GOOD NEWS! Millenial interns ALL get fired after "protesting at work" about dress code

More good news:

Under 16 boys soccer team beats Australian female Olympic soccer team 7-0.

Lol, there was actually a Sherdog thread about the under 16's besmirching the Australian woman's soccer team, and the White Knighting reached Ser Jorah Mormont levels. Some guys were claiming the result didn't count because the women let the boys win.:D
I laughed my ass off when I initially heard of this, which is to say my schadenfreude actually made me smile.
at first i was preparing to be slightly annoyed at the 'typical american mentality' remark, then i read the rest of your post. if being annoyed at condescending, self-entitled little shits that have yet to leave the nest but want to prance around pretending they 'run dis shit' is the 'typical american mentality' then uhh...go merica. sign me up.
Non-Americans know fuck-all about anything typically American.
Knew this would start happening soon, good to see corporate life smack these kids back to reality.
It's only the beginning tho, will be interesting to see how this new generation of special snowflakes impacts HR and other corporate policy.
They lost to an under 16 team?
That's humiliating.
In Highschool my hockey team played the women's Olympic team and we tied 2-2. We finished middle of the pack for the season, won first round of playoffs and that was it. They won't even play the state contending HS boys teams like Edina and Roseau because they would just get blown out
Typical American mentality. Whenever there is a dispute between a company and workers, the average person always side with the company. Why would anyone be happy interns got fired> Its like some of you got personally offended the way you respond

Non-Americans don't understand how private property works. Follow the rules or GTFO.
God that's embarrassing. You're a damn intern. Know your place.