PlayStation GOD OF WAR [2016, PS4]

Having a blast so far. I like that playing on the give me a challenge setting can make regular enemy encounters difficult instead of boring button mashing. Just waiting to unlock jump. God knows I never had fun playing Zelda games until I could do that.

LOL at waiting to unlock jump.
10/10 scores everywhere> your logic ..

Scores are opinions just like mine. Just because a game has a bunch of 10/10s from big time critics doesn't mean it's above criticism. By that retarded logic, my 66k likes > your 1k like, therefore my opinion on Sherdog > yours.

Wish kratos could rip your head off

Please get madder

Having a blast so far. I like that playing on the give me a challenge setting can make regular enemy encounters difficult instead of boring button mashing. Just waiting to unlock jump. God knows I never had fun playing Zelda games until I could do that.

If you expect Breath of the Wild level freedom you're going to be very disappointed. There's no jump in GOW. It has like 1% of the freedom of BotW. Puzzles and platforming can pretty much be done only one way - the way the developers intended you to. Very disappointing in that respect.
Scores are opinions just like mine. Just because a game has a bunch of 10/10s from big time critics doesn't mean it's above criticism. By that retarded logic, my 66k likes > your 1k like, therefore my opinion on Sherdog > yours.

Please get madder



and lol at bragging about your Likes on the internet. try harder computer geek. Are you really in a GOW thread talking shit trying to argue with people? Reported....
Kratos not being able to jump is retarded. Dude should have a 3000" vertical at a bare minimum given how much power he has. I could've skipped 95% of the bullshit platforming and puzzles if Kratos could use his strength to bust through doors and jump up 10 feet platforms without finding a fucking chain somewhere. Hell he could probably jump up that mountain in 10 seconds with 2 hops. 5/10.

This is literally how Kratos should jump

95% of the platform puzzles in GOW are bullshit. If a door or gate is not imbued with magic there's no reason why Kratos can't just punch through it instead of spending 30 minutes finding a way to unlock, and if it is a magic door, so what? Since when has magic ever stopped Kratos? He's been slaughtering magical beings since the first game.

Krato's strength is so stupidly inconsistent in GOW I had to stop playing the game. One minute he's exerting himself lifting a large rock, the next he's showing a similar level of exertion while flipping a fucking temple. He climbs and jumps like Lara Croft and Nathan Drake, but he's is millions of times stronger than them. It's fucking retarded. I face palm every time I see a 10 feet platform I have to solve a puzzle just to get on.

Of course I'm serious. Tell me why I'm wrong. You're talking about a guy who can squat castles and has enough power in his arms and legs to withstand the crushing forces of a mountain sized Titan. There's no in-game reason why he shouldn't be able to leap for miles in any direction, which makes 95% of the puzzles in GOW utterly unnecessary. It's one thing to have small unrealistic elements for gameplay purposes, and a whole other to base 95% of the puzzles on pure bullshit.

Playing a GOW game where Kratos can't even jump 10 feet is like playing a X-Men game where Magneto can't manipulate metal, and every time he comes across an obstacle made of metal he has to solve a puzzle to bypass it instead of simply moving it out of the way.

Yeah the Hulk movie is crap, really bad CGI, but I'm more focusing on how a jump from someone with that much power would look like. Kratos is every bit as powerful as movie Hulk, and he's much lighter.

If the game designers can't pull it off, that's 100% on them. They decided to make Kratos this strong, so they need to figure it out how the game design should work around his powers, not arbitrarily change his powers with the excuse that "we don't know how to make the game work otherwise", that's bullshit.

I've played all past GOW games, and I've always complained about Kratos not being able to jump high enough, but this reboot is 10x worse than any of them, because for the first time you literally cannot jump up, period. In previous games you can at least double jump and glide. Worse still, this game is very puzzle heavy compared to previous entries, and a ton of the puzzle revolve around "how to get onto that higher platform", which is retarded.

