Getting "back flaps" (wide back?)


Blue Belt
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
ya see fighters with these wide lattisumus dorsi, which are usualyl visible from almost all angles, includng the front, creating a much fuller feel. What would you say is the best exercise to work these, and widen them up.

Yeah I realize this ain't exactly a bodybuilding forums, bit since so many fighters have the "flap" I figure some back exercise they do must really work.

Chins, rack chins, one arm row, bent over row, seated row. I hear that bodybuilders like doing rack chins with a wide, wide grip. Developing big lats takes time, it's not something you do right away.

Are you thinking of Arona btw?
I prefer to work on my back flaps right after I've peaked my biceps and really pumped the tear drop in my quads. Try seated cable rows with a moderate weight done 4x15 at a 4:1:1 tempo. Make sure you wear your gloves. Afterwards go inject yourself with the best juice you can get your hands on (you can ask Fight4Money about that one--he's done his homework).
wide weighted pull. ups

edit- lol hulk <wipes tear away from eye>

that was a joke wasn't it, you can never tell over the net with some people
Ian1983 said:
wide weighted pull. ups

Agreed. Although I guess if you're heavy then you don't need to use weights. Hence wide grip chins in general. Plus bent over rows. They add width and thickness.
be careful, I know people who have torn their flaps from going to heavy. Always be careful when working your flaps. I agree though, a nice set of flaps looks great. I like to pose in the mirror and check out my flaps.

How big our your flaps now. How do you currently train your flaps. Do you diet to get large flaps.
one great exercise for your flaps is to lie down face-down on a bench, grab some light dumbells, and extend & flap your arms like a flying bird. if you think the burn is too much, just let out a mighty "kaww!!!" and feel the power of the raven fill your blood. that should like, keep you going.
I prefer to work on my back flaps right after I've peaked my biceps and really pumped the tear drop in my quads. Try seated cable rows with a moderate weight done 4x15 at a 4:1:1 tempo. Make sure you wear your gloves. Afterwards go inject yourself with the best juice you can get your hands on (you can ask Fight4Money about that one--he's done his homework).
Best post I've read today. lol
Flaps? I thought they where "the-Wings"...
No man they are constantly flexed and pumped full of blood. If you would have asked me about my gluteus maximus on the other hand...
Das Uberdog said:
one great exercise for your flaps is to lie down face-down on a bench, grab some light dumbells, and extend & flap your arms like a flying bird. if you think the burn is too much, just let out a mighty "kaww!!!" and feel the power of the raven fill your blood. that should like, keep you going.

just wait, he who must not be named will go from primates to ravens next
Ian1983 said:
just wait, he who must not be named will go from primates to ravens next

Yeah I can see it before me..:

Can you fly 10000m?? No? Pathetic!! The mighty crow cant only master his bodyweight but he can also make it fly.
Now if you only sign up for my limited offer on the "Raven-power" program you -to- will be able to be strong as a bird!

First I wasnt sure if I was going to releas this new revolutionary program since -obviously- it might be to powerfull for the general public. What if the chinese got a hold of this. Will I then be able to win the next world cup in "love-kungfu-the-orgasmatron"?? Well to be sure my chanses are at the max I will only release 300 examples of this revolutionary program.

---sign up here for 12 year course--- 30$ monthly fee
Come on guys go easy on him, tell him the real secret to huge flaps: light high rep pullovers.
Barbell rows scare the crap out of Chin-ups. Once Barbell rows raped chin-up's girlfriend, stole his stash, then pulled out Chins platinum teeth with his bare hands and hocked them to buy some narcotic pain killers.

Barbell rows are the shit for back growth, mmmkay?
krellik said:
Yeah I can see it before me..:

Can you fly 10000m?? No? Pathetic!! The mighty crow cant only master his bodyweight but he can also make it fly.
Now if you only sign up for my limited offer on the "Raven-power" program you -to- will be able to be strong as a bird!

First I wasnt sure if I was going to releas this new revolutionary program since -obviously- it might be to powerfull for the general public. What if the chinese got a hold of this. Will I then be able to win the next world cup in "love-kungfu-the-orgasmatron"?? Well to be sure my chanses are at the max I will only release 300 examples of this revolutionary program.

---sign up here for 12 year course--- 30$ monthly fee

don't be silly

60-90 dollars

unless you want the 'ultra elite' level

Thats 120 per month.....we want to beat his mail order wifes family don't we.....
Rickdogg dude, I saw some plastic surgery show on tv the other night where this chick had to have her left flap altered. She had too much flap skin, and it got in the way during sex, plus it made her cooter look really weird.

Oreomeister, Just warning you dude, huge beef flaps can be a turn off for some guys.
Baby got backflaps? How do I get bigger mud flaps?