Law Gun Control: A Global Overview

Ban all guns NOW! Civilians should not be allowed to own ANY guns, only military and some police guys. Can't wait for future president Kamala to lock all you gun nuts up in November

Aww he's in his double yellows suicide death cycle.
It's "Give An Inch, Take A Mile" mentality.

Sadly, "Give An Inch, Take A Mile" way of seeing gun control issues has been shown to be an accurate assessment.

IMO the major contributing factor to this reality is that the gun control measures that are often first proposed have zero or very little effect, and so the advocates just move onto the next measure. For instance, the most common call to action right now by far is the ban of semi-automatic rifles (referred to as assault rifles). But if passed this will have felt impact, as they are only used in 3% of shootings... and one can further assume that the shooter in those 3% would just use a handgun if rifle access was prevented, resulting in an zero reduction in gun violence.

When the most public call to action on gun control is OBJECTIVELY pointless, it is going to generate trust issues.
There’s no evidence because there’s no appetite for it, as you’ve already been told by other UK posters. I’m ex Forces, so have used and been around firearms. I’ve never met one person that really cared 2 shits about gun ownership in the UK. It’s a non issue

That's funny because both times I visited London multiple people told my wife and I to make sure we never give up our guns because the English have no way to keep the government in check..
It's "Give An Inch, Take A Mile" mentality.
yeah but they become deeply sinful not giving the rightful inch out of fear of that. they become complicit in the death and murder and needless destruction of human beings. its wrong to allow fear like that to rule you.

most gun owners actually agree anyway. its the fearful few who are ruining it for the rest of us.
yeah but they become deeply sinful not giving the rightful inch out of fear of that. they become complicit in the death and murder and needless destruction of human beings. its wrong to allow fear like that to rule you.

most gun owners actually agree anyway. its the fearful few who are ruining it for the rest of us.
i agree totally on the NEED and RIGHT to bear arms. I have three guns and am planning on getting a DP-12 double barrel 12 Gauge shotgun that holds 16 rounds. I'm not anti gun in any way.

but what about some common sense regulations that could really help? why not make it law that your guns have to be stored in safes and that those safes register when a gun is put in and taken out and if the safe was locked when accessed? this way we could hold irresponsible owners accountable for how their guns are used by family members, neighbors and criminals.

why not also have a law that they must be locked up while being left in a vehicle for the same reasons?

why not make all gun sales and purchases be registered with the gov and have universal background checks on ALL gun sales or purchases too?

I feel like these measures would go a long way towards mitigating some of the risk that gun owners offgas onto society. hell it would be ok with me that the safe law would only be prosecuted in the case of that gun being used in a crime.

I suppose a lockroom with secure safety doors and deadbolts cold/would also be acceptable.

I don't support biometric triggers because they could fail in a life and death situation.

seems to me gun owners do not want to allow ANY restrictions whatsoever in the the cause of trying to mitigate gun violence in this country. gun owners deflect to what they can do nothing about and obfuscate the things they could do something about.

Get back to us when democrats start talking about criminal control when it comes to guns.

Just thought this was interesting and somewhat relevant to share, I already posted this in another thread. The people in this photo are old enough to be married to some of the regulars on here but it is interesting that they carried guns to school and violence regarding it was down. I am not a huge gun rights guy but part of me feels like regulating further access is just a band-aid solution for a deeper problem.
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These are such weak arguments.

“Stop comparing the US to other first world, industrialized, developed countries! Our gun violence rate looks downright enviable compared to Colombia and El Salvador!” <lol>

We don’t have “1/18th” the rate of mass shootings that the Netherlands does. They have had two mass shooting events ever. That’s why it’s an outlier. We had that last week.
Banning assault rifles is a bigger threat to freedom than abortion bans? I am not sure about that, most of the world gets by without them.
I'm not a fan of banning guns or an abortion ban . . .
Remember that reverse uno card?

Picture it being put here again . . .
ok, I did, but it was just as dumb as the first time it was there. ;)

Seriously, do yourself a favor and get off Twitter. Unplug yourself from those radicalized weirdos.