Gaining 15 lbs. of muscle in 3/4 months


Jan 23, 2006
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How difficult is it to gain 15 lbs. of muscle in 3 to 4 months the right way (meaning no steroids). Do any of you have any suggestions for me. Currently I'm 5'11, 175 lbs. and pretty lean. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.
Eat as much as you can, and then have a protein shake.

Do this at least 6 times a day.
I do currently eat about 5 to 6 meals a day, but I also run 5 miles a day so my metabolism is crazy. Anyone have a weight lifting program they can recommend.
WaterBedKev said:
I do currently eat about 5 to 6 meals a day, but I also run 5 miles a day so my metabolism is crazy. Anyone have a weight lifting program they can recommend.

Stop running. It's the "incredible shrinking man" exercise. Read stickies, build a routine, eat like Rosanne Barr.
How possible is it to put on 15 pounds of muscle in 3 to 4 months WHILE running 5 miles a day? Without vitamin S?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it can't be done.
If he eats enough, why would there be a problem in gaining muscles?
Eat like Rosanne Barr and Sally Struthers combined and you might be able to gain that much weight while running 5 miles a day.
He's also seriously taxing his ability to recover with all that running.
So I should deffinitely cut down on the running to like 4 days a weeks instead of 7. I don't want to give it up completely.
Its ok to take supplements, your trying to gain weight right, hastons of ways to do it with only some supplments, or you could stop jogging completly, cause i dont see how you can gain the weight and still run.
No you should cut it down to like 2 days a week max man. You'll never put on weight if you run like that, even if you have a diet consisting of microwave burritos 8 times a day.
thecreator said:
Eat as much as you can, and then have a protein shake.

Do this at least 6 times a day.

yeah thats pretty much it. and good fuckin luck gaining 15 pounds even doing that if you are active at all.
I run just to keep my cardio up. I'm going to start training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in about a month so I'll really have to cut down on the running when I start.
General rule of thumb for one trying to gain mass is...

you need those extra calories to put on mass/fat/muscle...try doing other exercises to maintain cardio...bag work, burpees, jump rope...but regardless, doing cardio will make it very hard for you to gain that till your cutting phase

Oh yeah, eat a pint of cottage cheese or have a protein shake before your 8hrs of sleep...Urban's tip, not mine
I would also say to cut back on the running. 7 days a week is crazy. Maybe one day of distance running (5 miles) and 2 days of sprints, they will be more effective for your BJJ training anyway.
Even if you weren't trying to bulk up, running 7 days a week is too much.
Thanks for all the tips. So heavy protein and very little cardio it is. Now as far as wieght training. Should I go heavy weights/less reps or lighter weights/more reps.
you can put 15 lbs of muscle on, along with 15 lbs of fat...
Dude you can still run just run sprints, it should burn up that many calories if you dont over due it. Run sprint 3x per week youll still have some cardio and youll be more explosive.