GrAPpLiNG iS fiGThINg bRO Ur a caSUAL

Blablaba, od govneta nisam ni ocekivao nista drugo.
Ne seri. Merab ocito nije kao neki high level grappler sto zna da zavrsi borbu, ili uopste zeli ista da uradi osim da te drzi dok vrijeme iztice. Zbog tog ga ne gotivim. Neznam dali si to mogao razumiti iz OP-a. A tu neku politiku sto ti mutis "caucus , not caucus" to nekom drugom prospaj. Kao da mene boli kurac odakle je i sta je.
A takedown is absolutely an offensive action by every definition. You not finding it exciting doesn't matter at all.
It's an offensive action, but you shouldn't get rewarded for the inaction that follows.
I didn't watch the Merab/O Malley fight, but we've seen plenty of wrestlers who got the fight to the ground and just hung on to prevent a fight occuring rather than posturing up to land shots/pass guard and actually attempt to land some offense
I'm not a fan of Merabs style, but it's up to Sean to punish his lousy standup on the feet, he had plenty of time and opportunities to really hurt Merab, and he wasn't able to.
Yes, all Merab did was lay on O'Malley. <YeahOKJen>

That's why he landed more strikes and also why the announcers and most of the posters here couldn't believe Herb was telling him to work, to the point where it actually seemed like he was trying to rig the fight.

Nothing wrong with merabs grappling, he was relentless and Sean couldn't deal with it.
Also herb was even more bizarre than usual and clearly had instructions from dana.

Im surprised he pulled Sean up for the glove grab.
Go back to pro wrestling, dorks. If you can't stop a takedown or work from your back you probably shouldn't be in the elite MMA org in the world.
Valentina and Merab were not exciting last sat. But Islam, Khabib, Khamzat are the farthest thing from boring. Umar and Usman are also fantastic.
Valentina and Merab were not exciting last sat. But Islam, Khabib, Khamzat are the farthest thing from boring. Umar and Usman are also fantastic.
Tbh I'm shocked you'd say this about Usman considering his recent string of decisions. He's the biggest point fighter out of the Dagi crew.
I swear 90% of the fuckers here have severe ADHD if they find Merab boring. I blame TikTok.