For the guys: is your receding hairline worry you ?

I thought I was for a while cuz my retarded friend kept telling me I was.

It wasn't a bother at all though. Figured I'd shave it and no-one gives a fuck.
I have treated my body like trash but I'm good at this point.
Damn. Some of you guys are pathetic. Short, going bald, have hemorrhoids, etc.
I have accepted my hair loss, runs in the family, my dad had very aggressive hair loss and was rocking the halo before his mid 30's, I got the shit end of the stick compared to my older brother who's 4-5" taller than me and has a full set of hair .

My hairline doesn't look too bad but my crown has been thinning for probably 10 years now, it's very noticeable now within 5 years will probably connect to the front, I gave my hair a test run as I couldn't be bothered going to the barbers so shaved off what I had left a few weeks ago, fortunately I can grow a decent beard and have a okay looking head so I'm just going to go with it instead of the constant battle of taking propecia, minoxidil etc, I'm definitely not thrilled about it but it's not that much of a big deal, especially that I'm already mid 30's.
I started losing my hair up top at 18, it has never bugged me, but I'm not much to look at to begin with.
Full head of hair checking in! I’ve grown it out middle length. Kinda like a young Maldini.

It was a bit longer at one point but when I sit back and it tugs when I get up, that’s when I know I need a trim. My barber will trim a couple inches.

I would never accept baldness, never. I’m too vain.
Native on both sides of my family and all of my older cousins still have their full head of hair.

Not worried about mine.
I am not losing my hair.
I think if anything im gaining hair.
Especially during the full moon.
I dont have one. I have long hair but once i start losing it,ill just shave it.
these guys who get hair transplants make me laugh. Just shave it off!
My grandathers on both sides still had full head of hair when they died. One of em was 90 somethin and just had receding.
Lately it started to make me anxious , at the point that I’m starting to buy a full line of men hair care from the French brand ‘kerastase’ at what age did you start to see some serious hair loss ? For me it started at about 27-28 and now I’m managing at 33 to keep them. No easy task , you have to ask your barber do to some special haircuts so it won’t appear too much flagrant.

My hairline isn't receding but my hair is thinning up top. I blame my kids. I'm not worried about it but I don't really have the head shape to go bald so hopefully it's a slow process as I'm only 32.
side effects?

Ball pain first couple of weeks on fin. Just go 1/4 pill or less and increase. Libido as good as ever.

Wash hands after min so your blood pressure dont drop. Should be avoided with low blood pressure in general.

Dermarolling done correctly has many benefits and virtually no drawbacks.
Definitely starting to get an inkling of that vegeta hairline at 34, but my hairstyle covers it pretty well. If it keeps getting worse I might shave it. Last time I was bald as a teenager it looked horrendous so I'm not too excited about that prospect, but my beard now might save it. Also you look ten years older without hair.
Native on both sides of my family and all of my older cousins still have their full head of hair.

Not worried about mine.

Yeah, you guys don't go bald for some reason...
Definitely starting to get an inkling of that vegeta hairline at 34, but my hairstyle covers it pretty well. If it keeps getting worse I might shave it. Last time I was bald as a teenager it looked horrendous so I'm not too excited about that prospect, but my beard now might save it. Also you look ten years older without hair.
It depends. Some ppl hang on to it and just look haggard

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