through a non Jewish Supremacy world view.

you realize that Israel has non-jewish people living in it and that Bibi is atheist….
He doesn't want to listen any bare thing.
If his area will have 3000+ missiles launched on in 1 day not likely there had been endless discussions about what to do.

you realize that Israel has non-jewish people living in it and that Bibi is atheist….
Yes, and do you realize that there are ethnic Jews in addition to religous Jews? and yes do you understand Israel is an apartheid state for thenonJews who live there?

You should try to read the non-zionist narrative.
Israel is a rogue terrorist nation. Your ziontardism blinds you.

As I've stated many times, you should try to educate yourself on Israel's colonial history and learn about nonJews in the ME and see the as human.

Try to view the world through a non Jewish Supremacy world view.
Do you know that areas near border in Israel usually are areas populated by poor ppl, including non jewish origin ppl, also kids? Were they happy get missiles and mortar shells on heads just cos someone like you might post something from cubicle?
Israel is a rogue terrorist nation. Your ziontardism blinds you.

As I've stated many times, you should try to educate yourself on Israel's colonial history and learn about nonJews in the ME and see the as human.

Try to view the world through a non Jewish Supremacy world view.
Pretty sure, Israel is close with Egypt and Jordan, they have been on good terms since the 80s iirc.