Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread

Is this reasonable? or a slippery slope?

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This is the start, there is a reason why certain behaviours get censored by the media or spun.... Copycat.

"Man tracks down the Dr that gave one of his family members the covid vaccine and they died after taking it. This is going to be happening in a country near you.... Soon"

The up side is there is going to be a massive uptick in doctors that find their spine due to their cowardice of the more immediate and physical threat, lmfao at the irony.

Luckily we don't have guns the Aussie posters will say. If we had guns people might refuse to comply to an unjust government hey, and the right rogering all of Australia's enjoying might stop.
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The man that has pretty much nailed the entire pandemic. Even supplies the studies used to base his life long experienced analysis on (like grifters everywhere), no youtube channel obviously not a professional.....

1. Elevated Risk of Infection with SARS-CoV-2 Beta, Gamma, and Delta Variant Compared to Alpha Variant in Vaccinated Individuals
In contrast to vaccine-induced immunity, there was no increased risk for re-infection with Beta, Gamma or Delta variants relative to Alpha variant in individuals with infection-induced immunity.”

3. Highly-Vaccinated New Zealand COVID Death Rate at Record Levels
“Once regarded as a model for preventing COVID infection, New Zealand's swift response to the pandemic and its geographic isolation kept it largely free from the virus until the end of last year

Someone mentioned sheep. Luckily the government told me that the two trends that directly followed each other are not related.
No one would lie to try and hide a at best catastrophic fuck up and at worse deliberate harm caused to your own country at the behest of a extremely wealthy, powerful foreign benefactor for reasons that have been quite clearly seen in good quality video ....

Not so reassuring as the kiwi debarcle

4. CDC Admits It Never Monitored VAERS for COVID Vaccine Safety Signals
“Since CDC officials stated publicly that “COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring is the most robust in U.S. history,” I had assumed that at the very least, CDC officials were monitoring VAERS using the methods they described in a briefing document posted on the CDC website in January 2021 (and updated in February 2022, with minor changes). I was wrong.”

Never assume, it'll make an arse out of you and me hey.... Don't worry someone on here from Australia reckons that if there were safety signals the roll outs would have been stopped.

5. Deaths by Vaccination Status: England
“To summarise, the official UK Government figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, prove that COVID-vaccinated children and teenagers are more likely to die of both Covid-19 and any other cause than unvaccinated children and teenagers.

Infuckingpossible. We have
1- The drug makers own study proved that the first time ever safe for use drug is like the elixer of life and is SAFER than the placebo.

VS an out there idea, a CT of course so pay no attention...

2- A drug tech that has ALWAYS killed too many animals for the study to continue over its 25 year history is safe as houses in less than 6 months.
-Fauci and his cronies make bank from their cuts.
-The US government is a partner with a company that has never previously successfully brought a drug to market
- Pfizer is a company with a criminal history including illegal experimentation of children.

Obviously number 1, its a all round health tonic that is safer than saline. Cures everything and the massive fertility issues raising its head is not a species level threat....

6. COVID Hospitalization Rate in NYC Soars 70% in Month, ICU Patient Tally Nearly Doubles
New York's COVID hospitalization rate has soared to a five-month high, fueled by a New York City admission rate unseen since mid-February and a Long Island streak that has topped state charts daily for the last month at least, according to Gov. Kathy Hochul's latest virus update. And these aren't all mild cases, either.

If only we had a European expert that had warned us of this potential. Grifter of course.

7. Biden Admin Could Declare Monkeypox a Health Emergency Soon
“President Biden’s administration could declare monkeypox a public health emergency in the coming days, according to a report.”

In fairness we do have a pandemic of the vaccinated and they are a dangerous drain on all of our country's resources, ironic isnt it.

Fyi a great interview with an indian doctor about his country and the poor peoples plight there.

