It's certainly freer than before with formerly banned accounts like Trump being reinstated. I know it's not perfect but it's an improvement and I think this will be too.
I don't think it is. It's just more friendly to a certain demographic of people.
Colonizer can't be used on Twitter but the n word is totally fine? Miss me with that.
Before Elon bought it there was an objective list of things you couldn't do on Twitter that applied to everyone.
Now Twitter is about bending to the will of Elon. If Elon disagrees with you then it's not cool on Twitter. If Elon agrees with you then no matter how outrageous or horrible it is it's fine.
And people misunderstand "freedom of speech." You have freedom of speech which means the GOVERNMENT can't punish you for something you say. That doesn't mean your family, friend group, job, place of worship, community, etc can't levy backlash and consequences for what you said.
What most people mean when they say "freedom of speech" is they have a right to be heard. (Both sides argument) NO THE FUCK YOU DON'T. You do not have a right to be heard or paid attention too. That's what pisses people off. When they say someone and people don't pay attention. They think it's their right to be platformed and given an audience to listen to them. Once again, NO THE FUCK YOU DON'T.
When Elon went pure dictator in Twitter the left leaning didn't complain about freedom of speech or being suppressed. They either adjusted or just left Twitter.
When right wing people got banned on old Twitter they started complaining about freedom of speech and being suppressed. They got mad they got kicked out of the party.