Got smashed by a Judoka


Blue Belt
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
1st Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (OPEN) tournement in Abu Dhabi last weekend. I was pumped! I was thinking to myself, unless this person is tough as nails, I'm gonna win my match. But the guy I went up against had this weird air of confidence and it's like he didn't care about warming up or getting himself pumped or anything. He just stood their with a slight grin.

Ok so the match started (I am 2 month BJJ whitebelt BTW but can hang pretty tough with the blues in my school and beat most of the whites)

I got thrown, stoodup, thrown again, armbar attempt, defended, triangle attempt defended, and finally caught in an armbar a couple minutes into the match. Found out later it was a JUDOKA BLACK BELT!!! He went on to plece second in my weight division (Under 73K) and lost only to his teacher who is a higher black belt and Olympian!

Yup, you got schooled. Train harder.
Wait... you're in Abu Dhabi? What are you doing there?

Yep. Top judoka are tough as hell.
2 months of bjj and already in a competition, man you got balls.
This happens a lot these days with the growing number of grappling competitions. High ranking judo guys enter as white belts in BJJ comps and then win on throws and positional control. It's shitty and underhanded for them to not enter the blue belt category at least as they are obviously far from beginners at grappling but if they do not disclose their experience to the organisers of the competition then they won't get placed in an appropriate category and will unsurprisingly dominate new grapplers.
I honestly believe that if I fought him a few more times I could take him, but, then again... it might be the balls talking.
WTF!?!?!? Is this for real?!?!?
Bro, you got m-ther f-cking screwed by that f-cking sandbagger!

Props to you for getting into the competition with only 2 months of experience.
I hope that p-ssy who beat you is REAL proud of 2nd place in the WHITE BELT BJJ division despite being a f-cking black belt in judo...
It cuts both ways.

BJJ guys enter Judo competitions and tear them up. Judo guys seem to have a much harder time of it in BJJ competitions because their strongest technique really only counts for 2pts instead of an insta-win.

To put things in perspective you can get your Judo black belt in as little as 2-3 years. It usually takes longer. But I have seen BJJ white belts that had 2 years experience. So these things are sort of relevant to their own environments.

So when you say 'sandbagging' it isn't exactly true. The guy is a whitebelt in BJJ. Just like you would be a whitebelt in Judo. Now granted he could have stepped up a notch or two and probably should have. My guess is that the competition was pretty small in Abu Dhabi so they lumped people in by weights and not neccessarily belt level, especially considering the cross-style entries. They probably didn't have enough people to have the 8 zillion divisions the way BJJ tourneys usually do.

Use it as experience and learn. And you often to do learn much more from a loss than from a win. More than likely this will be burned in your mind for a long, long time. Hopefully it will encourage you to learn more Judo at the very least to figure out Judoka's game and how to defend against it.
work harder, train more keeping them close once thrown
Cardio said:
...Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (OPEN) tournement... understanding of an OPEN tournament means that all belt levels and weight divisions get thrown in together. In this context the Judo black belt wasn't sandbagging in the slightest bit.

Re: Sandbaggin':
It defintely goes both ways. The last judo tournament I was in every single one of my opponents was a bjj practitioner along with judo. Once on the ground these guys were tough as nails. I never asked there bjj belt ranks, and didn't care.
what a bunch of sandbaggers!@!!!! BB's should compet against Blues IMO
pull guard next time. if a guy comes out with a loose gi, keeps good posture when he's standing, and actually fights for meaningful grips i assume he's a judoka and i just pull guard...why play his game in a tournament.
Sorry. Anyways, these guys came out with some of the sickest Judo I've ever seen and just tore this BJJ cup to shreads.
In that case...

Cry more nub.
Stoic1 said:
It cuts both ways.

BJJ guys enter Judo competitions and tear them up. Judo guys seem to have a much harder time of it in BJJ competitions because their strongest technique really only counts for 2pts instead of an insta-win.

To put things in perspective you can get your Judo black belt in as little as 2-3 years. It usually takes longer. But I have seen BJJ white belts that had 2 years experience. So these things are sort of relevant to their own environments.

1: I've never seen a BJJ blackbelt "dominate" any upper level division in Judo (even in local/regional tournaments)
2: I have only competed in advanced BJJ divisions (with no prior BJJ experience), and done quite well thanks
3: You CAN get a BB in BJJ in 2-3 years too (see BJ Penn), but it rarely happens. SAME with Judo. I have been around for some time (15 years), and have NEVER met anyone who has gotten a BB in 2-3 years.
4: I will admit though, the rule differences would make it much easier for a BJJ sandbagger to dominate beginner Judo divisions than Judo sandbaggers in BJJ divisions

-- Realizing now that I may have taken you out of context...................... *sigh*
Bubble Boy said: understanding of an OPEN tournament means that all belt levels and weight divisions get thrown in together. In this context the Judo black belt wasn't sandbagging in the slightest bit.

Re: Sandbaggin':
It defintely goes both ways. The last judo tournament I was in every single one of my opponents was a bjj practitioner along with judo. Once on the ground these guys were tough as nails. I never asked there bjj belt ranks, and didn't care.

I stand corrected. If it was in fact an open tournament, then yes, the judoka was not sandbagging. I am calm now.

I still give the OP props for stepping onto the mat with only 2 months experience, ESPECIALLY if it was an "open" tournament!

And it sounds like it was a learning experience for him either way...which is all that really matters IMO.
You assume Black Belt judoka WANT to enter and win against white belts. Where's the victory there?

Think they go home & boast about beating a bunch of white belts? Man, it is EMBARRASING to admit you went in a white-belt level if you are a black belt. Then again, if they get beaten, they are ridiculed because they have their ass handed to them by a mere white belt. No-win situation there.

Think about it. If you are a BJJ black belt - would you be pleased/proud to enter the novice division of a judo comp & win? Would you put this momentous achievement on your website?

If these black belt judoka were sandbagging they are idiots. Maybe they just entered whatever division they were allowed to enter.