For everyone saying Jared Gordon got robbed, was the third round not an incredibly close round?


Purple Belt
Dec 2, 2020
Reaction score
This wasn't like the Paddy fight where Paddy obviously lost the 3rd round and still got the W.

It was 1-1 going into the 3rd. And in the 3rd, Gordon and Nasrat were just trading punches with no fighter having the obvious advantage.

How was it a robbery?
It wasn't I thought haqparast CLEARLY won round 3, the second half was all him lighting gordon up. Hitting him with harder shots. Guys, Turn the damn commentary off. Seriously. they are infecting the outlook of the viewer.
Is Felder on commentary by any chance? He's one of Jared's best friends.
I thought haqparast landed the more impactful strikes, although I wanted gordon to win
The round-by-round significant strike count was posted at the end of the match, and according to that anyway, Gordon clearly won two rounds.
Without looking at stats, it felt like in the 3rd Gordon walked him down and outworked him, always had Hap retreating and occasionally landing a good counter.

Hap’s body language sucked and he took way more visible damage, seemed like a pretty clear Gordon W.
I didn't see this one but the Pbp sounded like Gordon edged a close fight. But Gordon always has these fights, can never remember him comfortably beating someone.
I thought it was close but Gordon edged it. Definitely not by enough to claim a robbery though.
Clearly all strikes are completely equal
Not sure how that works. There are significant strikes and then there are knock-downs, but is there another category in between? Maybe a significant strike that does damage....maybe that's what you're getting at, that Jared lost in the damaging strike battle? I thought he did just as well.
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Gordon won but it was a close fight.
When you look at the way Gordon was pressing him and jabbing him up, plus countering...he won the third.
Everyone knows I beat the guy easy.

Even your mom knows you lost that fight son.
She's just too nice to tell you to your face.

Also, you don't fight enough to talk as much as you do, literally nobody cares.

Had you fought Tony in 2019 he would've hurt you so bad that you would've rethought your entire existence.