Getting too hungry on lifting days

Any day I do any type of strength training I get super hungry. Even if it's just using too much muscle in an excercise I get really bad hunger pangs. I have to eat like every 2 hours and my metabolism is too fast. Any suggestions? I'm used to barely eating all day so it's really annoying and costly. I've been focusing more on cardio and cutting lately because I can't afford to lift every day
This is normal. Use journal where you will record what stuff you consumed and also....mandatory how much water etc. Get ( if already don't have weights and fix weight on daily basis : ag least morning after woke up and evening before this. This might provide a bit form initial info to think about. Ofc there is stuff like nutritionist ( dietician ) and I don't mean here self proclaimed " specialists .". Some from really good sport nutritionists does have M.D level education and specialisation in medicine and certain certs + additional education and other stuff for sport science.

If you are concerned about possible glucose letc levels problem only alone valid test is bloodwork session before, after and a bit longer time after physical workload. It is stuff like doctors are using.
While under heavy physical workload you might feel tired and hungry even if you had consumed 3x more calories etc than some office worker and there maybe is nothing wrong....
Sum of y'all never got jacked using EBT fore n it shows:

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1-week grocery list

-48oz cottage cheese
-2 heads of broccoli
-6lbs mixed veggies
-2lbs wild caught salmon
-5lbs chicken breast
-16oz peanut butter
-1lb navy beans
-1lb black beans
-5lbs rice

Daily Macros:
Protein - 250g ~1000kcals
Fats: 85g ~ 770kcals
Carbs: 315g ~ 1260kcals
Total = 3030kcals / day

Edit: Also, you can buy whey protein in bulk at Winco just write the code for flour on it and find the most beta looking cashier if self checkout isn't available. They'll never question it as long as you stand tall with your chest out.
Average office worker if will consume 3500 ccal per day doesn't gain extra additional weight IMHO if he doesn't have other problems. Not alone if there is physical workload. Jesus.