He does speak about ivermectin at the end. Odd how for such an honest bitter interview he is doing his best to avoid this, like there is too much pressure maybe.
Mad props to Matty Wong, killing it in his interviews and used to own a medical centre.
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So he tested negative now and they're keeping him tucked away still? Why?
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Lol and the universe provides a better source of rediculous reasonings. Cant get an rumble link yet but this breaks down some of the headlines of things linked to deaths

I won't lie I've seen a fair few but there is some doozies in here, inability to stand on one leg.... Moving the clock forward this weekend, the average age of death during sex is 38, physical activity and sock lines showing around the ankles.

@deadon just lol, have a fucking watch
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Lol and the universe provides a better source of rediculous reasonings. Cant get an rumble link yet but this breaks down some of the headlines of things linked to deaths

I won't lie I've seen a fair few but there is some doozies in here, inability to stand on one leg.... Moving the clock forward this weekend, the average age of death during sex is 38, physical activity and sock lines showing around the ankles.

@deadon just lol, have a fucking watch
Shoot I don't have Facebook. Can't view it.
An enemy state that engineers a new virus that specifically targets weakened immune systems from covid vaccines is plausible. My question is, haven't most world leaders also taken the mrna covid vaxx, so wouldn't they be susceptible to it too? Are they dumb enough to encourage a vaccine that could do permanent damage to the immune system and then take it themselves?

I'm pretty sure my 5 year old kid is smarter than the PM of my country...
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Pretty funny I was mocked for saying all this shit 2 years ago on this forum and my posts were even deleted.
What do masks do?

They hide, conceal, distort our human faces. They make breathing difficult. They become petri dishes for the bacteria we breathe out only to be breathed in again and again. They interfere with talking and sneezing. They make eating impossible. They disrupt communication. They prevent what is our most quintessentially human feature from showing itself in full, from conveying emotion, nuance, and the infinity of our expressive palette. They are used in acts of stealth, in acts of unlawfulness. They contribute to the objectification of the human being in perverse sexual games.

When worn en masse they create an army of faceless units. When worn in the open air under a State’s covidian mandates they become a badge of soldierly pride.

"Children and teens who’ve had COVID are at greater risk for blood clots, heart problems, kidney failure, and Type 1 diabetes, according to a new report released Thursday by U.S. health officials."

Besides the obvious remember the other day I posted about type one diabetes is an an auto immune disease

Posted the interview with the german pathologist that did the independent autopsies, who found that the vaxxed dead in unusual circumstances all were killed by an auto immune disease.
Ryan cole for the win as well, damn good man.

Repost but watch for the kidney disease explained very very clearly, remdesivir. The hospital gets paid 3 times, the covid diagnosis, for using remdesivir and for the organ trade

Heart problems, remember this beauty from Israel and then there was the other which showed that unvaccinated did not display any elevation from covid infection towards myocarditis.

Fuck we'll even give you a case of the pox I mean shingles

By now its pretty obvious tbh, good to share and let a little black humour out.
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While not a covid vaccine the potential for very very serious negative drug interaction...

"Once again, people will need to be on the lookout for cardiac-related severe side effects, with 1 in 175 recipients experiencing Myocarditis or Pericarditis as a side effect of the vaccine based on clinical studies."

The entire article is worth reading but rest assured I have absolute faith in our governments to investigate the potential for serious effects when interacting with the experimental drugs in circulation that appear to suppress the hosts immune system.

"Serious health problems, including those that are life-threatening, can also occur in unvaccinated people who are accidentally infected by someone who has recently been vaccinated.

This is a dire warning that all Australians need to heed: be very careful around vaccinated individuals, especially if you have any of the following conditions, as warned in the FDA literature."

"People with a weakened immune system should not be vaccinated with ACAM2000, and in Australia, it is not approved for those with HIV and others who are immunocompromised"

Safe as houses, what could possibly go wrong
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Must admit I missed this one and just finished it. Highly recommend, the Netherlands has definite correlation indication in its all cause mortality which desperately needs further investigation

