grade-school textbooks, the theme is hate.

Indoctrination for the future immigrants of Europe!

Saudi Arabia is on the more extreme end of the scale but they are also funding mosques to be built in the West and beyond as part of their ideological expansion programs. They have plenty of money to do it.
Joshua Landis has gone through similar statements in the Syrian curriculum. There it is Islam and Christianity that are the only "true" religions and all the others are destined for hellfire and should be converted and such.

It's important to note though that 3rd world countires don't always have standardized and uniformed curriculums. Saudi probably has, but the others I'm not so sure about.
Is normal that Islamic children have hate indoctrinated into them:

If trees and rocks are going to give them away, I feel bad for my kids Jewish friends when they play hide and seek.
The UN's money put to use in Islamic schools in Palestine:

The indoctrination of the young is standard practice everywhere. An extreme example, but, like is stated in the OP, not surprising.

Very true. Religion is obsolete and really holds back progress, but isn't going away any time soon.

So are they cool with know because they don't actually believe and practice a religion other than Islam? Are agnostics safe from their wrath because they don't "oppose" Islam and their God. Will neutrality save me the next time I'm in building they want to level?

no, you would be worse off than people of the book as they call them. you would be on the same ground as pagans
Joshua Landis has gone through similar statements in the Syrian curriculum. There it is Islam and Christianity that are the only "true" religions and all the others are destined for hellfire and should be converted and such.

It's important to note though that 3rd world countires don't always have standardized and uniformed curriculums. Saudi probably has, but the others I'm not so sure about.

difference is that Christians would pray for you to find God. not send you to your maker because you are not a Christian.
-well, it is not supported by the bible to behave in such a way
where islam says flat out kill infidels.

but if X religion is right, then all others are wrong (like islam) or incomplete (like Judaism) Education in Syria.htm

Here's an article on Syria's muslim religious education from the year 2003, by Joshua Landis. It brings up several intresting factoids. On one hand it kinda predicts the secterian and extremist situation we see today. On the other hand it points out just how dismissive people are of state education in these kinds of societies.
What is the difference between Islamic screed and White Supremacist / Nazi screed?

The difference is it is morally justifiable to condemn White power ideology but if you condemn Arab supremacy (aka Islam) you the critic are labelled a bigot by liberals and Muslims.

What is the difference between 3rd Reich indoctrination and Saudi islamic indoctrination.

Muslims should understand that their religion deserves criticism because of the blatant HATE contained within it. To castigate people for criticizing Islam is akin to castigating people for criticizing slavery or colonialism.

Other religions that push a hatefull ideology also deserve criticism. Islam has the nerve and arrogance to demand no one criticize it. It is like Kim Jon Ill demanding no one criticize his behavior.
What is the difference between Islamic screed and White Supremacist / Nazi screed?

The difference is it is morally justifiable to condemn White power ideology but if you condemn Arab supremacy (aka Islam) you the critic are labelled a bigot by liberals and Muslims.

What is the difference between 3rd Reich indoctrination and Saudi islamic indoctrination.

Muslims should understand that their religion deserves criticism because of the blatant HATE contained within it. To castigate people for criticizing Islam is akin to castigating people for criticizing slavery or colonialism.

Other religions that push a hatefull ideology also deserve criticism. Islam has the nerve and arrogance to demand no one criticize it. It is like Kim Jon Ill demanding no one criticize his behavior.

This is quite true, but it would all be irrelevant if we simply did not have them in our countries.

I frankly don't care how the Saudis feel in their own countries, doing their own thing. They can do whatever they want there, provided they do not import this ideology to us through waves upon waves of immigrants.
This is why those people remain ignorant and their countries are shit holes. They should starry studying useful things in school instead of Islam.

Saudi Arabia is a shithole? They have more money per capita than the United States.

Saudi Arabia is a shithole? They have more money per capita than the United States.


Oil wealth by dumb luck. As the birthplace of th religion, would they take in all of the Muslims from around the world? They surely could afford it. Do their worldwide conquest border by border or implode with internal and sectarian nutso violence.