Economy GOP back to Inflation worries. "Hyperinflation" (Update: 2022 Inflation Highest in 40 Years)

Nope, make enough that inflation of costs doesn't impact me. However, noticing delays in shipping and availability of building materials and appliances. Been waiting for a new washing machine to show up for a month

My company's product is constantly on backorder because we're competing against the auto manufacturers for parts and there's no foreseeable end to this anytime soon.
There’s only one grocery store in my small Alaska town and they’re currently sold out of vinegar.

How the hell am I supposed to make deviled eggs?
The value of my home is, fortunately, outpacing the additional costs at the pump and grocery store.

Anybody have anything negative to say about Trump for adding 7.5 Trillion to the debt in 4 years??
Doing ok, not saving up as much at the end of the month, but it isn't something astronomical. Wife and I bring in around 9,500 monthly after taxes and our mortgage is around 1750 so we do ok. Kids eat up most of our bills.
I've noticed but it really hasn't affected me too much yet. Stopped driving my 8cylinder Jeep and started driving the 4 cylinder Subaru I guess.I've really noticed at work where we can't get anything with steel, copper or a long production process.
Bush? If you are willing to go this far back, I can name the real culprit:
Woodrow Wilson

Well maybe not that far. The debt when Carter left was about $1T. That was the total from 1776 to 1980. The debt was over 4.3T when Reagan/Bush left office. About 1/3 of the total national debt today was incurred in Trump's one term.
I don't buy the same stuff a lot of other people buy. A lot of the stuff I bought before the pandemic costs the same price.
Wait, we're blaming Joe Biden for inflation? That's absurd. From what I understand, there's shortages everywhere and delivery and shipment have a big role in that.

On the personal side, I live pretty cheaply so I've noticed it but it hasn't impacted me.

Yeah for some reason people want to blame a year long lapse in production and manufacturing on monetary inflation instead.

It's not monetary inflation, it's supply and demand, combined with labor shortages in many sectors impacted by lower levels of production and a reduced international workforce because of travel restrictions in many countries. The import/export process is also impacted causing many delays in many countries.

There's still a huge shortage in computer chips that are used in basically everything from cars to consumer electronics to appliances, etc.

It is so bad in fact my customer has shipped product to the states without the computer boards and then sending the boards after to be installed once available because the finished product (minus the boards) is taking up too much space.
Maybe something has changed but I haven't noticed. Retail prices, food prices and restaurant prices in Canada have always been through the roof and with high taxes to boot. Going to McDonalds for example can easily cost 15$ per person for a basic combo. If that's what the lowest quality restaurant food price is like, imagine the rest.
So if I just admit that Im wrong with who I think is responsible for this mess will that somehow fix things ?

No? okay so then my train of logic goes like this ...

I won't be blaming whomever the mainstream media says I should be blaming for this absolute shit show America has become. The people I see on mainstream media are putrid worthless scum and the sooner people start to wake up and think for themselves the sooner we all can unite and cut off the head of the snake causing all this mayhem and chaos
Well, if I plan to exodus Cali my house has tripled in value in the 5yrs of ownership. I plan of taking my equity and buying one for cash. That will sit me nicely w/o a mortgage. And most likely will turn my current 1/2 acre property into a 5-10acre property somewhere else, prob more sq ft on the home too. I plan on winning here.

My motorcycles are all worth new sticker value, even used as moto industry have took a hit also.
Been lucky, we built a house before the inflation hit, and sold our own house after.

Took a big chunk of loot and put it into an Inflation driven fund. It's been bringing in the dough.

Other than that, everything sucks!

Ordered some mid-tier match grade 22 rimfire ammo, 750rnds $190 and $30 for shipping!!!

Gas is way up. Food is expensive.

Hadn't bought any beer lately, so don't know about that.

I can't remember the last time I could even find ammo to buy