International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

It takes going down the rabbit hole to understand this. I didn't use to believe it either, until I decided to look well into it after the attack last year
I do not think its really going down a rabbit hole anymore. Its a combo of believing what Israel is saying, what is published in Heratz, and sources like Democracy Now and Breaking Points.

Zionists controlled the MSM and message for so long but that is over, thankfully.
Yes. Canada, Canadian citizens and companies all do.

Thought you did not want to start a convo with me since you ignore all the tags. Go check out the AIPAC thread, for example.

Why are you attributing your own quotes to me. You told me you didn’t want to engage in conversation with me. Hard to keep up with your own bullshit, ah?

Are you talking about trade or explicit military aid? Link to a source?

If you’re now open to conversation, I would like to ask you. When did you start hating Jews?
Why are you attributing your own quotes to me. You told me you didn’t want to engage in conversation with me. Hard to keep up with your own bullshit, ah?

Are you talking about trade or explicit military aid? Link to a source?

If you’re now open to conversation, I would like to ask you. When did you start hating Jews?
You quoted my post.

I am a slow learner for sure, but I did learn long ago to put zero effort into proving anything to you and your lot. You dodge, misdirect, obfuscate and lie.

We've seen it dozens of times with @Koya @Hog-train and others.

You are a big boy zionist. Google it. Start with the house of commons debate on providing lethal and non lethal weapons to Israel, then move to tax status on Israel Peace Bonds and plant a tree campaigns and so on.

So how about that AIPAC thread?
I do not think its really going down a rabbit hole anymore. Its a combo of believing what Israel is saying, what is published in Heratz, and sources like Democracy Now and Breaking Points.

Zionists controlled the MSM and message for so long but that is over, thankfully.
For me at least, I had to read and watch a lot of shit. I just couldn't take it at somebody's word, at least not completely.

The history is there for anybody to read up on
Certainly not even remotely to the extent that we have been post October 7th. If that never happened, Rafah wouldn’t have been attacked and tons of Palestinians would still be alive today.

It's not like October 7 happened and Israel said we need weapons to retaliate.

The arms were already there mate. Actually unexpectedly mine stopped once October 7 occured.. that was a pleasant surprise.

Which countries are currently providing armaments to Israel?​

The US is the biggest supplier, providing an estimated 68% of Israel’s foreign-sourced weapons. But Germany, providing around 30%, is also a serious supplier. Others are believed to include Britain, Italy and Australia – although Penny Wong, the Australian foreign affairs minister, has said her country has not supplied weapons since the start of the Gaza conflict.

It's not like October 7 happened and Israel said we need weapons to retaliate.

The arms were already there mate. Actually unexpectedly mine stopped once October 7 occured.. that was a pleasant surprise.

Which countries are currently providing armaments to Israel?​

The US is the biggest supplier, providing an estimated 68% of Israel’s foreign-sourced weapons. But Germany, providing around 30%, is also a serious supplier. Others are believed to include Britain, Italy and Australia – although Penny Wong, the Australian foreign affairs minister, has said her country has not supplied weapons since the start of the Gaza conflict.

Certainly not even remotely to the extent that we have been post October 7th.

You quoted my post.

I am a slow learner for sure, but I did learn long ago to put zero effort into proving anything to you and your lot. You dodge, misdirect, obfuscate and lie.

We've seen it dozens of times with @Koya @Hog-train and others.

You are a big boy zionist. Google it. Start with the house of commons debate on providing lethal and non lethal weapons to Israel, then move to tax status on Israel Peace Bonds and plant a tree campaigns and so on.

So how about that AIPAC thread?

Caught you strawmanning and implying you were an American. Thanks for clarifying that.

What about the AIPAC thread? That you often argue in terms of domestic U.S. policy when speaking in the first person plural when you are not infact a, U.S. citizen?

Certainly ironic given that the crux of your anti-AIPAC statements are that AIPAC is actually a foreign interest group masquerading as an American one, which you yourself personally (just did) and repeatedly do on these forums, you weezly Canuck.

Care to answer about telling me when you started to hate Zionists and Jews?
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I do not think its really going down a rabbit hole anymore. Its a combo of believing what Israel is saying, what is published in Heratz, and sources like Democracy Now and Breaking Points.

Zionists controlled the MSM and message for so long but that is over, thankfully.
A big issue though, I think perhaps the biggest issue is not the hardcore open support for the Israelis, rather its the nominally "liberal" media who help prop them up by trying to keep enough credibility to push a more subtle line.

