Law Germany considers banning its Second Biggest Political Party.

outside the mainstream the under current of comments looks more like these:
  • "my hand raises to the air every day."
  • "The painter knew."
  • Good soldiers follow orders…"
  • "We are so back, his spirit will rise and they will see."
  • : "we are so back."
  • Have to do the century cleansing, usually do early to mid century
  • "We crave violence it genetic"
  • "finally time for the empire strikes back
This from a Youtube comment section?
Number 2 party? I remember in 2015 they were number 3. I'm guessing the trend continued and thats why the opposition wants to shut it down.
Next thing you are telling me is that some evil antifa teenager put a banana peel in front of your way on the boardwalk and you slipped because you are stupid?!

Yea, let's vote for fucking 4th Reich!

Up until now I found you annoying and misled. But now I see that I wasted my time even trying to have a conversation with you. Thanks for the insults, too.
AFD is a party of nazis. There's no discussion about that. They are looking to make germany a vassal state of great russia again, they are against freedom of expression in any kind, ratcatchers for the stupid and desperate ones with cheap answers to more complicted problems without any real solutions about anything.

Im sorry that you got sprayed with water tho. Be happy it wasnt gasoline, like, you know, east german nazis are doing and then setting those sprayed on people on flames.

Fucking sprayed on with water?! Fucking LOL! You are a ridiculous creature. Seriously.

People get shot here and you are complaining about some water. I really can't. It's better than Beckett.
You are not as witty as you think you are. I was merely telling you that I do know Hamburg first hand. I actually enjoyed being sprayed with water.

You know something else that I know quite well? People from the Middle East and North Africa and they look down on Germans like you. The weak, turbo progressist, open border type of German. They don't respect you because you have no fight in you anymore and let your women get groped by gangs of foreigners.

Lastly, gazoline and people getting shot here? GTFO. You are either a troll or you would believe anything.

Go take care of your women instead of saying shit on the internet.


Germany is wrestling with a potentially explosive debate over whether to ban the far-right party Alternative for Germany, or AfD.

Germans have been shocked by revelations that senior figures attended a meeting where mass deportations were allegedly discussed.

A growing backlash has sparked large protests and public condemnation.

The AfD, which continues to poll second nationally, says it's being scandalously smeared by opponents.


"Panic is spreading. We can smell your fear," AfD MP Bernd Baumann declared this week, addressing politicians from the ruling coalition parties.



It was investigative outlet Correctiv that released a bombshell report about a 'secret' meeting at a hotel near Berlin in November involving around 20 people - including senior AfD figures and neo-Nazi influencers.

At least two members of the centre-right Christian Democrats (CDU), the party of former Chancellor Angela Merkel, were also said to be present - claims being 'examined' by party officials.

Discussion allegedly focused on so-called 'remigration' - the removal of millions of asylum seekers, 'non-assimilated' people and those with 'non-German' backgrounds, even if they hold residency rights and citizenship.

Since its release the report has sparked large anti-AfD rallies, including in Berlin, Cologne and Hamburg, and more are due to take place this weekend.


Friday's anti-AfD protest in Hamburg was the biggest so far but more cities are holding demos this weekend.

"A ban makes no sense" said Dr Horst Meier, a constitutional lawyer who believes it would be legally possible but ill-advised.



"The competition between parties needs to happen on the political stage, not in court," he told the BBC.

The German constitution says that parties that seek to undermine or abolish the 'free democratic basic order' should be deemed unconstitutional.

Alternative für Deutschland has been enjoying record success in the polls in a significant election year, placing second behind the CDU and ahead of all three coalition parties; the Social Democrats, Greens and Free Democrats.


Seems like AFD is 'dangerous to our democracy'.

Edit: The site keeps messing my post up by adding spoilers.

I went to several cities in Germany last year.
I’m not the least bit surprised that the protest in Hamburg was “the biggest so far”.
Lastly, gazoline and people getting shot here? GTFO. You are either a troll or you would believe anything.

Go take care of your women instead of saying shit on the internet.
The women:



Edit: I have replaced the original second picture with a censored version upon advice, even though the original was spoilered. The missing word is of course 'Harris'.
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I went to several cities in Germany last year.
I’m not the least bit surprised that the protest in Hamburg was “the biggest so far”.
Actually Hamburg is quite balanced. It has a very left leaning component with strong far left affinities for sure. But it also has a conservative, old hanseatic money affluent bourgeoisie. That's what I love about HH, it's the balance.

If you want a purely leftist, also with a strong far-left component, woke infected city, then go to Berlin. It's Alphabet People, open borders, nose piercing and blue hair, ultra tolerant, BLM slogans (even if the BLM narrative is completely out of place in Germany), punks smoking in public transportation insulting normal people (who in turn, smile back like idiots because hey, tolerance).

Berlin is great for parties, being edgy and doing drugs in your 20's. But horrific for raising a family in your 30's.
You do understand that's exactly what was done in the 20/30s - right?

The German government jailed Hitler after the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. Didn't really work out that well for them in the long run.

I understand that the prospect of a Nazi-lite political party gaining power in Germany makes a lot of people very nervous. But just banning them outright will not make the underlying problems go away. It's a band-aid on a sucking chest wound.

Indeed, it will make things worse as the supporters of AfD will view themselves as political martyrs, robbed of their democratic rights by a government too cowardly to face them. You mentioned the 20's and 30's: back then, the Nazis and other parties had their own private armies of thugs and street brawls between factions happened on a daily basis. Banning the AfD might very well result in similar violence.
The women:



Edit: I have replaced the original second picture with a censored version upon advice, even though the original was spoilered. The missing word is of course 'Harris'.

Wait she (assumed it's a she, but who knows) actually calling for the British to firebomb Dresden again just so they can kill Pegida members.

Holy shit...and they have the brass balls to claim the moral high ground. Fucking disgusting ghouls.
The German government jailed Hitler after the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. Didn't really work out that well for them in the long run.

I understand that the prospect of a Nazi-lite political party gaining power in Germany makes a lot of people very nervous. But just banning them outright will not make the underlying problems go away. It's a band-aid on a sucking chest wound.

Indeed, it will make things worse as the supporters of AfD will view themselves as political martyrs, robbed of their democratic rights by a government too cowardly to face them. You mentioned the 20's and 30's: back then, the Nazis and other parties had their own private armies of thugs and street brawls between factions happened on a daily basis. Banning the AfD might very well result in similar violence.
I think they know quite well what they are doing. If they ban it and its partisans rightfully turn into militias, they will have all the power to tag them as criminals and terrorists ans round them up.

I think that a good half of the SPD, Greens and Left would prefer violence on the streets than to see the AfD form a government. Just like they prefer criminality and terrorism to sealed borders.
BTW there is a new interesting party in Germany, it's called Bundnis Sarah Wagenknecht. It's a refreshing combination of economic left and social conservatism. Finally someone is realising that the real left, i.e. protecting workers, has little to do with the batshit american woke left, which was pushed and shaped by corporations.
I think they know quite well what they are doing. If they ban it and its partisans rightfully turn into militias, they will have all the power to tag them as criminals and terrorists ans round them up.

I think that a good half of the SPD, Greens and Left would prefer violence on the streets than to see the AfD form a government. Just like they prefer criminality and terrorism to sealed borders.

You make a good point. Leaving AfD members with no legitimate political voice and no legal path to changing the country might goad them into violent action. Which in turn gives the government all the excuse it needs to declare them, "terrorists" and bring down the full weight of the police and intelligence services on them.