Another thing to consider is, Krato's power in this game is established from the get-go. The first 10 minutes of the game he fights Conor and was doing all kinds of crazy shit like splitting the earth in half, flying around, near instantaneous healing, and he never loses power, whereas in previous entries he often starts off weak or gets nerfed for plot reasons. In this one he starts off as an aging but still all powerful God and never lost his mojo. It makes no fucking sense in-game why he has to deal with all this platforming bullshit just to get on a 13" platform.

You have nothing. Figures.

Anyway I'm selling this at near full price and getting Detroit Become Human as replacement. Game looks great but the core gameplay revolves around something so retarded and illogical in-game it's basically unplayable.

I would say the game is executed well overall, the reviews don't lie, it's a successful reboot and it sets up infinite possibilities regarding gods of other realms in sequels. THAT SAID, for me personally, this one aspect of the game is just too dumb and frustrating to deal with, especially since a big chunk of the journey is spent on solving puzzles and dealing with situations that are the direct result of the fact that you can't jump. It's like watching Ali fight Inoki when Inoki wasn't allowed to grapple at all.

What are you talking about, Kratos tears harpies apart with ease. If you're so bad at the game that you lose to harpies, you the gamer is the problem. There are built in mechanics that allow you to destroy anyone in the game on any difficulty, if you're good enough.

There's literally no built in mechanics that allows you to jump vertically up, and the game forces you to go through so much unnecessary BS by not allowing you to jump.

Your analogy doesn't work at all. A much better analogy would be if the original series forces you to evade harpies and other weak ass enemies that Kratos can easily destroy throughout the entire game by shoving stealth sections, puzzles built around avoiding enemies and instant game overs once you are discovered down your throat. That would be number 1 bullshit like not being able to jump.

In fact, the second Castlevania Lords of Shadow game did just that, even after Belmont recovered all his powers and became a vampire God, he still had to do all the stealth sections and deal with instant game overs just like when he was powerless. It made zero sense and was a major source of complaint for the game, but at least the stealth segments were just set pieces, GOW constantly reminds you how you cannot jump by forcing platforming puzzles upon you, ones you can easily bypass by jumping, throughout the entire game (or at least until the point I gave up).

Alex Mercer in Prototype can jump and glide for miles, didn't for once break the immersion of the game, in fact it made the game that much more awesome. If you're not good enough to design your game to work around the essential powers you choose to give the main character, that's on you. I'm not even nitpicking one or two little things, a significant % of the puzzles would be bypassed easily if Kratos could jump even 20 feet up in the air. If you can't figure out logical ways to design your puzzle around Krato's jumping abilities, if allowing him to jump would destroy your game, then you're simply not very good at making the game in the first place.

No, I'm simply giving you an example of how super jumps can and do work.

If the GOW team made a game that can be almost completely bypassed by Krato's essentially abilities that they chose to give him, then they either designed Kratos the wrong way, or they designed the game the wrong way. Your excuse is textbook plot induced stupidity. If the only answer you have for why a villain would behave stupidly is that "otherwise the hero would lose inside the first minute", then you've simply written a shitty story.

A well designed GOW is a game that would grant Kratos all of his powers and still be very much enjoyable.

Passive aggressive insults and "lol"s seem to be the only responses from people who defend the absurd no jump situation. Literally no real arguments whatsoever.

Except they also chose to establish Krato's insane, godlike physical feats from the get-go, and made him showcase all kinds of crazy shit in his very first fight against Conor. The guy was causing a fucking earthquake 10 minutes into the game, then 5 minutes after that he can't fucking jump?

Throughout the entire game the designers constantly remind you how insanely powerful Kratos still is. He literally flips a temple with his bare hands, A FUCKING TEMPLE, and yet he has to solve a puzzle just to get on a 12" ledge??

