Gravitational waves detected

"Travels unimpeded by matter."

Does this mean we might be able
to harness gravity for energy?
Lots of interpretation in that article.
And of course I got excited and duffed the title. It should be "Gravitational" waves.
Whatever, let me know when you've found a fat free fudge cake that doesn't let you down in the flavor department.
Meh. Will it help me get the bitches.Like if I tells the bitches bout this, will the panites just fall off cause of the Gravity Waves.
Next stop:

Shit, this is really cool.

I hope this turns out to be true, but they were really cautious this time...
This is happening almost right in my back yard, Livingston Parish, LA.
I hope this turns out to be true, but they were really cautious this time...
They have held off on the announcement since September so hopefully they eliminated other explanations.
In other news, the bay boys have warned other gravity wave surfers to stay out of their universe or they "will fucking hassle you."
