good 5x5 routine?


White Belt
Mar 21, 2008
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does this seem like a good 5x5 routine
bent over row
stiff-legged deadlifts
turkish getups(2x5)

weighted dips
weighted chin ups
hanging leg raises

incline press
renegade row
front squat
glute/ham raise
Yes, but order the exercises each day heaviest to lightest.
I don't think I would enjoy deadlifting after weight chinups and dips...
you don't need to do sldl anymore if you do standard deads. You may end up overtraining
Eh... I'm not gonna touch that "overtraining" comment. The routine looks alright, but not optimal in order or selection of exercises.

I would organize it more like this:

RDL (simply because they help to save the back from rounding)
Bench Press

Weighted Dips
Weighted Chins

Front Squat
OH Press
Power Clean

I exempted the TGU and hanging leg raises, as your core will be fairly worked-over by the time you would be doing them in your routine, and you would gain lesser benefits than if you put all of your energy into the main lifts.
Eh... I'm not gonna touch that "overtraining" comment. The routine looks alright, but not optimal in order or selection of exercises.

I would organize it more like this:

RDL (simply because they help to save the back from rounding)
Bench Press

Weighted Dips
Weighted Chins

Front Squat
OH Press
Power Clean

I exempted the TGU and hanging leg raises, as your core will be fairly worked-over by the time you would be doing them in your routine, and you would gain lesser benefits than if you put all of your energy into the main lifts.

by RDL you mean regular deadlift?
Eh... I'm not gonna touch that "overtraining" comment.

Why aren't you touching the "overtraining" comment? Are you one of those guys that doesn't believe one can overtrain?
Why aren't you touching the "overtraining" comment? Are you one of those guys that doesn't believe one can overtrain?

No, I heartily believe that overtraining is possible, both from a standpoint of personal experience and experience from people much, much more educated than myself. However, I do not believe it should be thrown around so lightly; overtraining is a gradual process that will usually occur over a great period of time, not from the inclusion of a deadlift variation with your normal deadlifts.

In short, people use "overtraining" as an excuse to do less work. Let it be clear though, I am not accusing anyone on here of using it as an excuse, but rather using it too lightly.
if you go from not lifting at all and jump right into a full 3-day split, you can overtrain easily.

the number one way to hurt yourself is from "too much, too soon" training.

a human body can handle a lot, but you dont just jump into something.
if you go from not lifting at all and jump right into a full 3-day split, you can overtrain easily.

the number one way to hurt yourself is from "too much, too soon" training.

a human body can handle a lot, but you dont just jump into something.

i already lift and am doing a different 3 day split 5x5 just curious as to how this one is
if you go from not lifting at all and jump right into a full 3-day split, you can overtrain easily.

the number one way to hurt yourself is from "too much, too soon" training.

a human body can handle a lot, but you dont just jump into something.

Yes, that is true. However, respectfully, that was not the point of my comment. Overtraining does not occur from adding one movement to a routine; it occurs over a period of time from too much volume, intensity, frequency, or a combination of those three.