Dr. Theo Schetters obtained a PhD in Medicine from Nijmegen University in the Netherlands, and received a visiting scientist award from the Royal Society (London) to work on malaria immunology at the National Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill, London (UK). From 1988 to 2014 he worked at Intervet International (Boxmeer, The Netherlands) where he developed a vaccine against coccidiosis in chickens (Nobilis® Cox ATM) and a vaccine against Babesia infections in dogs (Nobivac® Piro). He is inventor of an improved vaccine formulation against diseases associated with Rhipicephalus ticks. Presently, he is director of ProtActivity, a company that focuses on vaccine development against ticks and tick-borne protozoal infections. In 2004 he received the Medal of Honour of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montpellier 1 in France and was bestowed Professeur Invité as recognition for his contribution to longstanding collaborative research with the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology of the University (head Prof. Andre Gorenflot). He is an editorial board member of “Veterinary Parasitology, Trials in Vaccinology” (Elseviers Science Publishers) and “Parasitology” (Cambridge University Press).""

Obviously another grifter tonguing to throw his career away for all the money and fame he can give to some young kid freah out of Uni who is 100% NOT a grifter making money from ads and clicks.

Very much worth the time to watch listen.
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Woke this AM with a little bit of flem. Other than that it's a miracle!
Maybe I sweated it out yesterday working on the truck.

"Research papers showing devastating impact of COVID gene injection on innate immune system and neurotoxicity; keep for your libraries; a lead researcher is MIT's Dr. Stephanie Seneff; brilliant!"

Her scientific study 1

"These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell's palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health."

Science- loves being questioned and tested. Each time a hypothesis is and it passes a test it gets closer to being considered a "fact". Even once recognised as such a "fact" only remains so while all such tests are passed. BUT it gets stronger after each question is passed because belief is irrelevant.


THE science's hypothesis. You are not under any circumstances allowed to question it because it becomes weaker after questioning and people might stop believing in it.

Study 2

"their potential relationship to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases. Among these potential induced pathologies, we discuss the relevance of prion-protein-related amino acid sequences within the spike protein. We also present a brief review of studies supporting the potential for spike protein “shedding”, transmission of the protein from a vaccinated to an unvaccinated person, resulting in symptoms induced in the latter. "

"injected mRNA could ultimately be incorporated into germ cell DNA for transgenerational transmission"

I'll leave it there because I'm fucking depressed from the above. Intergenerationally- not just your kids but worst case scenario all kids because you can potentially spread it like a pox.

Better wake the fuck up world because all the doctors in these studies actively encourage being questioned because they love science and learning, literally they love being questioned because they might learn something (the humility is humbing).
Now look at the narrative scientists and ask yourself am I allowed to have an opinion? Is questioning encouraged? Am I censored for speaking against? Are Fauci and co humble? lol their arrogance and ego is rank.

Huge props to Stephanie Seneff, top chick, top human being and an inspiration on positivity. Search her name and listen to her while you drive
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We're just getting towards the 2 year mark which I would consider the very minimum of time needed for massive safety indications to present on another drug debarcle. Personally if I had taken that shit I would be sweating bullets and although I didn't I'm seriously concerned due to the very real possibility of it spreading like a bio weapon

Joel doing good work again.

This is the data that Pfizer has.

If you were responsible for reviewing this, what action would you take?(the fda has already admitted it hasn't been following safety signals so I guess our Tga is the same, has to be true because it would have been stopped)

Through 15th April 2022 (around 16 months):

Total cases reported 1,348,078.

75% of cases reported are under the age of 65. (Maybe the old are co incidences in the ground)

Over 68% of cases are female.

387,675 (29%) of cases are described as “serious”.

17,156 reported cases for pregnant or breastfeeding women. (So if we extrapolated 29% serious advents onto this number, 4975 serious injuries to breatfeeding or pregnant women... Wtaf)

45,523 paediatric cases. (13201 serious paediatric injuries, gallows)

4,563,768 adverse events (average 3.4 per case).

646,837 nervous system disorders.

503,108 musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders.

299,486 gastrointestinal disorders.

209,213 skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders.

176,907 respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders.

162,086 reproductive system and breast disorders.

114,375 cardiac disorders.

93,097 blood and lymphatic system disorders.

Anyway even if some of the worse estimates are not true on adverse reaction reporting our doctors, regulatory bodies and leaders have a lot to answer for. When it may be over ten times higher wtff
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