Got my fat ass in gear...


The Stocky Strangler
Sep 6, 2005
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I have developed a conditioning complex and work in my S&P workouts on the days when I am going to fight afterwards...Its not heavy enough to count it as a real S&P deal but it is helping when I am able to do those lifts heavy. Right now my muscular endurance is lacking and I need to fix it ASAP, here goes...

3 min rounds, 1 min rest (not there yet)

DB Bench
DB Snatches
Rows w/ a 45#plate

This is it, I am making progress and it feels like a marathon when you are done. I am in relatively shitty shape so this definitely kicks my ass.
Bench has no place in a complex. Dips, foo.
As many reps as I can in the 3 mins, the weights are light, I try to be as explosive as possible to really tire myself out as I said my shape is shit if I was going heavier I think I would fry up in a hurry. I figure if I go light and fast that will help my explosiveness and help me go deeper.
I have bench in there because I feel like I get tired in my chest in grappling, I will be changing it soon enough and probably switch it up. The bottom line is I am cooked at the end.
I have bench in there because I feel like I get tired in my chest in grappling, I will be changing it soon enough and probably switch it up. The bottom line is I am cooked at the end.
Hell I think any form of pushups would be better than bench. If it's a real complex, a) you shouldn't be lying down, because lifts that involve lying down are shit, moreso for cardio purposes and b) you're wasting time transitioning between equipment.

There's a good reason for barbell complexes - you don't get to stop between lifts. The bar is always being held, racked, shouldered, etc. and you don't get a second of relief until all the reps are done. Try a few BB complexes (with pushups or dips chucked in at the end, or standing neider press). You'll make faster progress.