Gym Database - Beta


Orange Belt
Oct 18, 2005
Reaction score
I have been working on a site for the past few months which is basically a gym index, combined with some basic social networking stuff (ala facebook):
Boxing, mma, Jiu Jutsu and more gyms -
(If you own a gym, or just want to list a gym you train at, pls feel free to add it - its free).

Here's what a gym profile can look like once finished (note the customised, selectable sub domain:icon_chee)
Xtreme Couture - Las Vegas

Its still in beta so there may be some kinks to iron out. I'd love to hear any suggestions or feedback you guys may have though.
I have been working on a site for the past few months which is basically a gym index, combined with some basic social networking stuff (ala facebook):
Boxing, mma, Jiu Jutsu and more gyms -
(If you own a gym, or just want to list a gym you train at, pls feel free to add it - its free).

Here's what a gym profile can look like once finished (note the customised, selectable sub domain:icon_chee)
Xtreme Couture - Las Vegas

Its still in beta so there may be some kinks to iron out. I'd love to hear any suggestions or feedback you guys may have though.

For one thing I would make sure that you can search by area code. Some people will need to find places near them so a search function with that option would be good, other wise when they put in what city they live in they won't find a place that is at lest near by
For one thing I would make sure that you can search by area code. Some people will need to find places near them so a search function with that option would be good, other wise when they put in what city they live in they won't find a place that is at lest near by

Thanks for the idea GBYorba, I've added in the abiity to add an area code to a gym, I'll add in the search functionality now.
Really cool, I can't wait to see how this thing develops.
Be nice to see the search output show the area code followed by a few good column's like (price range, instruction, instructor name etc). This way a person can quickly identify which selection to make.

If you can add modules to this, lookup the google map module which you can flag each address to.
Man, this is an awesome website idea. I travel a lot with work, sometimes for 2-3 weeks in a new town, and I hate missing out on training. This will be an easy way to find a place I can train for a week or so.

Thanks for doing this, I'll be using it a lot!! Awesome idea!
In the future, maybe you want to add in individual profiles and the ability to pass private pms. Personally, I've been hurtin' for a school database based on the model.
Be nice to see the search output show the area code

followed by a few good column's like (price range, instruction, instructor name etc). This way a person can quickly identify which selection to make.
Ooh, ya good idea thanks, I'll add that to my todo list.

If you can add modules to this, lookup the google map module which you can flag each address to.
Ya I was planning on hooking it up to Google maps, I'll def get that going.
There are several bugs with the database. I sent a message via the form on the web site. Good idea, though.
There are several bugs with the database. I sent a message via the form on the web site. Good idea, though.

Thanks for the mail Frodo, really appreciated. I've sent back a response. Looks like I have some work ahead of me for this weekend :D
Just thought I'd let everyone know I've patched up all the previous problems and made some more improvements such as a gui calendar, to easily select class schedules.

Keep the feedback and submissions coming :)
I see a few more submissions have come in - thanks guys :D
I see a few more submissions have come in - thanks guys :D
Good idea, although there are a couple of similar sites knocking about (but not as broad as yours, I think: these are all related to BJJ): e.g., and Would be even better if someone starting consolidating all the information from the various other resources, so if there's an easy way of importing lots of data into yours, that would be cool.

You could also take info from some of the existing Google Maps: Pittsburgh, San Diego, Florida and this big general one of various places in the US.

There's also my one for clubs in the UK.

Generally I think your site looks great, good layout, fairly straight-forward interface.

However, I'm not sure its a good idea to limit the additions to owners and webmasters: the kind of people who can be arsed to add details are often just members. E.g., I'd like to put myself down as 'member', but currently have to put 'webmaster' if I want to add the school details (which are here).

There seemed to be some problems adding in a UK based club, as the area code (referred to in the UK as postcode: the one I'm trying to add is W10 5DB) doesn't fit properly. Comes up as 0 after I try to save it. Presumably that's due to the site being set up to recognise numerical US codes?

Again related to the UK, I only seem to be able to enter the fee in Euros: is there an option to change it to GBP I'm missing?

Also, I couldn't add in the kids classes, because they got 45 mins, so don't fit into the current 30 minute slot option. It would also be good if the final display on the profile was tabular rather than a purely textual listing: a table is easier to read. Apart from that, I like the way the class system you've got set up works.

Finally, logo seems to have trouble uploading: its under 100kb and the same size as the other ones I've seen on there (160x160), so that might just be a temporary glitch.