Food prices getting to outrageous levels

Where else is he gonna get more money
For the Lazy unemployed fucks
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good. the world is filled with fat fucks
Its "weird" seeing all the people who spent 4 years of deflecting blame from Trump or defending him with he "doesn't control X" (sometimes rightfully so) completely 180 on their stance on what the president is responsible for as soon as its a new president they didn't want. :rolleyes:
The skirt steak I was buying went from $11.99lb to $17.99lb.

Gas prices and labor shortages (higher wages and less production) I believe are to blame for this stuff. I am sure the farmers prices to raise the cattle have also increased
Holyshi this is all reall?? I thought it was just Tim Pool doom and gloom fear mongering propaganda?

I'm in a suburb part of Dallas I thought maybe it''s because I'm in an expensive upper middle class suburban area - but everything is so fkn expensive compared to even just 6 months ago when I was in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Is this efffecting other countries too? I was just in Mexico until last week and while the cost of airbnb and hotels kept gooiing up up and up.....the price of food was still relatively reasonable? Though it seems something is going on with meat - especially beef. Those "beef" burgers I had recently tasted and felt more like soy/veggie burgers.

In otherr news I had In-n-Out here in Northern Dallas. Tasted just fine like I remember. Double double is $4.50 right now. I don't rermember how much it was last time I had iit four years ago.
Feels nice to read that food prices rise everywhere and we're not the only ones suffering, as some sheeple here say.
...Is this efffecting other countries too?

Nah, we don't have a president ass fucking the economy with inflation by printing and pushing trillions more dollars, even after massive covid stimulus into the economy.

You guys voted for this. Enjoy.
Nah, we don't have a president ass fucking the economy with inflation by printing and pushing trillions more dollars, even after massive covid stimulus into the economy.

You guys voted for this. Enjoy.
But I thought trump won?
I keep forgetting that all the world's problems are Biden's fault
Yeah. It isn’t as if we had a pandemic that fucked up all of our completely inflexible supply lines, and that maybe that’s why prices in certain goods are increasing. Not to mention that prices were more stagnant last year, during lockdown, and didn’t inflate as would be expected.

These are the two key factors, not according to me but to any credible economist, that have caused rising prices. But what do economists know, right? It has to be Biden’s fault. He’s been in office 9 months already.
The short and simple explanation is that costs have gone up for everything due to the demand and availability for labor (many companies are literally throwing money at people to stay at their job) and transportation costs are insane- independent drivers are essentially controlling the market right now because they are in such short supply. l\Lots of drivers were taken out of the national network some time ago.

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