Really I think that's been the key to things reaching the stage they have IMHO, the most effective attack dogs on Israeli critics have always tended to be "liberals" because their often as not in charge of the institutions real critics are linked to and they have built up a false credibility, claiming to be critical of Isreal and in favour of the two state solution but doing nothing to back it up.

The "sensible adults in the room" for me are the biggest problem, either ingenuine people higher up who push that or the public and lower down the media tree who genuinely believe it but really what is the "sensible" position their pushing now? "We would kill not quite as many kids as Bibi and Trump"?
Let’s be happy v
Caught you strawmanning and implying you were an American. Thanks for clarifying that.

What about the AIPAC thread? That you often argue in terms of domestic U.S. policy when speaking in the first person plural when you are not infact a, U.S. citizen?

Certainly ironic given that the crux of your anti-AIPAC statements are that AIPAC is actually a foreign interest group masquerading as an American one, which you yourself personally (just did) and repeatedly do on these forums, you weezly Canuck.

Care to answer about telling me when you started to hate Zionists and Jews?

Jewish people are great. Zionists are scum

Muslims and Jews are great people.

Zionists, taliban, isis are religious fundamentalist extremists and should be gone
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A big issue though, I think perhaps the biggest issue is not the hardcore open support for the Israelis, rather its the nominally "liberal" media who help prop them up by trying to keep enough credibility to push a more subtle line.

Really I think that's been the key to things reaching the stage they have IMHO, the most effective attack dogs on Israeli critics have always tended to be "liberals" because their often as not in charge of the institutions real critics are linked to and they have built up a false credibility, claiming to be critical of Isreal and in favour of the two state solution but doing nothing to back it up.

The "sensible adults in the room" for me are the biggest problem, either ingenuine people higher up who push that or the public and lower down the media tree who genuinely believe it but really what is the "sensible" position their pushing now? "We would kill not quite as many kids as Bibi and Trump"?

The largest traditional mainstream media platform in the U.S. is Fox and that’s conservative. This liberal media narrative makes me laugh

Really interesting read. ( snippets taken. Read the whole thing )

Israel Palestine on Swedish TV 1958 – 1989 is a document of war – not just of regional conflict, but of narrative. It is made up of footage from dozens of individual reports that once aired on Sweden’s national public television broadcaster SVT, stitched together with little context added and almost no editorial comment.

But behind each segment is a clear author, each with their own judgments, preconceptions and ideology – though they were each presented as objective. And each used their state’s leading platform to shape Sweden's public opinion, the power of which is difficult to calculate, a paradigm that was seemingly repeated across the world.

Early on, the reports approach euphoria at Israel’s existence. In 1960, for example, a report entitled Israel – Land of Wonders aired, in what we are told was a five-part film series by Lars-Eric Kjellgren.

It is a portrait of a utopia, narrated by a young woman who emigrated to Israel from Sweden in 1948, when it was founded. She walks through co-operative markets where fresh goods are affordable and readily available, and state-of-the-art hospitals where care is free.

Moments later, the narrator wonders just how extraordinary this place is, which reflects “the fusion of one million immigrants from 102 different countries, speaking 72 different languages in a moral and cultural unity. A world was in doubt, but the wonder is a fact”.

There is no mention of Palestinians to be found in the story that Kjellgren told, the many people who once tilled that same soil and called that land home for countless generations. There is no mention of the Nakba that drove them out of their homes, nor the tens of thousands who reportedly died. There is no mention of the way that even Israeli immigrants themselves were not all treated equally at the time, according to other reports in the same film.

The whiplash is palpable, even among reports that feature only Israelis. One documents a picnic of Israelis of North African descent, who have come together to keep their cultural traditions alive. In another, other Israelis of Arab origin are shown to be living in abject poverty, lamenting the fact that opportunity and help from the state only comes to those of European descent, though they were invited to the country with promises of equality.

In some, Palestinians are referred to as terrorists with barely acknowledged humanity. In others, they are presented as freedom fighters, with those holding rifles and battle scars given the opportunity to explain their perspective during conflict.

In one report from the 1970s, an SVT producer interviews a voice of dissent within Israel, who laments that then-Prime Minister Golda Meir’s rhetoric about Palestinian birth rates was akin to Nazi rhetoric in the 1920s, and that if it is to go unchecked, it could put his country on a similar path. In a subsequent report, Meir repeats this same rhetoric unchallenged. And in another startling moment, Ben-Gurion says something to similar effect, which causes the Swedish interviewer to laugh in apparent agreement.