hair loss


Brown Belt
Aug 28, 2004
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just read an interesting article on hair loss (for those having problems with steroid related hair loss, or just hairloss) this guy says that shampoo is the cause of hairloss, it contains shampoo acid and makes hair fall out, says that he grew his hair back by not using shampoo. should check it out
Your Joking Right. I dont even know how to respond to this. So I'll go about it two different ways.

First hair loss and hair loss treatments are dated back to Ancient Egyptians, way before the the common use of showering daily and using cosmetic shampoo.

Second, hair loss mostly always occurs on the top of the head, not the sides and back. If it were caused by shampoo you would lose hair everywhere. Unless for some reason you only shampoo the top of the head.

If anybody is experiencing hair loss, please go see a dermatoligist. Although its not curable, it is somewhat preventable though. But not by just changing shampoo's.
i'm not saying it's right or wrong, but you should check out the site before concluding. dude's not tryin to sell anything, he's just telling about his experience
Hair loss, I watched my father wear a toupee, which was Terrible! I am starting to thin on top and I have shaved my head. Rather than live in denial and brush my hair forward or even worse across giving the "comb over look".

And I'm definitely not walking around with a piece of carpet on my head, nor will I spend money on Miracle cures that are bullshit. Some methods slow hair loss but I'd prefer to deal with it now.

There are a lot of advantages to having a shaved head
1) Don't have to do your hair at all.
2) Washing it is easier and their is less likelyhood of dandruff
3) If you do still get dandruff you can apply moisturiser ti the scalp and fix it straight away.
4) It's a lot cooler in the summer heat

I must be bored to have responded to this thread. LOL
wuhahaha, i love my geneticaly thick hair. In my genes our hair doesnt even thin.
The drug finasteride at ~1mg dose stops hairloss for about 80%+ of the people it was tested on. And it even regrew some hair for some people. I am not trying to sell it but I thought that it was already known by now.

You can look it up. At 5mg dose it was used to treat prostate problems but then they realized that it affected hair growth.
Finasteride = birth defects.
They tell pregnant women or even women wanting to get pregnant not the even touch the bottle.
matsumi said:
Hair loss, I watched my father wear a toupee, which was Terrible! I am starting to thin on top and I have shaved my head. Rather than live in denial and brush my hair forward or even worse across giving the "comb over look".

And I'm definitely not walking around with a piece of carpet on my head, nor will I spend money on Miracle cures that are bullshit. Some methods slow hair loss but I'd prefer to deal with it now.

There are a lot of advantages to having a shaved head
1) Don't have to do your hair at all.
2) Washing it is easier and their is less likelyhood of dandruff
3) If you do still get dandruff you can apply moisturiser ti the scalp and fix it straight away.
4) It's a lot cooler in the summer heat

I must be bored to have responded to this thread. LOL

I am not going bald, but I do shave my head, and when people ask me, those are some of the reasons I give them. Abotu shaving heads though, why is it that people ahve to ask why? I do not ask them why they grow their hair long like some sort of peaceloving hippie reject or why they come it over like some preppy nerd out of the 50's, or whatever else they are doing with their hair, but it seems like everyone I know has asked me at least once why I shave my head.
muerteverde said:
I am not going bald, but I do shave my head, and when people ask me, those are some of the reasons I give them. Abotu shaving heads though, why is it that people ahve to ask why? I do not ask them why they grow their hair long like some sort of peaceloving hippie reject or why they come it over like some preppy nerd out of the 50's, or whatever else they are doing with their hair, but it seems like everyone I know has asked me at least once why I shave my head.

haha, I went through the same thing. I don't know why people ask about shaving your head, either. I don't shave my head anymore; I keep it real short though, like 1/8 of an inch long... I got real tired of shaving my head... now I just buzz it with clippers.
Chad Hamilton said:
Finasteride = birth defects.
They tell pregnant women or even women wanting to get pregnant not the even touch the bottle.

You do realize that alot of medications carry this label. Almost anything can theoretically lead to birth defects. Also Finasteride isnt approved by the FDA for use in women, so Merk doesnt have any reason not to add the warning. In fact, there was first a warning that just having sex while on Finasteride could lead to birth defects in male childs. Which was later removed I think.

Also, other common medications such as some asprin, asthma medications, acutane, and even cat liter carry the same warning.

The warning is to reduce liability its not an actual fact that it causes birth defects in any signifciant form.
Chad Hamilton said:
Finasteride = birth defects.
They tell pregnant women or even women wanting to get pregnant not the even touch the bottle.

It is not meant for women to use. Also, you can just stop using it if you want to have a baby. I am not sure if it actually does anything from the man's perspective if you want to have a baby, but if a woman is using it that could cause problems [again, it is not recommended for women who are still capable of having children].

It is the only thing that I have ever heard of that legitimately works for hair loss. That is why i mentioned it. You can google it and read all about possible side effects and their % chances of occuring + all about the test studies etc.
muerteverde said:
I am not going bald, but I do shave my head, and when people ask me, those are some of the reasons I give them. Abotu shaving heads though, why is it that people ahve to ask why? I do not ask them why they grow their hair long like some sort of peaceloving hippie reject or why they come it over like some preppy nerd out of the 50's, or whatever else they are doing with their hair, but it seems like everyone I know has asked me at least once why I shave my head.

Maybe you have a mishapen head and they don't want to look at it :wink:
Finasteride is sold in prescription form by Merck under the brand name "Propecia".
I hear that finasteride fucks up your nuts and sperm. but i guess steroids do too. i'm thinkin about investing in some clippers myself. got a haircut 2 days ago, took about 5 minuites, 15 fuckin dollars
side effects for finasteride and rare and minimal. that stuff about sperm/nuts, etc., is inaccurate.
Is this in the strength and power discussion?
muerteverde said:
I am not going bald, but I do shave my head, and when people ask me, those are some of the reasons I give them. Abotu shaving heads though, why is it that people ahve to ask why? I do not ask them why they grow their hair long like some sort of peaceloving hippie reject or why they come it over like some preppy nerd out of the 50's, or whatever else they are doing with their hair, but it seems like everyone I know has asked me at least once why I shave my head.

To paraphrase Larry David we bald people do not consider you a member of the bald community! Although i've read your posts before Muerteverde and have respect for you , you shaving your head is a choice. Keep shaving your head though.Its good not to conform.

Baldness is not a disease so there is no need for a cure. If they did have a "cure" for it a bunch of renegades would eventually choose to be bald by choice.

It can be difficult to accept at times. I myself was and still am a metalhead and there was a time not too long ago when my hair represented who i was.

I have never been rejected by a chic for being bald (not htat i know of anyway). If your self consicious about it people will pick up on it and that insecurity will keep away the chics.

Instead of viewing it as a weakness or a liability i have incorporated into my "style" and it is now a strength.

How you view yourself is generally how other people will view you/treat you so shave it and be done with it...

At the risk of being flamed for sounding gay I sometimes use flesh-toned powder and a soft brush to take the shine off.