I don't ask for super crazy power wank, I'm 100% fine if Kratos has lost his powers due to age and is now like my Dark Souls character, has a stamina bar and can't jump or run very well, I'm okay with that. I ask for basic consistency. The devs clearly chose to power wank Kratos, yet arbitrarily nerf'd his jump ability for no in-game reason whatsoever, because they couldn't figure out the game design otherwise. That's cheap and it's stupid.

Kratos can destroy harpies with ease you moron. The game gives you the abilities to do that. The game literally gives you no way to jump upwards. Would you like to play a GOW game where Kratos has to avoid harpies like in Alien Isolation throughout the game? Because that's an actual analogy to the jumping mechanics - the game gives you no choice, it forces you to do things one way by nerfing one of your essential abilities in a way that makes zero sense.

If you think my posts are not worth addressing then stop shit posting and GTFO.

I've played the original series on PS2 as well as the remasters on PS3. If you're going to respond and argue against my points, at least have the courtesy of reading what I posted like 4 posts ago. I already addressed the difference between the original series and the reboot, and why while jumping was still inconsistent in the original, it is way worse in the reboot.

And like I already said, the reboot establishes Kratos as an all powerful god from the get-go. The dev was clearly keen on showcasing Krato's insane physical feats, which is partly why this jump nerfing makes absolutely no sense.

The same thing applies to superhero stories. If you made Flash faster than light, then deliberately nerf'd him to subsonic just so he can have a back and forth fight with a low level villain, then you have either written a shitty character, or a shitty story, or both. There're plenty of really bad superhero stories with stupid inconsistencies like this. They're not excuses, more like examples of what you should avoid.

Like I already said, the devs chose to establish Krato's crazy physical feats from the get go, in a very dramatic fashion. They clearly had zero intention of hiding a weak, aging Kratos behind the father and son story. If they can't make their gameplay work around the crazy physical powers they've decided to give Kratos, then that says a lot about how shitty their game design is. A good designer can make the gameplay work even with Kratos' crazy powers, just like a good storyteller can make characters with crazy powers work, without arbitrarily nerfing them.

If you listened to Cory Barlog's interviews on the jumping issue, you'd know he literally said they couldn't get the over the shoulder camera to work with jump on a technical level, so they had to scrap it. In other words, they just weren't good enough to figure out how to do it.

For the umpteenth time...Kratos can tear harpie apart in no time and take no damage. The game gives you a way to do that.

GOW reboot gives you no option to jump or scale platforms. It forces you to solve puzzles. That would be like if GOW forces you to avoid harpies with no options to fight them whatsoever. Imagine playing that.

How can terribly inconsistent designs in the original be used as excuse? What kind of argument is that? "Lootboxes are great because there's this other game who also has lootboxes". What?

You're like that nerd who sucks up to a series so much that it can do you no wrong. Cory Barlog already explained why they took out jumping in interviews: they couldn't figure out how to make it work with the over the shoulder camera, i.e., they're too dumb to make it work.

He can carry the child like a backpack everywhere he jumps.

You keep saying stuff like "well if they allowed Kratos to jump he'd be able to complete the game in minutes and ruin the experience". That's missing the point entirely. If the only way to make a game playable is the arbitrarily nerf one of your character's essential powers, then you've simply designed the game or the character badly.

No that's not what I said at all. Here's a quote of what I actually said:

Well said. The devs couldn't figure out how to make jumping work, both from a story POV and a technical POV, so instead of working on these issues they decided to be lazy and just nerf Kratos, secure in their knowledge that fanboys would be blinded by the story (which I admit, is a huge improvement over past games from what I saw), and defend all their choices like blind fanboys do.

If Santa Monica cared about innovation they would have figured out a way for Krato's powers to work within the confines of the game, instead of nerfing him just to make the story and puzzle platforming work.

