Frequently Injured, anybody else?

Sword Project

Yellow Belt
Oct 12, 2007
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So I'm a reasonably healthy person, and I come from a good martial arts and sports foundation. I've switched to BJJ since Sept and I took a real like to it. But one problem plagues me.

Do you guys get frequent injuries/infections that prevent you from training about every 3 to 4 months? I'm on my third doctor approved, x-ray certified injury since I started. And moreso does this happen to you when training BJJ than any other martial art you train in?
No, that is not usual. I'm pretty accident-prone, but even I don't get injuries like that. Kicked in the balls, smacked in the face. It happens. I'm nursing a knee right now that will be seen by a doctor on Thursday, but I didn't do it grappling.

I've broken fingers, gotten my face opened up by a know, little stuff.

But nothing like you're referring to.

Go get yourself a lucky rabbit's foot or something!
it gets better with time, and supplements definitely help, but once in a while you need to take some tiome off and recover. injuries only make you stronger.

i'm out myself with a broken arm right now, but i'm not letting it get to me
So I'm a reasonably healthy person, and I come from a good martial arts and sports foundation. I've switched to BJJ since Sept and I took a real like to it. But one problem plagues me.

Do you guys get frequent injuries/infections that prevent you from training about every 3 to 4 months? I'm on my third doctor approved, x-ray certified injury since I started. And moreso does this happen to you when training BJJ than any other martial art you train in?

Normal during your first year or so. No matter what sport(s) you come from, grappling puts your body through a rough conditioning process. My first year I was plagued with little nagging injuries. Had a couple rib injuries that needed looking at.

Now, I don't seem to get injured at all, ever (knock on wood). As your body gets better conditioned to the physical rigors, your technique improves which allows you to protect yourself better regarding the little things that can turn into injuries.

I think if you stick with it, things will smooth out for you.
I was heel hooked awhile back and my ankle now has this really loud snapping noise everytime i walk. Doesn't hurt though, anyone have ideas why this is?
thats very unusual. is this somehow a genetically-related condition? if not check what could be the reason behind your injuryproneness. i.e. are you rolling 100% all the time? traingin partners going too hard at it? etc.
Hapkido for me

Well I have had broken a toe, foot and tweaked the hell out of my knee and ribs in the last 7 months. All seperate issues in seperate months and at least 3 of them were my fault.

Toe = kicking wrong
foot = sparring drills and partner blocked kick with an elbow
Knee = partner's throw kinda whipped me around instead of lifting so all my weight was on it, ouch
ribs = landing incorrectly when thrown
sprained ankle. soreness. sore neck etc.

thats about it. i think ive had something broken once and pop back in while grappling.
yea i get hurt and everytime i got hurt was because of a big crazy spazzy white belt.
My first month of BJJ lead to a broken rib. After healing I broke another.
After that I strained my knee. That was my first three months of bjj.
Now I'm at my 6. month and have no injuries, but I'm not sure if that will last for too long..
As everyone knows and few do is that proper warm up and stretching helps..
I always warm up and stretch prior to training. The first 1/2 hour of class is for that. Even on open mats, I do the same routine. Thus far it has allowed me to stay relatively injury free (been grappling for almost 5 years).

However, I am right now dealing with a groin pull (at least I think that's what's wrong) and I can't play closed guard, finish triangles or maintain a mount without being in extreme pain. It's making Jiu-jitsu pretty miserable right now. Ugh. My question is, should I train through it or take off some time and rest up. F'n frustrating to say the least.
It's constant for me. I just started training in October and it's been one thing after another.

In January, I was sitting up leaning back on one arm and this idiot from my class decided to flatten me, for some unknown reason, and almost ripped my arm off. I had to see an orthopedic surgeon. Three days before Easter, I got hit in the mouth and my lip was split open pretty bad. Last week, I got popped in the eye and had a black eye. And my lip hadn't completely healed yet, so I was looking fabulous.

I took my puppy out one morning right after the eye thing and my neighbor was outside. When he saw me he said, "Damn. I've been tempted to ask you what's been going on with you lately, but I'm guessing the first two rules won't let you talk about it".
I took my puppy out one morning right after the eye thing and my neighbor was outside. When he saw me he said, "Damn. I've been tempted to ask you what's been going on with you lately, but I'm guessing the first two rules won't let you talk about it".

Hahaha. Sweet.
Hahaha. Sweet.

He's this really nerdy CPA with glasses and always has a tie on. Every time I see him... no matter where he's going.

I had to give him extra credit for even knowing enough to make a joke about it. ;-}
I was heel hooked awhile back and my ankle now has this really loud snapping noise everytime i walk. Doesn't hurt though, anyone have ideas why this is?

I have an ankle that snaps all the time also. I broke it and sprained too many times when I was younger. Went to a doc about once and he told me basically that the ligaments and tendons in my ankle are just more brittle and loose because of the injuries and thats where the snap comes from. That was about 15 years ago. Not much you can do about it. But my ankle is really prone to injuries now so I have to really protect it. .
Is it possible(and realistic to assume?)that if i'm very cautious my first year(tapping early, doing proper warmups and stretching)that my body will adjust to the roughness of grappling without having to endure an injury?[<<--holy run-on sentence batman!]
Depends on what you call and injury. Your gonna get something. Hopefully it will just be something small like jammed fingers or something like that.

Its a contact sport and things happen. Accidental knees and elbows. Mistakes in escapes like posturing up instead of rolling with a sweep. Things happpen.

You have the right idea with the tapping early and warmups. But its kinda the luck of the draw. I've known guys that train like absolute mainacs and never get soo much as a hang nail. Other guys are real safe and methodical with training and still are constantaly getting hurt.

The one thing I will say I see alot is peopel coming back after and injury too soon and making things worse for themselves.
I do Muay Thai, Chinese Boxing and spar A LOT. and rarely ever get injured. But BJJ...that's another story. All my injuries have come from grappling. Staph infection on forearm, 2 weeks out; torn ligament in knee from Noob heel hook, 3 weeks out; torn cartilage rib cage, 3 months out; black eye, Headbutt from white belt (he's gotten 3 people so far..jeesh). I take Animal Flex supplements every day which helps joint and tendon repairs which seems to help.
So I'm a reasonably healthy person, and I come from a good martial arts and sports foundation. I've switched to BJJ since Sept and I took a real like to it. But one problem plagues me.

Do you guys get frequent injuries/infections that prevent you from training about every 3 to 4 months? I'm on my third doctor approved, x-ray certified injury since I started. And moreso does this happen to you when training BJJ than any other martial art you train in?

Yeah, I got more longer injuries from BJJ than other sports. Getting hit in the face, bruised shins, etc, lasts at worst two weeks in muay thai (never had a broken bone). As a young guy I recover from those quickly. But an elbow problem in BJJ early on had me out of it for four months with rehab. Also, waiting for turf toe to go away took forever.
i have a herniated disc and it ALWAYS bothers me. right now its shooting pain down my right arm.

so yeah i guess you could say some of us with degenerative conditions are always injured 24/7

even hurts to sleep