John Wang
I know there are alot of white(and black) knights on here, so just curious for replies.
Say a bunch of women tried to jump your girl while you were together on the street or something,you try to diffuse the situation but they just escalate it and are ready to fight. (and you know you are clearly stronger/could ko all of them, but your woman isn't)
Would you deliver some haymakers or just try to shield her. Or whatever else floats your boat I guess.
Can we post street fight vids? I have some as examples but will not post if it is against the rules.
Say a bunch of women tried to jump your girl while you were together on the street or something,you try to diffuse the situation but they just escalate it and are ready to fight. (and you know you are clearly stronger/could ko all of them, but your woman isn't)
Would you deliver some haymakers or just try to shield her. Or whatever else floats your boat I guess.
Can we post street fight vids? I have some as examples but will not post if it is against the rules.