Do you even read before you respond? I said Santa Monica couldn't figure out how to make the over shoulder camera work with jump, which is literally what Borlag said in multiple interviews. They decided to scrap it altogether because they were too dumb to get it to work with the new camera, and they knew fanboys such as yourself would white knight them regardless of their choices <45>

They didn't tone down anything. They literally made him do some of the most epic shit we've seen in the series within the first ten minutes of gameplay. They made him flip a temple with his barehands. Aside from missing a couple of weapons and getting older Kratos hasn't skipped a beat. They're power wanking Kratos while nerfing him at the same time just so 90% of their puzzles would work, that's stupid and lazy and cheap.

Not at all. His logic makes no sense considering Krato's behavior in-game. It's just another excuse by blind fanboys trying hard to defend an indefensible choice made by Santa Monica due to their lack of technical expertise on combining jump with their choice of camera.

@funcrusher Kratos doesn't want Atreus to know he is a God, but at the same time Kratos has absolute no reservations when it comes to demonstrating his godlike physical prowess in front of Atreus throughout the entire game. He constantly beats down monsters 10x his size, lifts car sized boulders like they weigh next to nothing, and yet somehow he singles out "jumping vertically" as the one physical action to avoid in order not to blow his God cover? Neither your argument, nor Santa Monica's choice on this make any sense in-game.

What about forcing himself to jump on top of a 12' platform in order to progress through the story? He hops on and off 12' moving trolls and ogres on the regular, but when it comes to stationary platforms it's a big no-no?

By your logic, the first part of GOW should have been a survival horror game designed around stealth and avoiding enemies, because if jumping is a big no-no, if jumping up 12' would blow his godly cover, then so would a million other things he does in battle. In terms of feats Kratos demonstrates in front of his kid, a 12' vertical jump would be one of the least impressive.

There are a million examples of Kratos demonstrating far more impressive physical feats in front of Atreus than a 12' vertical jump, pre-God review. It's one thing to justify him not wanting to jump for miles straight on top of the mountain and bypass the game entirely, and a whole other to justify zero vertical jump using "Kratos doesn't want to show his godly powers in front of Atreus", just so the studio can shove generic platform puzzles in your face, when Kratos' behavior throughout the game directly contradicts that. It's lazy and completely inconsistent based on in-game logic.

"lol troll" "ur autist" "ur mom's a whore" How to tell when someone is losing an argument online 101.

You have a less than 2:1 post to like ratio. Mine is more than 6 times yours. If I'm a troll, what does that say about you and your post quality?


Literally text book. Keep going if that makes you feel better about losing:

That's exactly what a troll would say.

But as the bigger man I will allow the troll to have the final word. Troll away:

Again with the garden variety troll insult. Literally text book behavior of someone losing argument online. You're not even trying.

Salty much? Just because I am able to maintain a much higher post quality than you overall with far more posts is no reason to lash out like this.

You cared enough to respond and make an excuse for it, and are still in denial about it.

No you can't. Prove me wrong.

Great summary. About yourself. At least I present my arguments. You already lost the argument, but your pride won't let you surrender, so you keep going with one liner insults, like a broken record :D

He has no idea Kratos can jump vertically up? You mean while he knows his dad has insanely powerful legs, he doesn't have the basic common sense that having powerful legs would allow you to jump high?

And in those tales his mother told him, was jumping up vertically tied specifically to godly powers more than any other physical feats? Is that why Kratos has no reservations with showing all these other sueprhuman feats in front of Atreus....with the sole exception of jumping vertically up 12 feet platforms? So seeing his father jump up make Atreus suddenly realize he is a god, but the dozens of other crazy things Kratos does do not?

Now yo're just making stuff up in order to justify a completely absurd decision.

However much he is holding back, however much he is weakened, he has zero reservation when it comes to lifting car sized rocks in front of Atreus pre-reveal. He doesn't ever try to hide it. His legs do not buckle under the weight of these rocks. There's no reason why he shouldn't be able to jump up all these platforms scattered throughout the game, nor is there any reason why he'd want to hide that particular ability from Atreus.

Also, your argument about Kratos trying to hide himself from Atreus breaks down completely when you consider but one simple fact:

Post reveal Kratos who had nothing to hide STILL COULD NOT JUMP.

