Fox News reaches new low: mocking John McCain for being tortured in captivity.


Steel Belt
Oct 29, 2006
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Not a McCain fan, but this is reprehensible. His father was a four star flag officer at the time that he was captured. The NVA knew who he was. He could have cut a propaganda video for them and been released years earlier if he were actually as weak as this clown is claiming.
Does anybody actually call John McCain "songbird John" or is that something the pencil neck sadist in a red tie invented on the spot?
Does anybody actually call John McCain "songbird John" or is that something the pencil neck sadist in a red tie invented on the spot?
It goes back to the 2008 campaign apparently.

A flyer was distributed that called McCain a Hanoi songbird. McCain was so upset that he addressed it publicly and in the media, thus drawing lots of attention to it.

"The man behind the flyer is Gerard "Jerry" W. Kiley, 61, of Garnerville, N.Y., who says he served in Vietnam for about a year. He describes his group as a one-man operation unaffiliated with any political party or campaign. He says he opposes McCain because of the senator's efforts to normalize relations with the Vietnamese communist government and because, in his view, McCain has helped the U.S. government keep information about POWs classified."
the guy is literally lying on his deathbed and they keep dogging him for what? not going along with the president? talk about taking partisanship to the next level
wot a couple of cunts, everyone breaks under torture...............everyone
stay classy fox..
Fox News is about as bogus as it gets.

It's hilarious/pathetic how people will rip on CNN and then watch Fox.
the guy is literally lying on his deathbed and they keep dogging him for what? not going along with the president? talk about taking partisanship to the next level

"Don't let the coffin lid hit you on the way out, John."

That's basically the attitude of every Trumpublican.
Poor taste aside, the bigger issue here is that it's incredibly scary that the head of the CIA is a torture supporter. Torture doesn't get results, it gets false confessions and a terrorized population.
The guy supporting torture and mocking McCain in that video looks like the kind of guy to beg for his life when you walk up to him with your hand raised.

I would be willing to bet money that wankers like this guy and John Bolton were bullied fairly hard as kids.
I would be willing to bet money that wankers like this guy and John Bolton were bullied fairly hard as kids.
The host is supposedly going to address the interview later but make no mistake about it, there was zero pushback when it was said.
I frequent a couple gun boards where the posters are almost all over 50 and I've never heard the songbird term in fact they usually call him worse. I think I've seen at least 3 guys say they hope he rots in hell today alone.