Law Founding fathers rolling over in their graves

The 10 commandments don't "bring Jesus up" because they're older than Jesus and already are part of "Jewish scripture". Yes, if someone lived in a state or country that was 90% Muslim, it would be pretty ridiculous for them to complain about having to see Muslims pray or something from the quran on the wall, and even more ridiculous to complain about it in a place you don't even live.

Really don't know where you pulled "white" from other than some attempt to virtue signal to your cult, as black people are Christian at much higher rates than whites, and Lousiana has one of the highest black populations in the country, and also one of the highest rates of Christianity in the country.

Lol at "you can be Christian as long as you do it at home and don't tell anybody in public". Meanwhile, who you want to fuck is everybody's business and everybody needs to come together in public displays to celebrate your sexual urges.
You can be a Christian without pushing it on everyone else's kids. If it's that important to you then send them to parochial school. And if you're really making a point about blacks then were they the majority in making this decision? Homosexuality is a natural occurrence and should be taught just like anything else in Sex Ed. Acknowledging that it exists and teaching tolerance isn't promoting it and won't turn people gay. People have urges and ideas and they are free to practice them as long as they aren't pushing it on anyone else or discriminating against them.
Thank God, praise be to Jesus.

Stupid Yanks will dislike and turn around watch man in skirts preach in elementary schools.
If the state funds Islamic schools, Jewish school and other types of religious schools also, I'd be fine with it. If they fund only Christian schools or show obvious preference it definitely goes against the separation of church and state, I'd be against that.
The State should fund Public schools. If people want their kids to have religious beliefs they can teach them at home or put them in a Parochial school.

You seem to be confused about what is being displayed.

I think he's talking about the Holy Trinity and the parts of Judaism they usurped. They're Abrahamic religion but each is distinct.
Freedom of religion doesn't mean you should force in all beliefs. It means people should be free to practice whatever religion they want to.
It means the State doesn't favor any religion so no law should be passed mandating Christian beliefs be presented in schools funded by tax dollars.
Thank God, praise be to Jesus.

Stupid Yanks will dislike and turn around watch man in skirts preach in elementary schools.

Yeah, much better to have men in dresses tell our children that God watches when they touch themselves and it makes him...her...uh, them, yeah it makes them upset.
You have a soft spot for Thomas???

Talk about a guy that any psychologist would love to try their hand at cracking.

This is a dude who openly admits he probably would never have been a SCOTUS justice without affirmative action, yet he killed it. Rather than understanding that he always had the aptitude, intelligence, and talent (as much as I disagree with him) to make it but racism stood in the way, needing affirmative action filled him with self doubt.
And so he killed it, lest anyone else benefit.

He also enjoys his marriage due to the Equal Protection Clause, but refuses to apply it to everyone equally. Sorry @Deorum , only Thomas can benefit. Fuck everyone else, right?

Another weird thing is, he rarely rarely asks questions during arguments. Do you know why? It’s because he grew up dirt ass poor in GA, and his first language was Gullah Geechee. That used to be called “pigeon english,” by racist whites, but today we know it has an amazing culture and heritage. His accent is long gone, but the self doubt remains.
Interestingly, Obama’s 2nd inaugural parade had a float dedicated to Gullah heritage and culture, because Michelle Obama grew up just like Thomas. But unlike him, she’s not full of self-hatred and self-doubt.

Sorry for the ramble, pretty sure there’s a hailstorm and possible tornado outside so I’m having a whiskey :)

Yes. 😅

His laugh always puts a smile on my face.

And written opinions like this certainly don't hurt.


Yes. 😅

His laugh always puts a smile on my face.

And written opinions like this certainly don't hurt.



Uh oh, this is going to make a lot of SovCits mad who insist that driving cars without licenses is just them exercising their Constitutonal right to of free travel. According to Thomas, they're correct.
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You can be a Christian without pushing it on everyone else's kids. If it's that important to you then send them to parochial school. And if you're really making a point about blacks then were they the majority in making this decision? Homosexuality is a natural occurrence and should be taught just like anything else in Sex Ed. Acknowledging that it exists and teaching tolerance isn't promoting it and won't turn people gay. People have urges and ideas and they are free to practice them as long as they aren't pushing it on anyone else or discriminating against them.
But the 10 commandments on the wall will turn non Christians into Christians? The state of Louisiana already have a higher percentage of Christians than Catholic schools have Catholics. Not everybody can afford to send their kids to private schools, which do have far more than the 10 commandments on the wall and we all acknowledge they are better schools.