There's nothing wrong with him not jumping, btw, I wouldn't mind it one bit if they didn't force all these platform puzzles on the player that could have easily been bypassed with a jump that requires nothing more than a tiny fraction of the power from someone who can flip fucking temples with his bare hands. That's just cheap game design.

Plenty of insults and no arguments.

Seems like you're determined to troll now that you've completely lost the argument, but wouldn't surrender. That is fine. Like I told the other troll, as the bigger, more mature man, I will walk away and continue discussing this only with people who are willing to present actual arguments.

Go on, you can have the final word, troll away:

3rd one in the last hour who got his argument broken down completely and decided to resort to personal insults. Are you guys for real?

Why did you bother posting your long winded argument in the first place if it's "just a game"? Don't get so salty over something that is just a game.

Literally foaming at the mouth. It's just a game, remember? Why are you so salty about people pointing out obvious flaws?

Just act like a man and admit you lost the argument. Just admit your reasoning that Kratos tried to hide it from Atreus makes no sense whatsoever. And you're right, only a 5-year-old would think jumping high is somehow connected to God hood. Only a 5-year old would miss the part where post reveal Kratos still couldn't jump. You're just mad I tore your logic apart, both you and I know this, that's why you're lashing out.

I've never owned a MS console in my life and I don't plan to. You need to learn to handle losing arguments like a grown adult.

Even Aloy can jump, and she's only an athletic human. In fact, one of the cool things about Horizon Zero Dawn is you can bypass a lot of the "designated climbing segments" by simply "billy goating" up cliffs with these small hops, something Kratos can't begin to do. I can't remember how many collectibles I've found using this method without following the standard climbing routes.

In other words Guerilla Games did a better job with platforming in HZD than Santa Monica did with GOW. They give you actual freedom, while GOW shoves puzzles down your throat. This is even worse if you consider going in GG were a FPS dev who had zero experiencing on the topic. Extremely lazy and pathetic on SM's part.

Scores are opinions just like mine. Just because a game has a bunch of 10/10s from big time critics doesn't mean it's above criticism. By that retarded logic, my 66k likes > your 1k like, therefore my opinion on Sherdog > yours.

Please get madder


If you expect Breath of the Wild level freedom you're going to be very disappointed. There's no jump in GOW. It has like 1% of the freedom of BotW. Puzzles and platforming can pretty much be done only one way - the way the developers intended you to. Very disappointing in that respect.

and lol at bragging about your Likes on the internet. try harder computer geek. Are you really in a GOW thread talking shit trying to argue with people? Reported....

I'm using the like argument to show how absurd your argument about the critical scores are, but apparently it went way over your head.

10/10 is a number, it indicates someone really likes GOW, it's no different from forum likes. GOW getting a lot of 10/10s means it's getting a lot of likes, and if more likes means it's better, then as far as Sherdog is concerned, I'm clearly better than you.

See how ridiculous you are?
I'm using the like argument to show how absurd your argument about the critical scores are, but apparently it went way over your head.

10/10 is a number, it indicates someone really likes GOW, it's no different from forum likes. GOW getting a lot of 10/10s means it's getting a lot of likes, and if more likes means it's better, then as far as Sherdog is concerned, I'm clearly better than you.

See how ridiculous you are?

your argument is shit, your 66K likes are from you being a lonely try hard on the world wide web. Tons of goobers like you that think they're the shit behind a keyboard. Has nothing to do with professional game reviewers giving this game 10/10 all across the continents. Always a few chumps like you that like to complain and act like their opinion is superior and the only one that matters.

Like i said mr " I'm not even a console guy" Go back to playing whatever garbage PC game you were playing and stfu already. Leave this thread.
your argument is shit, your 66K likes are from you being a lonely try hard on the world wide web.

Jelly kettle calling the pot black.

Tons of goobers like you that think they're the shit behind a keyboard. Has nothing to do with professional game reviewers giving this game 10/10 all across the continents. Always a few chumps like you that like to complain and act like their opinion is superior and the only one that matters.

