Floyd Mayweather: McGregor and Rousey are proof racism still exists in combat sports.

What do you think about Mayweather's assessment of McGregor and Rousey's mainstream popularity?

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Floyd can not read
Floyd can write

So this poll is racist against literacy.
No, letters are racist against Floyd. That's the real issue, someone needs to put the Alphabet in check.
And trump is getting 10x the backlash Obama ever got so that must prove that racism now exists against non colored people
Please Obama was hated with a passion for years just look at social media.
Floyd's finishing rate 53%, Ronda's finishing rate, 100%, Conor's finishing rate 95%. Maybe he would be more popular than he is if he could finish more.
THIS. Tyson was wildly popular in spite of some pretty spectacular personal flaws. Jordan was wildly popular, because he came through big and was spectacular at the most clutch times. These guys would BRING EXCITEMENT.

No one is excited to see Mayweather fight. He's boring to 80% of people who watch because most sports fans don't understand the technical intracacies of boxing. They are only gonna really notice if you put the other guy's lights out.
Mayweather is a 100% right.

Cocky Fighters who are black, are hated....Cocky Fighters who are white, are loved.

Em I saying people who hate cocky black fighters, hate black people?No, but they just can't stand cocky black fighters, maybe they seen too much tv or have bad experiences with cocky black people, perhaps is jealousy of the white culture in America who doesn't like seeing a black person succeed then brag about it?

All I know is that there is a bias against cocky black fighters....So you can hate the mayweathers and jon jones of the world but you will love Cormier.

When White Fighters are cocky, people find them hilarious and excuse it as trolling. When a black person does it, you people get super trolled but can't admit it's trolling.

One of the benefits of White Privilege in America.

BTW For all the people saying Mayweather is hated because of domestic abuse....Just STFU, mayweather trolled and flashed his hard earned money way before that, he was trolling hard...and thats why people hated him, hell after his domestic abuse, he tune down on the trolling and people seemed to like em more.

Conor taking photos with his cars is text book floyd...Conor is copying floyd.

No, he's blind and you're blind. Look at Mike Tyson. He was insanely popular, truly a household name in the late 80's/early 90's. He said all sorts of off color shit to the press. Ronda talks shit. Conor talks shit. Floyd talks shit. Mike talked a lot of shit.

Now, 4 people, 2 races, all of them "cocky". Only 1 of them is hated. Why is he different than the others? BECAUSE HE IS NOT EXCITING. He never finishes anyone. No one wants to pass around GIFs of Floyd hugging other men for 12 rounds.

Mike KO's people stiff. Conor KO's people stiff. Ronda takes arms home with her. Floyd does the cha cha for 12 rounds then claims to be the greatest. THAT is why no one likes Floyd.

Not saying racism isn't real, because it is in a lot of ways. But Floyd's lack of popularity has more to do with who he is and what type of fighter he is. It has very little to do with racism.
Make no mistake, Rousey and Mayweather are equally awful pieces of trash.
its not our fault white pride is associated with kkk and white supremacists and aryan brotherhood garbage.
Fuck white pride and every other color pride... How sad is it to be proud of something you've had absolutely nothing to do with....
And trump is getting 10x the backlash Obama ever got so that must prove that racism now exists against non colored people

That's because a lot of people recognize that Trump is crazy. Obama had a high approval rating when he was elected because many people liked his policies and saw that he was trying to bring the country together. But he experienced a lot of racism from the far-right. No other President in American history has experienced the kind of racist attacks Obama has because they are all White. Trump is White. He will be criticized but most of the attacks on him will not be racist.

the problem is that this term white is used in many racist way like slavery and national socialism. thats the reason why u see it in a racist context when ppl wear tattoos with that, because this "white nation, white pride" always used in this way.

while bown, yellow or black these terms never used in that context like the third reich or slavery, so u cant compare it 1 to 1 like u wanna do with that picture.

and most people that has a white pride tattoo like that like stuff like third reich and these stuff while brown pride is more just a gang tattoo.
i think floyd mayweather is a racist to because hes very narcissistic about money and his status over another people.

they just want to marginalize toward other people what is a principle of racism. racism is not only about skin colour.

he never fought for people that are in bad situation, so hes a racist, he just sees himself. so he has not the right to complain about racisms. hes not like ali who fought for people that are in a bad situation, floyd just wanna see and show himself.

so he should be the last person who should complain about racism, same on guys like kanye west. the money and fame fucks up the mind and they just wanna see and show up himself.
Mayweather is a 100% right.

Cocky Fighters who are black, are hated....Cocky Fighters who are white, are loved.

Em I saying people who hate cocky black fighters, hate black people?No, but they just can't stand cocky black fighters, maybe they seen too much tv or have bad experiences with cocky black people, perhaps is jealousy of the white culture in America who doesn't like seeing a black person succeed then brag about it?

All I know is that there is a bias against cocky black fighters....So you can hate the mayweathers and jon jones of the world but you will love Cormier.

When White Fighters are cocky, people find them hilarious and excuse it as trolling. When a black person does it, you people get super trolled but can't admit it's trolling.

One of the benefits of White Privilege in America.

BTW For all the people saying Mayweather is hated because of domestic abuse....Just STFU, mayweather trolled and flashed his hard earned money way before that, he was trolling hard...and thats why people hated him, hell after his domestic abuse, he tune down on the trolling and people seemed to like em more.

Conor taking photos with his cars is text book floyd...Conor is copying floyd.

What does light pink name color mean? Sherdog demigod or recently unbanned?
There is racism in this world for sure. But in combat sports, I just don't see it.

Please Obama was hated with a passion for years just look at social media.

It is safe to say that Trump has received more hate before even becoming president than Obama received in 8 years. CNN is dedicated to slandering Trump for at least a few hours a day.
Racism = the most misused word in the english language.
...by americans, other dont overuse it that much... that probably depends on political correctnes of nation/ society...
Floyd Mayweather says unlikeable things because he wants people to dislike him. It's how he sells PPVs.

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