Free Tech!! Single leg


Green Belt
Jun 14, 2004
Reaction score
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Good video! We were going over running the pipe this week at our practice, but I like that ankle block too. I will try it out at the next chance I get. Ken is a good teacher on his videos. I like this one too:

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I thought TS's seminar was canceled, but it is good that he was able to get it in eventually.
it'll work but if the guy gets a nice wizzer in idk how your gonna get around with the other arm i have to try it myself and see
From a wrestlers standpoint he has a lot of problems in the technique. Lead hand (right in this case) should snake around the ankle and use the left to push up (for the finish he is trying to show).
Both guys in the Vid were d1 college wrestlers.......
From a wrestlers standpoint he has a lot of problems in the technique. Lead hand (right in this case) should snake around the ankle and use the left to push up (for the finish he is trying to show).

Ken Primola was a good D1 wrestler. I've learned techniques from many different coaches doing it a lot of different ways and emphasizing things differently. One guy likes to do singles with the thumbless grip, another likes knee-and-ankle. It depends on the person even more than in jiu-jitsu, in my experience.
Yeah, I've been watching Ken's videos for a little while now and I definitely enjoy them. Keep 'em coming!
I dont question their credentials, simply speaking from my own personal experiences (having been coached by D1 coaches). I just think the single is a lot more effective (in this instance) if your lead hand (right hand in this case) snakes low around the achilles as your drop to the knee, then as you come up switch your grip.
I honestly have no idea whats what at that level of wrestling. Thanks for the input, love to see what your talking about if you have a camera.

Other guy in the Video is a BEAST too, Timmy Deangelo, won the mundials at blue belt after only training for about a year, now a purple belt. He was also a standout wrestler at Upenn, and a hell of a nice guy!