Professional game reviewers literally play games for a living. That makes them the biggest goobers behind keyboards and controllers. But there're always legions of sheep who can't think for themselves and would rather suck up to the biggest nerds.

Like i said mr " I'm not even a console guy" Go back to playing whatever garbage PC game you were playing and stfu already. Leave this thread.

Who's this "Mr. I'm not even a console guy" you're speaking of? Someone in your imagination? Because I'm team Playstation and Nintendo through and through. I think you're hallucinating. If you can't deal with criticisms online, take your own advice and leave this thread.
awww boo hooo Kratos can't jump.... Go away
awww boo hooo Kratos can't jump.... Go away

Boo hoo is not an argument. Like I said, if you can't handle criticism then maybe you should take your advice and leave. I'm here to stay.

The game director already admitted on multiple occasions that they took out the ability to jump early on because they couldn't figure out how to make it work with the over the shoulder camera. All these so-called explanations of Kratos hiding it from Atreus are utter bull. They away jump because they were either too dumb or too lazy to make it work with their other design choices, that's a fact. It's plainly obvious this reboot started off really ambitious but had to be scaled back tremendously, that's reflected in many aspects of the game, such as realms either locked off or limited to a tiny arena, and absurd design choices like taking away the ability to jump, while putting all these puzzles in the game that could have easily been bypassed with a jump button.

- Great action.

- Good story.

- Amazing graphics.


- Severe lack of jumping cripples the entire experience

Retarded uneducated response. Plenty of us gamers play multiple platforms and think this game is awesome. PC PS4 and Switch player here...

Lol, the irony is thick here. Never said the gameplay wasn't great but nice defense. The game mechanics are great and reflect AAA exclusive quality. Stop getting so easily offended by any little criticism of a sony console.

As for the controls, I wonder why they didn't default the accessibility controls. Configuring Run to be hold X and the Stun Move to hold O is sooo much better than clicking the joysticks.
I must say, the graphics are rediculously good for the weak ass GPU in the ps4. Sadly, they just might be too good, as the low framerate forces me to take a break every 30min or so. I wonder if the Pro version can play this at 40 or 50 frames.
Louis Balanos 0.
I must say, the graphics are rediculously good for the weak ass GPU in the ps4. Sadly, they just might be too good, as the low framerate forces me to take a break every 30min or so. I wonder if the Pro version can play this at 40 or 50 frames.

Never really noticed it on the pro tbh.
Holy shit this thread is crazy...

I personally am biased cause I’m a gow fan...

Great game so far..great story...good fight are very nice..

The hype is real.

There’s someone in this thread that needs female companionship badly,like ,I wouldn’t trust him with kids under five bad.....

- Great action.

- Good story.

- Amazing graphics.


- Severe lack of jumping cripples the entire experience

I bought it last night and been playing it for about 5 hours, it feels like I'm playing Onimusha again lol no fucking jump button? are we back in the 90s? it's crazy
I bought it last night and been playing it for about 5 hours, it feels like I'm playing Onimusha again lol no fucking jump button? are we back in the 90s? it's crazy

It's very much like Onimusha in that regard. The game tries to disguise itself as a semi open world but it's more or less a linear corridor simulator like Onimusha, although you can (and will have to) backtrack to previous areas and there're a few dozen fast travel portals. Stripping you of the ability to jump is just a cheap way of forcing you to take only routes designated by the designer. Overall the level designs are very restrictive and uninspired. The Souls games and PS4 exclusive Bloodbourne do far better jobs when it comes to level design.

There’s someone in this thread that needs female companionship badly,like ,I wouldn’t trust him with kids under five bad.....

"If you say something bad about my favorite game you're a virgin and a pedo!"

If not having a jump button is wrong I don’t want to be right.
Not noticing a huge jump in difficulty on God of War difficulty. One thing that surprised me was enemies leveling up mid fight lol.

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