Floyd Mayweather: McGregor and Rousey are proof racism still exists in combat sports.

What do you think about Mayweather's assessment of McGregor and Rousey's mainstream popularity?

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Rampage was arrogant & cocky & beat UFC's most popular "white' fighter & MMA fans still loved him.


If he would have beat Forrest, he would have been the top star in the sport, but he crashed (pun not intended).

Also for those that brought up Rashad not being liked.
Rampage, who was 'blacker' (for those that go there) was the babyface in that feud!

But .... lets just cry racism & incite instead

Ready for this.... im gonna say something that some people might not get or admit. Rampage was liked becuase he was a clown. Big fan of bith rashad and rampage but of the two rashad is more articulate and intelligent.
Blame it on Mayweather.

How many white athletes have their signature shoes? How many of them have commercials? How many white athletes got a lead role in a movie? Check the top paid athletes of today.

Being cocky is one thing. Being Cocky + being marketable is another. Fact is Mayweather can not sell him self as a good guy or a good villain enough to be liked outside boxing. Jordan & Ali will always be the best example of athlete marketability.

One white guy appeared to take a little spotlight everyone loses their minds.
Jordan is somebody who hid from anything identifying him as black for 30 yrs. This was a big part in him being the billion dollar man he is today.... he did the cam newton dance befote cam did.
Rampage was cocky and people loved him. Ali was cocky and people loved him. Same with Conor. They were pretty good-hearted and funny. That's why people loved them. Floyd is neither.
Again someone who doesnt know their history on race in america! Ali was hated by white america until he developed parkinsons!



EDIT : THE CORRECT ANSWER IS C. Floyd continues to Troll all the way to the bank.

Cool gifs. There really aren't enough videos of black men throwing money in the air and rubbing big asses. Thanks.
I have to disagree with this, because I honestly believe Jon Jones could and would have been this big in time, if he had just not been such an utter train-wreck of a human being. He had it all, and he blew it on account of his own actions.

Totally disagree. Jones had more gate towards him when he was trying to act squeeky clean, and play by the rules.

He got cheered like crazy when he waa about to fight DC in the rematch, and that was well after all his legal problems.

People hate him for ruining events, and when he was trying to play a saint.

And of course shogun and machida fans hate him, and also traditional martial arts purists that can't stand that a guy that's big and athletic can toy with guys that have been practicing martial arts all their lives.
Your point doesn't stand. Worse, you don't seem to understand how American society is constructed, or the history of that society, or the history or role of its legal and political systems re: discrimination. Or even the difference between state actors and private actors. Or get simple issues re: pay such as the expectation gap. Which, since you mention it, doesn't account for the offer gap, or dismal managerial representation, or...yadda yadda yadda. That's a problem, given the extreme nature of your stance.

I pointed out a few very narrow examples of where the law favors women, but where it's doing less and less of that. And we'll pretend those few areas didn't come about in response to women bearing specific risks/harms post-divorce and whatnot. Of course, women are less violent than men (generally; it's changing a bit; too lazy to source stats here) so less jail time follows from the nature of their offenses.

The fact is this: that women (and blacks, and black women) are still so discriminated against so many years after the Reconstruction amendments is precisely because the legal system does not favor them. It was not designed to favor them. It will never favor them. Not fundamentally, not aggressively. Affirmative action is a shitty stopgap measure that survives judicial review by a hair, and a shitton of states don't participate at all. It amounts to a token of a token of a token of reparations for centuries of misconduct. Misconduct which is still ongoing. Narrow example: it's no freak coincidence that between 2010 and 2015 the top ten police departments paid OVER A BILLION DOLLARS to settle misconduct claims--black people are learning to challenge police in court, and are winning huge civil settlements for blatant police misconduct. You'd think that would piss off white people enough to demand police reform, lol.

Areas in which our legal system has been amended (contorted, really) to accommodate an anti-caste view of race and gender-base subjugation feel shaky for precisely that reason. It's like trying to build a tepee on top of a skyscraper. It wasn't designed for that sort of thing. And as you'd expect, this runs contrary to what's more or less been the prevailing philosophy on the Supreme Court for decades. TL;DR: you got it backwards.

For the record, the statement that affirmative action is the only remaining form of "institutionalized racism"--while every other form of that racism are "isolated incidents"--is fucking hilarious. You need to jump out of that news feed and spend some time in the real world with your eyes open. Like, actually open. Not just open to search for confirmation bias.

The funniest thing, actually, is that you white dudes still don't get it. Poor black people and women getting more of the pie isn't enough to trigger the zero-sum game that you feverishly imagine.

Your ACTUAL zero-sum contest is with white elites who enact (grudgingly) and then point out token programs like affirmative action to infuriate you. Meanwhile, they withholding resources and investment and gut our manufacturing industry for decade after decade in order to turn a quick buck. All while calling you cracker and doing you dirty. And you turn up pissed at white elites, right? Nope! You get played and turnt up against black people and women. LOL.

It's been like 150 years since they they started doing this shit (more really), and you fuckers still haven't wised up. It's getting ridiculous. The Romneys and Trumps of the world are your enemy. Not poor-assed black dudes and women who are out there living hand to mouth.

That's a lot of fucking words for Sherdog. My bad.
My point does stand, and I do understand the history of America and why these laws were constructed the way they were.

