I wonder if this jackass even understands what the movie his avatar is about is about.
It's from Lars Von Trier's Antichrist, which depicts the traditional dichotomy between the "rational" male scientific establishment, in its attempt to constrain the feral (pagan) essence of femininity, which escapes all civilization, and blurs the borders between animality and humanity, nature and culture.
A psychoanalyst husband tries cure his wife after their young child fell from a window while they were porking, by essentially raping her, to reenact the act as source of grief as a way to traverse the trauma. The husband fails, as her descent to madness leads her to embrace chaos as the truth of nature, repressed by the masculine ego. The feral woman and nature wins, chaos reigns against the futile attempts by male reason to domesticate it.
It's actively trying to be a feminist movie, retarded as it is. Great director, though, but this dumb Manichean cliché colors most of his work (Dancer in the Dark, Melancholia, Dogville...)