Really not sure why a bunch of posters ITT have tried to jump all the way to the Taliban, as if the biggest problem with the Taliban is that they might put religious scripture on the wall of a school. You could just compare it to parochial schools in this country that already do have it on the wall, and are so much better than public schools that people who could send their kids to public school with the taxes they already pay, instead pay an additional tens of thousands per year to send their kids to parochial school.

Does this look like sex ed to you, or even something you would find appropriate for an actual woman teacher to wear to school?


Yeah I wasn't referring to that though. I was referring directly to the hijab statement. The Bible and the Quran both have a lot of questionable ethics in terms of today's standard of morality. I have no idea what your viewpoints are in general regarding religion, but do you condone slavery, killing of groups of people, and the superiority of men over women? In the Bible one of the prophets Elisha had two children killed who made fun of him for being bald. Is that not excessive?
A whole group of kids. And they were mauled to death by bears.
It was 42 boys, killed by two she bears.


The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves that slavery was banned and women got the vote.


Benjamin Franklin said:
Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Compexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.
Yes. 😅

His laugh always puts a smile on my face.

And written opinions like this certainly don't hurt.



I'm all for the 2nd Amendment but that doesn't mean I'm going to overlook a Justice in the SCOTUS having a "sugar daddy" that he hasn't been disclosing. It's pretty sad to see Alito was hanging an upside down flag after 1/6 too and it's much worse having this guy's wife lobbying State Legislatures to send in fake Electors.

What happens if Biden wasn't certified on time or if the fake Electors were accepted, and this goes before the SCOTUS, with these two guys and three others that TR7MP nominated making the decision? I wouldn't trade off the 2nd but I won't give a guy a pass because he supports it either.
I'm all for the 2nd Amendment

Don't you live in NY? It's one of the most egregious 2A molester states, and I was glad to see New Yorkers have their Constitutional Rights at least temporarily restored. Also, as Justice Thomas pointed out in the majority opinion of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen case, it's really quite fabulous that gay men can avoid getting beaten to death by groups of goons wielding baseball bats and tire irons simply by brandishing a firearm and having the full legal backing to do so.

but that doesn't mean I'm going to overlook a Justice in the SCOTUS having a "sugar daddy" that he hasn't been disclosing. It's pretty sad to see Alito was hanging an upside down flag after 1/6 too and it's much worse having this guy's wife lobbying State Legislatures to send in fake Electors.

What happens if Biden wasn't certified on time or if the fake Electors were accepted, and this goes before the SCOTUS, with these two guys and three others that TR7MP nominated making the decision? I wouldn't trade off the 2nd but I won't give a guy a pass because he supports it either.

Fair Enough.
Kids getting killed by bears while listening to cross dressers read books?
What societal morass have I wandered into?
It was 42 boys, killed by two she bears.


The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves that slavery was banned and women got the vote.


No no no, my scholastic History books as well as in-person American exceptionalists have assured me that the Founding Fathers were fully "woke" and "progressive" in their days. They were shining examples of forward-thinking men who truly believed ALL men were equal under God, and that women are ok, too.

America IS NOT and WAS NEVER, a haven for institutionalized racism and sexism, and if you dare say otherwise I will toss my Official Tennessee State Bible at you in protest!
Don't you live in NY? It's one of the most egregious 2A molester states, and I was glad to see New Yorkers have their Constitutional Rights at least temporarily restored. Also, as Justice Thomas pointed out in the majority opinion of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen case, it's really quite fabulous that gay men can avoid getting beaten to death by groups of goons wielding baseball bats and tire irons simply by brandishing a firearm and having the full legal backing to do so.

Fair Enough.
I do live in NYC but I have always been a full supporter of the 2nd. I'm also for gay rights but it's fabulous that anyone can dissuade or protect themselves from an attack using a firearm.


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