Women being more protected than men under the law is a remnant from a time where women had no rights, which left them no means to support or protect themselves. These gender specific legal biases made sense back then, but now they're archaic and result in both state and federally mandated preferential treatment under the law. Sexism from individuals is unfortunate, but sexism from our government on any level is completely unacceptable, if the goal is equality. I'm a realist, though, the goal was never equality; it's just about taking as much as you can and conceding as little as you can. I can't say I'd be on the streets marching if the law intrinsically favored me because I'm a man.

Also, you don't seem to understand the difference between institutionalized racism and isolated individual racism. It's alright, most people in your camp don't know this. Institutionalized racism is prejudice that's facilitated and/or enforced on a State or Federal level. That includes special treatment under the law, programs like affirmative action and any gender/race specific grants or scholarships offered by any level of government. When you keep talking about women being sexually harassed at work, women being paid less or minorities being unlawfully assaulted by racists, those are isolated incidents. It's important to understand the difference if you want to participate in a discussion like this. Racism and sexism have far worse implications when our governing bodies are facilitating them directly.

Finally, I don't consider the Romneys and Trumps to be my personal salvation. There is no side of this discussion that's looking out for me specifically, and I know the problems I'm citing aren't actually caused by women or minorities. It's rich white people that want to enslave the whole country, and it's guilty white people who want to give all of my money to you and place you on a pedestal far above me.

When it comes to politics the average citizen has no friends or allies. You have to fit into a specific category for people to care about you. I'm personally doing alright, but there are plenty of poverty stricken white people who don't have armies of special interest groups fighting for them. Publicly funded charity is often segregated in this country, and that's disgusting.
Cool gifs. There really aren't enough videos of black men throwing money in the air and rubbing big asses. Thanks.

AGREED. <mma4>

It's a shame really..

But you will continue to be triggered by what little coverage there is.
So, if white people are popular, that's racist. Sounds about right for this decade.
Ironic that he is the most popular and succesful Combat Sports athlete, using two much less popular athletes than himself as examples of racism
Jordan is somebody who hid from anything identifying him as black for 30 yrs. This was a big part in him being the billion dollar man he is today.... he did the cam newton dance befote cam did.

Oprah too!
Totally disagree. Jones had more gate towards him when he was trying to act squeeky clean, and play by the rules.

He got cheered like crazy when he waa about to fight DC in the rematch, and that was well after all his legal problems.

People hate him for ruining events, and when he was trying to play a saint.

And of course shogun and machida fans hate him, and also traditional martial arts purists that can't stand that a guy that's big and athletic can toy with guys that have been practicing martial arts all their lives.


"People hate him for ruining events, and when he was trying to play a saint."

...you 'totally disagree' with me... by reiterating the exact same point I made in different words? He ruined events by his own actions, yes? He wasnt abducted, was he? Him playing the saint was his own actions, yes? He wasnt hypnotized, was he?

Good job.
If you fail to see the double standard that Floyd (with his grade school education and all) refers to, you might be a dumbfuckneck. For the rednecks out there, that means dumber than you.
Racism or variants like what Tyron Woodley has expressed still exist; it's just that I have a tough time believing it's a bigger factor than the fact that Mayweather is a tentative, defensive fighter in a sport known for its Mike Tysons and Julian Jacksons.

Casuals who show up to the arena barely know anything about the sport other than bloody hooks to the head.

It's hard to know what Mayweather actually meant. He could have meant that there are a lot more consumers for the sport that will gladly buy the fights of fighters they identify with, and this identity occurs via race. It's a bit of an obvious observation, given the white audience is more numerous and wealthier. On the other hand, one cannot ignore that many successful white fighters don't get the same attention that the ones who carry symbols of identity exaggeration. I don't see how this would apply to Ronda, in which case, I believe he meant she is nowhere as successful as someone like him, or even other athletes, yet has massive attention to her. But it would apply to a Lesnar and Conor type.

Who knows? He would need to clarify what he meant. Since the Lesnar frenzy, I've noticed this sinister sub-group of MMA fans that do get riled up for the imagery surrounding the character.

On the other hand, the core of the consumers do not seem to be "race-sensitive", as you pointed out, Mike Tyson was immensely popular. Ali was a national hero and he was a declared anti-white racist (granted at a different time, and contextualisation is needed) and so on.

I think Floyd is right about minorities of "fans" who are not at all interested or involved in combat sports. It's a subgroup of "haters" who seek in a sport like MMA some form of racial catharsis: they should be simply ignored. If you practice this recreationally, you quickly abandon your problems with race.
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Floyd can barely read, despite millions of dollars and access to a wealth of educational resources he can still barely read. I wouldn't take anything the dummy says too seriously.
That is definitely not racism. Was this sarcasm?

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
do you get all your wisdom from online dictionaries though?
It doesn't matter how you do that, you discuss racism with americans, they distort everything and barely engage in fair discussion. Just attack whoever came up with the racism talk.

I don't understand that, you're not racist, why get mad at anybody bringing it up and having an argument behind it ? you just got to beat the argument to prove there isn't racism in the discussion. Getting mad and attacking Floyd isn't doing that. He has the right to speak what he wants, you don't have to agree, but why would you let such things make you mad if you're not racist ?
AGREED. <mma4>

It's a shame really..

But you will continue to be triggered by what little coverage there is.

Lol alright little orange belt, I can appreciate you trying to bait one of the big boys with a necro from however many months ago. Good on you.
It's sad to see such a successful man debase himself and resort to low-grade racial grievance-mongering.