GamerGate News & Discussion v3: Listen and Believe, SOCJUS

^ Can't wait

Anyone know what happened with cops being called to Mike Cernovich's home? It was mentioned on InternetAristocrat's last stream.
Didn't realize that was the same incident. Got it...brutal.

Edit: The link doesn't work

Hm? Ok. Wait for a bit until it got published on his youtube channel then.
From the look of it, it is a series of BTFO lol
So Wu is pretty much caller herself a martyrs lol ok
So Wu is pretty much caller herself a martyrs lol ok

Wu and Anna are enjoying every bit of this. Don't fool yourself.

There's an army of white knights blindly responding to every attack.

Trenches are dug and no one's budging. It's now a war of attrition. It's hard to see anyone changing opinions now.

What is the end game for GG anyway? I'd like to hear opinions. Is there an end game?
Wu and Anna are enjoying every bit of this. Don't fool yourself.

There's an army of white knights blindly responding to every attack.

Trenches are dug and no one's budging. It's now a war of attrition. It's hard to see anyone changing opinions now.

What is the end game for GG anyway? I'd like to hear opinions. Is there an end game?

I'd love for more people to understand how much of the media is engineered to solicit a specific response from the audience and I think the longer this goes the more people realize that nothing is ever presented to them from the mass media without an angle.

I think Gamergate has already won though. Ultimately what can the SJW crowd hope to win at this point? They'll never get their audiences back to the same levels and the gaming market doesn't trust them and doesn't want to play games that they push. Their tactics only work if you can drown out all opposing viewpoints, which is why they had to go to Orwellian lengths to censor criticisms against them and it still didn't work.

Their only hope is to get some kind of regulation passed that puts them in control of rating (censoring) games. That would be hard to get done.
Just browsed through some Pakman videos. He seems extremely leftist and the SJW type. I'm actually shocked that he gave Wu issues since I would have assumed that he'd fall in line with MSNBC. I'm really excited now.
My wife who has zero interest in video games has noticed this and has started to read about GG. Even she noticed how crazy Anita and Wu are and commented on how all the articles seemed one sided.
So Brianna Wu went to the David Pakman show.
And this happened:

Full Wu damage control


Note the the interviewer she mentioned is full blown anti GG since day 1. It should be fun.

And something to look forward:

LOLOL. Wu is really going for gold in the Oppression Olympics. I knew it was a matter of time before her right to be nothing but a victim would surpass a friendly, anti-GG journalistic integrity check.

I actually enjoyed Pakman's show back when I watched it (around 2011). I really, really hope the interview is nothing but softballs. As a whole, the left-leaning media has let everyone down with GG. Goes to show how almost ALL news outlets will accept a one-sided narrative, provided it congels with their pre-existing biases.

^Well, scroll up. He's pursuing to sue her ass off.
Well, to be fair, he gave her opportunity after opportunity to simply say "I'm sorry," but she refused. I still don't think he'll bring it to trial, but we'll see. This moron who doxxed him and tried to get him raided/SWATTED is the same one who said Cernovich was harassing ZQ. :rolleyes:

Wu and Anna are enjoying every bit of this. Don't fool yourself.

There's an army of white knights blindly responding to every attack.

Trenches are dug and no one's budging. It's now a war of attrition. It's hard to see anyone changing opinions now.

What is the end game for GG anyway? I'd like to hear opinions. Is there an end game?

I sound like a broken record, but if people had simply ignored Anita, she would have faded away already. Now we have to talk about her, and I hate it. Her attackers legitimized a charlatan. It's up to us to LISTEN AND BELIEVE.

GamerGate is winning the long term battle right now. In the short term, these corrupt media outlets are painting us as a hate group, but that's not a winning strategy. It's a short term game for them - turn to the media, put us on full blast and use the faces of "our" suppression (though none of these threats have come from GG), and hopefully GG will give up. But GGers haven't. We're playing a long term game of emailing sponsors.

That's a winning strategy. I hope I'm not the only one reading this thread emailing Gawker's sponsors. Right now, Gawker's sponsors cannot pull their ads until their contracts are done. And you know what? A LOT of them won't be sponsoring Gawker when that time comes. They've seen how Gawker has acted, especially going after Intel for being misogynistic. That shit won't fly with sponsors. So just wait, and keep emailing Gawker's sponsors. They didn't expect this, and they are shitting their beds. This is basically the only thing they know to do to cull the fire they started. That, and possibly paying people to troll both sides.

I posted this before, but listen to Oliver Campbell's take. Start at 1:15:30 and keep listening. He talks about it for awhile. It's worth hearing.
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Right, so Boogie was supposed to go to MSNBC for an interview about GamerGate. But he backed out and suggest other people instead. Good on him. He's too nice for that.


Meanwhile, someone left a rather interesting reflection on why #gamergate had outmaneuvered everyone, with mention to /pol/, chan culture and gamer culture

David Pakman is gonna try to make an interview with Jennie Bharaj (one of the 3 Valkyries from HuffPost stream)


And Brianna Wu accused Nero of cancelling her interview. NOW HE IS PISSED.

Ah dammit, I can't watch it till tomorrow at least.

Recap, anyone?

Just Wu getting rekt all over the place.
Funny how the one that put her to David said that it was his faults for not supplying David with necessary reading materials, and he was like "Well, i did my own research".
The only gaming magazine I ever subscribed to is GameInformer. Are they corrupt too?
Since I'm blowing my afternoon at work today, I've been watching David Pakman's twitter page explode.

It's crazy and hilarious at the same time. Even Adam Baldwin chimed in.

I've never heard of him, but he has a wide assortment of guests on his show, from both ends of the political spectrum.